Using vitamin c and hyaluronic acid together

Anyone who has vaguely dabbled in the world of skincare products has likely heard of hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C. While many might recognize these two skincare ingredients individually, it's become increasingly popular to combine hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C to further boost their effects and support the skin’s overall health. But what are the combined benefits of hyaluronic and Vitamin C instead of using each ingredient individually? Timeless Skin Care is here to help!

In this article, we’ll explore combining hyaluronic acid with Vitamin C serums, as well as the many benefits hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C can offer to your skincare routine.

  • What is Hyaluronic Acid?
  • What is Vitamin C?
  • Benefits of Combining Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C Serum
  • How to Use Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C 
  • How Timeless Skin Care Can Elevate Your Skincare Routine

  • What is Hyaluronic Acid?

    Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found in every human body. The supplement acts as a cushion and lubricating agent for many areas of the body such as joints, nerves, hair, skin, and eyes. Hyaluronic acid has become a very popular skincare ingredient in recent years due to its many benefits, which include:
  • Help regenerate new skin cells
  • Hydrate skin
  • Increase skin firmness and elasticity
  • Decrease the appearance of wrinkles 
  • Rejuvenates and plumps the skin

  • What is Vitamin C?

    Vitamin C is a nutrient necessary for the repair and growth of tissue in many areas of the human body, such as our skin. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin found in citrus fruits and vegetables. We are unable to produce Vitamin C independently, meaning that we need to seek Vitamin C out in other products to receive its many benefits.

    Vitamin C is also synthetically processed for use in skin care products to promote healthful antioxidant benefits from the inside and out. For those looking to increase the use of Vitamin C within their wellness and skincare routines, it’s most frequently produced within moisturizers, toners, and especially Vitamin C serums. Some of the benefits of Vitamin C include: 

  • Promotes healthy cell turnover to reveal a brighter complexion, increasing collagen synthesis
  • Minimizes dark spots
  • Neutralizes acne-causing bacteria 
  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Treating and preventing age spots by protecting the skin from oxidative stress

  • Benefits of Combining Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid 

    Considering the numerous benefits of Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, it's not too surprising that combined, these two ingredients are an effective skin care duo. Take note: not all skincare ingredients should be mixed with others, but combining hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C has been scientifically proven to be a safe formula for enhancing these products’ mutual effectiveness. The anti-aging effects are immediate and lasting with the combination of these ingredients.

    Hyaluronic Acid is a water-based product used to bind moisture to the skin and pump up moisture levels, while Vitamin C will maintain and protect the skin’s barrier. When using a specific HA hydrating serum, apply it after your Vitamin C serum. If you are using a pure line, such as Hyaluronic Acid 100% Pure, it can also be combined with a moisturizer to help seal and fortify the skin barrier.

    When you combine HA with a product that also contains vitamin C, you can achieve maximum protective results. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that also boosts your skin’s collagen production and helps you combat sun damage and visible signs of aging. It can also reduce inflammation and irregular pigmentation so you have a smoother, healthier-looking complexion.  Timeless Hyaluronic Acid Vitamin C Serum is an antioxidant-rich product that kicks free radicals to the curb and can work wonders for your skin.

    How to Use Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C Serum in a Skincare Routine

    For hyaluronic acid to effectively work both topically and within the skin cells, a low molecular weight is best. It’s fairly common to combine hyaluronic acid with other skincare supplements, like Vitamin C, to help the acid better penetrate the skin’s surface. It’s also not uncommon to find skincare products that feature both of these within a larger list of ingredients, like some moisturizers and serums.

    Begin With PH Level 

    Combining hyaluronic acid with Vitamin C is all about balance, so begin by considering the pH level. An important step in choosing any skincare product based on your skin’s needs is to look at its pH balance. Your skin’s natural, healthy pH level sits around 4.5 – 5.5. Some products, like Vitamin A or retinol as they are often called and Vitamin C should not be used together because Vitamin C products work at a more acidic, lower pH (less than 3.5) while retinoids are formulated at a much higher pH, over 5. Experts typically recommend using retinoids exclusively at night because of their photosensitivity.

    Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C are complementary to one another. That said, make sure to check the hyaluronic acid’s ingredients to ensure the formula doesn’t counteract Vitamin C’s benefits. Many skincare products have  unnecessary ingredients and fillers that should be avoided to prevent irritation or possible adverse skin reaction.

    Consider the Science of Skin

    Renowned for its brightening effects, elastin, and collagen-building, Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant. Use Vitamin C in the morning to help fight and protect against external damages. With its lower pH levels, Vitamin C absorbs readily into the skin and works well followed by moisturizer and SPF. Vitamin C in its purest, most potent form appears as L-Ascorbic Acid, such as in 20% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum

    For those with more sensitive skin, we recommend Hyaluronic Vitamin C Serum which contains magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a less potent derivative of Vitamin C that still works to brighten and protect. But remember that water and oil can often be at odds, so the order of application matters. Always use the water-based product first, to allow for maximum absorption, penetrating down into the skin. If you pour water and oil into a glass, the oil always floats to the top. Thicker, oil-based products serve as emollients, keeping the moisture locked in, and protecting the outer layer of the skin. 

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    Find Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C & Other Skincare Essentials at Timeless Skin Care! 

    Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are great skincare products on their own, but occasionally, two can be better than one. When developing an effective skincare routine, it is often a combination of different products, so it makes sense that Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are such a dynamic duo together. There are numerous benefits of combining Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, especially when you choose reliable skincare products from Timeless Skin Care that will support your skin’s health. Explore Timeless Skin Care’s bestsellers to elevate your skincare routine today! 

    What goes first vitamin C or hyaluronic acid?

    If you are applying a Vitamin C serum and hyaluronic acid separately, it's suggested that you apply the Vitamin C first, and then add the hyaluronic acid afterward in order to help fortify the skin barrier and lock in the moisture.

    How long should I wait between vitamin C serum and hyaluronic acid?

    Goldenberg's go-to recommendation for timing between serums and moisturizers is about one minute. This wait has the same reasoning: Sixty seconds — give or take — gives each product a moment to delve into your pores.


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