What food can you eat after wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth removal recovery can be a painful and frustrating time, but if you choose to go through with the procedure, it’s important to do everything you can to increase your chances of quick recovery. Aftercare is important too, so you want to find the foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal.

There is also the risk of infection and the possibility of a dry socket or blood clot. This can occur from the foods you eat and how you eat them.

In the case of getting your wisdom teeth removed it is important that you take care of yourself, eat the right foods, and maintain a nutritious diet.

This is the easiest way to ensure your are healthy as well as your mouth.

After you have your wisdom teeth removed and even the day after you might not even be able to eat anything at all that is why many foods listed are either liquids are very soft foods.

Liquids are a great way to keep you hydrated like drinking water and also juices that contain great vitamins and nutrients.

You should always avoid spicy foods, solid food, hot foods, chewy foods, hard foods, and whole fruits to make the healing process easier.

It is a good idea to stick to liquids, soft foods and soups after your wisdom tooth extraction to relieve the recovery process.

Unfortunately, this includes passing up on some favorite foods after surgery but luckily we’ve got the scoop on 76 of the best foods to eat!

1. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to get in all your nutrition, especially if you have trouble chewing after wisdom teeth removal.

2. Custard

Custard is a tasty source of protein that you can eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember not to have too much at once.

If you haven’t tried custard before then this is the perfect time and its also available in variations that make it easy to eat one-week post-surgery. Its creamy texture helps it slide down easier than most other foods.

3. Ice cream

Ice cream is a classic comfort food that can be enjoyed after wisdom teeth removal. Just make sure to avoid the ice crystals that form on some frozen desserts, as they may cause more discomfort.

4. Pudding

Pudding is available in many different forms, so whether you like it thick or thin, you can find something tasty enough to eat after wisdom teeth removal. 

With its smooth texture its easy to eat.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt with low acidity does not have to be avoided during the first week after surgery. In fact, it’s a great choice because it has calcium and potassium, both of which are necessary for recovering from wisdom teeth removal.

Greek yogurt is a great choice for a good source of vitamins and a healthy diet. There are many different flavors of Greek Yogurt for you to choose from!

6. Cheese

Cheese melts well and can be added to just about any meal. It is soft enough to eat even if you have difficulty chewing – one-month post-surgery or longer – but you still want to take caution when eating cheese until your gums are completely healed.

7. Soups

Soups are easily sip-able and can be packed with veggies that are great for recovery.

8. Ice

Ice can be added to juices or used as a palate cleanser between different foods. Just avoid chewing it if your gums still hurt three days after wisdom teeth removal.  

9. Popsicles

Popsicles are a tasty way to get in some extra fluids when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and they’re also fine to eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery.

If the popsicles contain any pulp then just remember that these will not be safe for consumption until your stitches have dissolved completely!

10. Bread

Toast or well-cooked bread is easy to eat after teeth removal. Just toast the slice well so it’s not mushy and doesn’t fall apart when you eat it. Avoid dry, crunchy pieces of bread for a few weeks post-surgery.  

11. Baked potato

Baked potatoes are an excellent source of potassium and energy, which your body will need in order to recover from wisdom teeth surgery.

You can add butter, sour cream, cheese, or anything else that sounds good to you when you’re craving comfort food after getting rid of those troublesome third molars!  It’s a great choice of foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal.

12. Bagel

Like toast and bread, bagels are easy to eat after your wisdom teeth removal surgery. You can also add some cream cheese for added flavor!

13. Chicken noodle soup

Chicken noodle soup is a classic choice for both lunch and dinner when you’re sick, and it’s also good for after wisdom teeth surgery.

Just make sure it has been carefully strained so there aren’t any chunks of veggies or other things that could irritate your gums or cause more discomfort.

14. Breadsticks

Most breadsticks can be broken into small pieces before serving and eat one month after the procedure with little-to-no discomfort. Simply avoid those that have seeds on top – they may hurt your recovering gums.  

15. Roast beef

Plain, sliced roast beef is easy to eat even one week after wisdom teeth removal, just make sure not to add any sauces that may contain sugar or other substances that cause discomfort after recovery.

16. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a soft cheese with a creamy texture that can be eaten three days after wisdom teeth removal surgery. Make sure it’s plain though – flavored cottage cheese contains added sugars and sodium which are best avoided while your gums heal.

17. Applesauce

Applesauce is an excellent choice for those who are looking for some delicious comfort food without too many extra ingredients contained in most of the foods on this list of 76 best foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal.

Apple sauce has a mushy texture and is great to eat on the first day.

18. Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are delicious and easy to eat three days into your recovery period. The fluffy texture goes down easily when lightly cooked, so this should be one of the first things you try post-surgery!

It will provide you with potassium, phosphorus, and other nutrients that can speed up your recovery while also satisfying your need for comfort food!  

Sweet potatoes are also another great option because they are rich in vitamin c and vitamin b6.

19. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is an excellent choice for breakfast or a quick snack. It is soft and can be made into a thin oatmeal soup easily, which allows you to eat it as soon as one week after the surgery.

Instant oatmeal is full of nutritional value and the esasiet way to fix something up quickly! Be sure to avoid steel cut oats as these require more to swallow.

20. Macaroni and Cheese

Macaroni and cheese can be eaten immediately after wisdom teeth removal since all you need to do is add boiling water to the mix! However, avoid eating too much macaroni while your mouth is healing because it contains processed wheat which may irritate your freshly-operated gums.

21. Avocado

Avocados are soft enough to eat one week after recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, so it’s a great choice for your first meal after the procedure. You can spread it on toast or eat it by itself!  

Avocados are a good source of fiber, healthy fats, and offer a variety of vitamins after dental surgery.

22. Soft scrambled eggs

You should be able to start eating scrambled eggs safely three days after your wisdom teeth surgery. T

They are soft and easy to swallow whole since they are made up mostly of water. Make sure you don’t add anything to your eggs before eating them though, as this could cause discomfort.

Eggs are also a zinc-rich foods that is great for keeping your immune system strong.

23. Beans

Beans are nutritious and easy to cook one week after wisdom teeth removal surgery, so they should be one of the first things you eat! They’re packed with protein and fiber, which is good for recovery efforts.  

24. Vanilla ice cream

Vanilla ice cream is known for its light taste and smooth texture. You should be able to eat it immediately after the procedure as long as you’re only eating a little bit of it at a time.

Make sure it’s not mixed with fruits or other sugary substances which may cause discomfort while your gums heal!

25. Cream of chicken soup

Cream of chicken soup is made mostly from the chicken so it’s easy to digest. This means that you can eat it one week after having your wisdom teeth removed.

Just make sure it’s not chunky, which could still cause discomfort even if the food is soft enough. You also have to be careful with hot soups and make sure it’s cool enough for your mouth. This comfort food is one of the best foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal!

26. French fries

French fries are crunchy and delicious, but they can be difficult to eat due to their shape.

However, the fry itself has a fairly soft texture which means you should be able to eat them at least three days after the surgery without experiencing any pain or discomfort. Make sure they’re not too greasy though!  

27. Yogurt Drink

Yogurt drinks are a delicious way to get in some extra fluids when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and they’re also fine to drink three days after your wisdom teeth surgery.

They are full of all the rich nutrients you need and taste good as well!

28. Yogurt

Yogurt is packed with nutrients, so eating it immediately after wisdom teeth removal surgery will help you recover faster. Make sure the yogurt that you eat has a soft enough consistency to be eaten easily, though! A yummy soft yogurt is one of the best foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal.

29. Cheesecake

Cheesecake may be difficult to chew even if your mouth isn’t injured by wisdom teeth removal, but it’s still safe for most people to eat during the first week of recovery!

Remember to avoid adding any toppings or making it too runny, as this could make chewing more difficult and cause discomfort during healing.  

30. Rice pudding

Rice pudding is creamy and delicious, but it may be a little too soft to eat immediately after your wisdom teeth surgery. It’s okay to eat rice pudding as long as you don’t add anything that could irritate your gums, such as fruits or nuts.

31. Sugar-free Jell-O

Sugar-free Jell-O doesn’t contain any sugar, so it’s safe for people who just had their wisdom teeth taken out to eat without worrying about possible complications from eating sugary foods.

32. Milk

Milk is great for your bones and teeth, but it may be too difficult to drink right after you’ve had your wisdom teeth removed. As such, make sure you wait three days before taking a sip!

Dairy products are great for after wisdom teeth removal but is recommended to start after the first day. There could be risk of complications such as nausea and vomiting the day of.

Milk is a rich source of protein and contains lots of nutrients you need after your wisdom tooth surgery.

33. Vegetable juice

Vegetable juice has lots of vitamins and nutrients that are perfect for rejuvenating your body after surgery, so drink up!

Make sure the vegetable juice doesn’t contain any other ingredients (such as ice cream or chunks of fruit) to avoid irritating your gums while they heal.  

34. Creamed soups

Creamed soup isn’t always easy to eat since the vegetables tend to dissolve into the broth, but it’s still safe to eat one week after wisdom teeth removal provided there are no chunks.

Just be careful not to drink too much soup at once, as this could irritate your gums!

35. Club soda (soda water)

Soda like Coca-Cola isn’t good for your enamel because of its acidity, but club soda (or soda water) is perfectly fine for people who just had their wisdom teeth taken out. Drink it slowly though – too much could irritate your gums.

36. Bone Broth

Bone broth is a great source of nutrients that help you recover from surgery faster. Be sure to avoid adding any chunks into the broth if possible to prevent stirring up the pain!

This type of broth has a smooth consistency to help with a smoother recovery and making it easier to digest.

The health effects of bone broth are that its good for your immune system and overall health after oral surgery.

37. Tea

Tea has caffeine in it, but don’t worry about having a few cups right after your procedure because it’s perfectly safe to drink at this time.

Make sure there aren’t any other ingredients mixed in with your tea, however, as these could irritate your gums and prolong recovery times.  

38. Coffee

Coffee may have a lot of caffeine, but it’s also packed with antioxidants and fiber. Just make sure the coffee is decaffeinated when you drink it, as caffeine can prolong healing times.

39. Tomato juice

Tomato juice is great for your bones and teeth, but you should avoid drinking it right after your wisdom teeth extraction because the acidity could irritate the wounds in your mouth. Wait at least three days before taking a sip!

40. Unsweetened hot cocoa

Unsweetened hot cocoa is safe to drink after wisdom teeth removal but, like coffee and tea, make sure it’s decaffeinated.

Wait at least one week before drinking any of these caffeinated beverages, as the caffeine can slow down using bouillon cubes or broth packets once healing times.

41. Clear broth or Bouillon

Clear broth or Bouillon is safe to eat immediately after wisdom teeth removal, but make sure you don’t add anything to it – not even salt! However, if your doctor allows you to have a little salt, then it’s okay.

Just remember that too much can also irritate your gums.  

42. Jell-O pudding pops

Jello Pudding Pops are a delicious way to enjoy Jello right after getting your wisdom teeth removed because they’re easy for you to suck on as the wounds heal. They’re great as an occasional snack as well since there isn’t any sugar in them!

This is another one of the best foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal!

43. Canned peaches

Peaches are a great source of vitamins and other nutrients that help you recover faster, and one week after wisdom teeth removal they’re safe to eat. You can also mash the peaches up to make it easier to eat.

Just be careful not to turn your food into a soupy mess as the wounds heal, as this could prolong recovery times. These are a sweet treat and one of the best foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal!

44. Water

Water is an easy way to get in some extra fluids when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to drink three days after your wisdom teeth surgery.

45. Unsweetened Jell-O pudding pops

Jello Pudding Pops are a delicious way to enjoy Jello right after getting your wisdom teeth removed because they’re easy for you to suck on as the wounds heal. They’re great as an occasional snack as well since there isn’t any sugar in them!   

46. Tomato Soup

Tomato Soup is easy for you to eat when your wisdom teeth surgery is still fresh, but keep in mind that there may be too much tomato juice at first. If this becomes a problem, either settle for cream of noodle or chicken soup instead.  

47. Deviled eggs

Deviled eggs are a great snack when you just had your wisdom teeth removed because they’re easy for you to eat and contain a variety of different nutrients. You can even prepare them in a hurry if need be, so this is one food that’s perfect when you feel nauseous after surgery!

48. Hummus

Hummus is a delicious dip that you can eat one week after wisdom teeth removal, and chick peas aid in tissue repair. Just be sure that your snacks are easy to chew without causing pain or irritation.  

49. Pancakes

Pancakes are a delicious breakfast food that you’ll be able to eat three weeks after wisdom teeth removal. If you enjoy them for dinner, then just remember that there’s more leeway with foods eaten at this time of day during your recovery!  

50. Honey Yogurt

Honey yogurt is a great way to get your daily dose of dairy when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s safe for you to eat one week after the procedure.

Just be sure to stay away from yogurt that has fruit on the bottom since this could prolong recovery times!

51. Protein Powder

If you have a bad habit of forgetting to eat breakfast, then consider mixing up your own protein powder that’s easy for you to drink after wisdom teeth surgery.

Just be sure that the milk or water is cold and not warm when you’re doing this so as to reduce risk of infection!

A scoop of protein powder is great for building up muscle, repair tissue and is great for boosting your protein intake.

52. Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin soup is a delicious way to eat something after wisdom teeth surgery, but make sure not to add in sugar or anything else that’s going to complicate your recovery. Once you’ve fully recovered from wisdom tooth removal, you can also enjoy canned pumpkin again since this fruit doesn’t contain any seeds!

53. Baked Apples

Beans are a great source of protein that you can eat one week after wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember to avoid crunchy snacks like chips while you’re recovering. If beans aren’t your thing, then consider lentils for an easy-to-chew treat!

54. White rice

White rice is full of energy that you can eat three days after wisdom teeth removal, and it’s also a great source of fiber. Just be sure to avoid brown rice for now because this has more fiber in it than your digestive system can handle while you’re healing!

55. Ginger ale

Ginger ale is a great way to get your daily dose of ginger when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and they can help with nausea or other side effects related to recovery. Just make sure that the ingredients are safe for consumption before drinking!

56. Biscuits

Biscuits are a delicious way to eat bread when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and they’re also easy for your jaw to digest. Just be sure that the biscuits aren’t too hard or crunchy since this could make it difficult for you to swallow!


Donuts are a tasty source of carbohydrates that you can eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember not to have too many simply because they’re high in sugar. If donuts aren’t your thing then try a simple muffin instead!

58.Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is a great source of vitamins that you can have immediately after your wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember not to have too much at once. Fruit juice will also keep your mouth clean and prevent any build-up from occurring!

59. Milk Shake

Milk shakes are a delicious way to get in some extra protein after your wisdom teeth surgery, and they’re also easy for you to digest.

60. Sherbert

Sherbert is a tasty way to get in some extra veggies when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to consume up until your stitches have dissolved completely. Just be sure that the sherbert has been kept cold so that it’s easier for you to eat!

61. Sour Cream

Sour cream is a creamy way to eat something delicious after your wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to consume up until your stitches have dissolved completely. Just scrape out any of the sour cream that has mold on top before you dig into this yummy treat!

62. Stew

Stew is a hearty way to eat vegetables and meats after your wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to consume up until your stitches have dissolved completely. Just remember that stew can be quite hot when you first start eating this, so make sure that the temperature won’t hurt you before taking a bite!

63. Yellow Squash

Yellow squash is a delicious way to get in some extra veggies when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to consume up until your stitches have dissolved completely. Just be sure that the yellow squash has been cooked thoroughly so that its easier for you to eat!

64. Jelly

Jelly is a delicious way to eat something sweet after your wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to consume up until your stitches have dissolved completely. Just be sure that the jelly has been kept cold so that its easier for you to eat!

65. Mashed Spinach

Mashed spinach is a great way to eat veggies and get in some extra vitamins after wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to consume up until your stitches have dissolved completely. Just remember that mashed spinach can be quite hot when you first start eating this, so make sure that the temperature won’t hurt you before taking a bite!

66. Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles are a tasty source of carbohydrates that you can eat immediately after your wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember not to have too many simply because they’re high in sodium. If you haven’t tried ramen noodles before then this is the perfect time for that first bite into heaven!

67. Mashed Vegetables

Mashed vegetables are a delicious way to get in some extra veggies when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and they’re also fine to eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery. Just be sure that the mashed vegetables have been cooked thoroughly so that its easier for you to eat!

68. Meatballs

Meatballs are a delicious way to get in some extra protein after your wisdom teeth surgery, and they’re also easy for you to digest three days after your wisdom teeth surgery. However, meatballs will not be safe for consumption until your stitches have dissolved completely!

69. Meatloaf

Meatloaf is a hearty and delicious way to eat your veggies and meats after wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery. Just remember that meatloaf will not be safe for consumption until your stitches have dissolved completely!

70. Deli Meats

Deli meat is a delicious way to get in some extra protein after your wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery. Just remember that deli meats will not be safe for consumption until your stitches have dissolved completely!

71. Tuna

Tuna is a delicious source of protein that you can eat safely three days after your wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember not to have too much at once.

You’ll want to start off with one or two cans before moving on to more tuna if that’s okay for you!

Tuna is a great alternative to other meats and is an excellent source of nourishment.

72. Casseroles

Casseroles are a hearty source of veggies and meats that you can eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember not to have too much at once. If the casserole is very hot then make sure that this will be safe for consumption before taking a bite!

73. Gatorade

Gatorade is a refreshing source of electrolytes that you can have three days after your wisdom teeth surgery, but just remember not to have too many. If you haven’t tried Gatorade before then this is the perfect time for that first sip!

74. Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin puree is an easy way to get in some extra veggies when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery. Just remember that pumpkin puree will not be safe for consumption until your stitches have dissolved completely!

75. Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is a refreshing way to get in some extra fluids when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to drink three days after your wisdom teeth surgery. It will not be safe for consumption until your stitches have dissolved completely!

76. Jello

Jello is a delicious way to get in some extra fluids when you’re recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, and it’s also fine to eat three days after your wisdom teeth surgery.

Just remember that jello will not be safe for consumption until your stitches have dissolved completely! After that, it’s once of the best foods you can eat after wisdom teeth removal!

Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you are looking for foods with more fatty acids try fruits, olive oil, seeds, nuts, animal fats, and fish oils. Acidic foods such as omega-3 fats, serve important cellular functionsbut should not be eaten immediately after teeth surgery.

There are direct studies linking good eating habits to a reduced painful condition you may face and wound healing for your oral health.

If you take care of your extraction sites or surgical sites while also being cautious of what you eat your expeitrence will be much better.

You can also consult your local anesthetic on pain medication, health benefits, recovery time, and good options for healthy foods to eat.

The main list of soft foods you should consider are soups, broths, yogurt, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and smoothies. These types of foods are also great for dental implants and will give you plenty of protein.

Your oral surgeon will recommend no popular fruits during recovery but may recommend bananas preferably in milkshakes or mashed.

If you are wanting to maintain a low-protein diet I suggest eating fish which is also a great option that is not on the list of foods, eggs, dairy products, and beans.

Many foods listed contain food particles that contain nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Just like animal bones, human teeth are very strong but still need to be taken care of. Wisdom teeth surgery is one of the last teeth surgeries you may have for a while.

There you have it 76 of the best foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal!

Always be sure that you are eating the right foods and taking care of yourself to prevent any infections.

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How long after wisdom teeth removal Can I eat normally?

Many patients find they can resume normal eating within a week of having their wisdom teeth removed. Maintaining a diet full of soft, delicious and healthy foods in the days and weeks after wisdom teeth removal is crucial to your recovery.

What foods are good to eat after getting wisdom teeth removed?

What foods should you eat after wisdom teeth removal?.
Applesauce or other pureed fruits (try baby food).
Mashed soft fruit such as bananas or avocado..
Steamed mashed carrot or cauliflower..
Steamed mashed pear, peach, or apple..
Warm (not hot) broth or cream soups..
Oatmeal, congee, porridge, or cream of wheat..
Scrambled eggs..

Can you eat pasta after wisdom teeth removal?

After wisdom teeth removal you may want to partake in a bowl of pasta. Pasta is normally good but only when cooked until very soft – avoid anything 'al dente. ' In addition, try to avoid tomato-based sauces as they are acidic and may cause discomfort to the extraction site.

What can I eat 2 days after wisdom teeth removal?

For 2 days after surgery, drink liquids and eat soft foods only. Such as milkshakes, eggnog, yo- gurt, cooked cereals, cottage cheese, smooth soups, mashed potatoes, refried beans, ice cream, pudding, fruit smoothies and protein shakes.


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