Worksheet 6.1 african empires map and questions

  • School Coral Reef Senior High School
  • Course Title ENGLISH Pre-AP Eng
  • Pages 7

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Name_____________________________________Period____________Date______________Worksheet African Empires Map andQuestionsPart 1: Empires MapDirections: The following empires represent only a partial listing.Read the following information about each empire, then summarize the excerpt in theprovided box on the map.300 CE - Rise of Axum (Ethiopia) In modern day Ethiopia, the empire of Axum flourishedfrom about 500 BCE until 700 CE. In 300 CE, the kingdom converted to Christianity,becoming the first Christian empire in Africa. It was influenced by the Christians from theRoman Empire in Egypt. It served as a trading hub until the rise of Islam.740 CE - Invasion of Spain by the Moors An Islamic empire had spread across Northand East Africa during the 7th and 8th centuries. In 740 CE, Muslim Moors invadedSpain. Their rule would last until 1492. Despite being an occupying force for 700 years,the Moor brought many new ideas to Medieval Europe, including mining, agriculture,engineering, architecture, and education. During this time, Spain became the center forculture and learning in Europe.1000 CE - Ghana Empire The empire of Ghana controlled the trade routes across the

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