What fruits should be avoided during pregnancy

One of the most annoying side-effects of pregnancy, especially once you start showing, is how it turns everyone around you into a health and baby expert. Are you eating for two? Are you taking ghee thrice a day? Why are you exercising? Don't drink coffee, don't eat spicy food! To top it all, you are constantly showered with questions like, are you aware of the nutrients required for you and your baby? Do you know which fruits should be avoided during pregnancy? While everyone giving you advice probably just has your best interest at heart, it does get overwhelming. So, let us help you separate the myths from reality.

What is a healthy diet during pregnancy?

Your body needs an average of 300 extra calories per day during pregnancy. In the second trimester and third trimester you must also increase your protein intake to support your growing baby. Similarly, your calcium intake must be at a higher level to encourage the development of strong bones in your baby.

Ensure that you are enjoying a healthy and nutritious diet that adds on the nutrients mentioned above as you go further in your pregnancy and you are on your way to delivering a healthy baby! Your doctor will ably support your diet with multivitamins, folic acid and iron supplements as and when required. Know more about foods to eat during pregnancy for healthy baby. If you’re in your early stage in your pregnancy, a simple pregnancy diet chart will guide you towards healthy pregnancy. Fruits and vegetables are obviously a crucial part of any diet. So, let us start by listing, with reasons, fruits to avoid during pregnancy.

Which fruits should be avoided during pregnancy?

Your doctor is the best person to guide you with the fruits to avoid when pregnant. Here are the usual recommendations:

1. Pineapple During Pregnancy:

One of the fruits not to eat during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Pineapple contains a chemical called bromelain which supposedly causes the cervix to soften. This may have the unintentional result of early labor or miscarriage. While every doctor does not agree with this finding, it is also said to cause the body to heat up, thus increasing the risk of premature birth.

2. Papaya During Pregnancy:

Every Indian woman knows that the papaya is one of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy! It is very rich in latex, which can cause uterine contractions that can lead to bleeding and even miscarriage. This is especially true of raw and unripe papayas which are an absolute NO-NO.

3. Grapes During Pregnancy:

While never clearly proven, grapes are one of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy. It is suspected that grapes contain an unacceptably large amount of pesticides that are sprayed on them during cultivation to avoid them being eaten by insects. These pesticides can cause harm to the developing fetus with its completely immature immune system.

4. Dates During Pregnancy:

Remember, dates are beneficial to both mother and baby, providing instant energy without increasing sugar levels in the blood. However, intake of large number of dates during summer is not suggested because they produce high levels of heat in the mother's body. This can cause unnecessary complications, especially during the later stages of pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes - Fruits to avoid when pregnant

For a mom who develops gestational diabetes in the third trimester, there is a constant struggle with what can be eaten and what should be avoided. Remember this simple thumb rule - Anything that can be digested too quickly can cause a sudden increase in sugar levels and hence is to be avoided. So, continue taking fresh fruits in moderation, with special emphasis on low glycemic fruits like apples, pears, oranges, peaches, etc. Fruits to avoid during pregnancy with gestational diabetes include high-sugar content fruits or dried fruits like raisins, mangoes and cherries. Fruit juices are to be completely avoided.

Before you move on...

Pregnancy is the time that you must enjoy a healthy, tasty and nutritious diet that keeps you happy and also nurtures your baby's health. So, make sure you have a generous portion of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Our list of fruits not to eat during pregnancy should provide you an indication of what is safe and what is not. Click here to know everything about pregnancy cravings. From week by week expert tips on pregnancy calendar to new born baby care tips, Pampers India is here to guide you through the amazing journey of early parenthood. Learn more about us, our baby diaper products & commitment to you.


01/9Fruits during pregnancy: What to eat and what to avoid

When it comes to your pregnancy diet, every expecting mother tries her level best to only include the healthiest food items in her diet. Fruits occupy the top tier when it comes to pregnancy-friendly food items, as they are natural and super healthy for the body. But can to-be mothers consume all types of fruits during pregnancy? Well, there are certain fruits you need to avoid to prevent any complications and there are some fruits which are a must in your diet during the pregnancy period.


02/9​Fruits to eat during pregnancy- Bananas

Bananas should be on the top of your list and can be eaten throughout the pregnancy. They are rich in carbohydrates and will give you the much-needed energy during this time. Bananas are super healthy for those ladies who suffer from anemia, as it gives a good boost to the haemoglobin levels. This fruit can also be made into a smoothie and savoured in many other different ways. Make sure you consult a dietician before eating bananas during pregnancy if you have allergies or diabetes.



Another fruit which is available round the year and must be included in your diet is apple. It is a good source of fibre, potassium and iron, which fills up for the nutrient needs of the body. You can mix chopped apples and bananas together to make a tasty fruit salad for yourself.



Vitamin C filled oranges are another great option to satiate food cravings in pregnant women. Oranges are rich in healthy fats and contain folate which promotes healthy growth of the brain in the foetus.



Watermelon is a super healthy fruit which is full of water content. It helps in flushing the toxins out of the body and also keeps your body hydrated. The fruit also helps in maintaining the electrolyte balance but make sure you consume it in moderation, as excess of it might cause bloating.


06/9​Fruits to avoid during pregnancy-Papaya

Semi ripe papaya contains latex which can induce premature contractions. This can not only cause stomach ache but can also be dangerous for the baby. Papaya must be avoided at any cost as it can cause premature labor and in the worst case scenario, even miscarriages.



Pineapple is a sweet and sour fruit which women might crave for during pregnancy but this fruit must be kept away from them. The fruit is loaded with bromelain which can cause softening of the cervix that may induce early labour. On the other hand, eating pineapple might even cause diarrhoea during pregnancy.



Grapes are usually forbidden for pregnant women, especially during the final trimester. They contain a compound called resveratrol which can mess up with the hormones and can cause an imbalance. Grapes also have heat producing properties, which can affect both the mother and the baby.


09/9​Frozen Fruits

Frozen Fruits are usually preserved to extend their shelf-life and aren’t a healthy food option for mothers to-be. Frozen and canned fruits aren’t fresh and in some cases can even be toxic for the babies. It is best to always opt for fresh and seasonal fruits when it comes to diet for pregnant women.


What fruits should not be eaten during pregnancy?

Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy:.
Papaya – It tops the list for obvious reasons. ... .
Pineapple – These are also not recommended to the pregnant women as they contain certain enzymes that alters the texture of cervix which could induce premature contractions. ... .
Grapes –.

Which fruit is best for pregnancy?

7 nutritious fruits you should eat during pregnancy.
Oranges. Oranges help you stay hydrated. ... .
Mangoes. Mangoes are another great source of vitamin C. One cup gives you 100 percent of your recommended daily allowance. ... .
Avocados. Avocados have more folate than other fruits. ... .
Lemons. ... .
Bananas. ... .
Berries. ... .

What are 4 foods that should be avoided during pregnancy?

Foods to avoid when pregnant.
Some types of cheese. Don't eat mould-ripened soft cheese, such as brie, camembert and chevre (a type of goat's cheese) and others with a similar rind. ... .
Pâté ... .
Raw or partially cooked eggs. ... .
Raw or undercooked meat. ... .
Liver products. ... .
Supplements containing vitamin A. ... .
Some types of fish. ... .
Raw shellfish..

Can I eat grapes while pregnant?

Grapes are generally fine to eat during pregnancy. They are a good source of fiber and water and they contain vitamins and antioxidants. 234 "You can safely include grapes in your diet during pregnancy by adding them to salads, mixing them into yogurts or porridge, and mixing them into a smoothie," suggests Dr. Kliman.


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