Why is there no voice on my google maps

Hi all today in this article we will show you Fix Google Maps Voice Navigation Not Working Problem. Google Maps makes navigation easier thanks to the voice instructions. When you drive, you don’t even have to look at the screen just listen to the voice instructions and follow them. But what if the voice instructions don’t work? How can you fix the problem? So, without further delay, let’s start with how you can fix the problem with Google Maps voice navigation not working.

You are in a foreign city or on vacation, or maybe in your city on an unfamiliar highway. Finding the right path or navigating them is not an easy task. This is where Google Maps comes to your rescue. With its new voice navigation system, you can manly find trails in an unfamiliar area. Many drivers, Hollywood movies, packagers and the real public use this feature present in Google Maps.

However, what happens if this service stops working? How can you fix it if Google Maps voice navigation is not working on your Android and iPhone? Well, there are quick fixes that you can do to fix this problem easily. Google Maps is a great tool for any general traveler. It helps you find the right way to your destination. And with its voice navigation function, you can find your way even when driving or listening to music. You can use use Google Maps like pro with this feature.

Table of Contents

  • How to Fix Google Maps Voice Navigation Not Working Issue on Android/iPhone
    • Check the volume of your device
    • Make sure voice is enabled in the Maps app
    • Clear the application cache
    • Check your Bluetooth headphones
    • Turn off Bluetooth browsing
    • Update Google Maps
    • Reinstall Google Maps

How to Fix Google Maps Voice Navigation Not Working Issue on Android/iPhone

Check the volume of your device

We know this sounds obvious, but we can’t tell you how many times we’ve muted the sound without realizing it. So tap the volume button or go to settings and make sure the ringtone is on.

Make sure voice is enabled in the Maps app

Another obvious one, but let’s take advantage of all our options. Here’s how to check if the sound is on within the Maps app:

  • Enter your destination and tap Start.
  • Tap the sound button in the upper right corner and make sure it’s enabled.

Clear the application cache

We go from the obvious solutions to the cliches now. If you still can’t hear any voice from Google Maps, clearing the app cache might be a solution. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to settings.
  • Head to Applications or Application Manager (depending on your phone and ROM).
  • Locate Google Maps in Application Manager (if you can’t find it, choose Show all apps or Show system services from additional settings).
  • Touch Google Maps and choose Storage.
  • Tap Clear cache.

Check your Bluetooth headphones

If you are using your Bluetooth headphones or earphones to listen to Google Maps, make sure they are connected properly. I already showed you earlier how to enable Google Maps voice over Bluetooth, so if you’re in control, try reconnecting your wireless headphones one more time.

If everything is in place, proceed to the next solution.

Turn off Bluetooth browsing

If you are not using a Bluetooth headset and you have Google Maps “talking” through your phone’s speaker or wired headset, you may want to disable the Play voice over Bluetooth option. In fact, some users reported that disabling this feature actually solved the problem.

So, go back to Settings> Navigation settings> Voice level and turn off Play voice via Bluetooth.

Update Google Maps

Although it is a full service, you still use Google Maps as an application on your phone. And the apps tend to get a little crazy sometimes. If something within the application code is preventing Google Maps from sending voice directions, Google will probably notice.

And when it does, you can expect the patch update to arrive soon. So in addition to trying all these solutions, make sure Google Maps is up to date as well.

Reinstall Google Maps

If you still can’t get Google Maps to ‘talk’ to you, maybe it’s time to ‘break the wheel’. Go ahead and delete the app, and then install it from the Play Store one more time. Yes, you will lose all your settings and downloads, but some users reported that reinstalling the app actually solved the problem, so it might be worth it.

Final Words

That’s it. We hope that at least one of these solutions has helped you to solve the problem with Google Maps voice navigation. Fix the problem that Google Maps voice navigation is not working. That’s it. We hope that at least one of these solutions helped you to solve Google Maps voice navigation problem. If you like our article, please share it with others.

Why does my Google Maps have no sound?

For Android Tap the volume up button at the side of your device to increase the volume (preferably to the highest level) and check if the Google Maps voice navigation now works. Alternatively, you can navigate to Settings > Sound. Then check that Media volume isn't on the lowest level (or zero).

What happened to the voice on my Google Maps?

Check the volume settings Press the volume up button located on the side of your phone. Swipe down from the top corner of your phone screen and check if your device is on Silent mode. Alternatively, you can also press the volume up button after you launch Google Maps.

Why is there no voice on my Iphone Google Maps?

Step 2: Make sure voice is turned on in the Maps app. In the top right, you'll see the volume setting. It'll be either: Sound. Mute.


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