The owl house hunter x reader lemon

These are the fandoms I mostly know about that you can request headcanons or scenarios, drabbles about.Yes their is a mixture of anime and cartoons.Also I’m only willing going to do reader/(s/o) with Canon characters.

Here’s what I won’t write:


-drug use

-yandere! characters


-illegal age gaps/pedophilia


Here are my rules:

-This blog is strictly X Reader

-If I feel a request may be risky or I am uncomfortable with writing it I will delete it


Randy Cunningham:9th grade ninja

The owl house

Teenage mutant ninja turtles(2012)

Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles

Glitch techs


Tales of arcadia


She-ra and the princesses of power

Danganropa:The animation

Danganropa 3:The end of hope’s peak highschool



Big hero 6 / Big hero 6 the series


Ben 10 omniverse

The powerpuff girls (1998)


Anonymous asked:

hey hey,, could i get a corey riffin x sick!reader where he takes care of them? ty! ^^’

Anonymous asked:

Hello! 😄 Can I request the Fluff Alphabet #B, J, K and X with his shy!fem!human! reader for Hunter (GG) from The Owl House? Please?? ~🐧

Anonymous asked:

Hello! 😄 How are you doing okay? ~🐧

Anonymous asked:

do you have a masterlist?

Anonymous asked:

Hello! 😃 How are you doing okay? 👉👈 ~🐧

Anonymous asked:

Would you maybe write scenarios for Casino cups?

Anonymous asked:

Hello! By chance do you know what Casino Cups is?

Anonymous asked:

Hello! 😃 Did you get my three The Owl House requests about Hunter (GG) x shy!fem!human! reader yet? Please answer my question I appreciate. ~🐧

psyxhic-angels asked:

yay so excited requests are open again :)

anyways can ye write a clawthorne!reader dating hunter and after the eclipse lake events they get into an argument and maybe breakup perhaps 👀👀

keysoffate asked:

Say, do you only do reader x canon characters? or would you be will to do something with two canon characters?

Happy one year anniversary to this blog ! ! ! :)

Two year anniversary :D ! ! !

Anonymous asked:

Maybe something about reader adjusting to their new life as a vampire? You’re taking it better than he expected, though it’s still a sudden change… and maybe the idea of getting to stay with Philip forever excites you more than it should, given all that you know about him…

I find it hilarious how some of my posts which I put no effort into have like 1,000+ notes and the ones I actually focus on and love have maybe 10-50? I shouldn’t laugh but it’s funny to me lmao

I’m having some Alador thoughts (favorite dilf) and now it’s everybody’s problem lmao, may make more but this is what I have right now

You probably start as Aladors lab assistant/mechanic and work your way up in the company to be an important shareholder and person in Blight Industries. While Odalia handles most of the finances and stock holders you and Alador spend endless nights in the lab improving your technology and creating new inventions for the Isles to use.

He’s shy at first and very quiet, mostly keeping to himself and his notes. His wife usually talks for him so it takes him awhile to open up to you and really get comfortable with having you around. He’s used to workers being replaced quickly and not being able to make connections with his team but you’re different. Regardless of how the company or team changes you stick around, a near constant in his life which is something he hasn’t had in a long time. Odalia has offered you better pay and better hours in different positions but you enjoy your job and Alador can see your passion as you work. This is where you want to be, in the lab. You make him feel safe and comfortable and soon he thinks you’re his closest friend.

Alador once he opens up is always talking about his personal projects and his kids as you work together. He’s so proud of his children and while he doesn’t spend a lot of time with them and doesn’t know as much about them as he’d like he tries to make sure they have anything they could ever ask for and that they have the right to chose what they want to do. Aladors never done this with anyone before (Odalia included) but he shows you his personal journals with ideas he wants to make outside of Blight Industries. He even gives you permission to make notes and changes if you see anything wrong or have thoughts. Tinkering with you on breaks and expanding on your shared ideas has become his new favorite past time.

While he loves sharing his ideas and inventions/secret projects with you he also enjoys sitting and listening to your ideas as you ramble on. How you practically talk to machines with the way you work with them amazes him and he adores how you never let anything stop you from getting a task done. You’re hard working, driven, and intelligent, but you’re also kind. You bring him coffee and pastries in the morning on your way to work, you stay up late with him so he’s not the only one in the lab, you make sure he doesn’t chew on pens til they explode, you share your lunch when he forgets his, you give him snacks when he forgets to eat, you force him to take breaks, and you sit and listen to his problems as any good friend or partner should. You make his day better and you make his productivity go up.

When him and Odalia are in the middle of a nasty divorce you are his supportive friend. Alador could lose the company, lose all his hard work but all he cares about are his kids and being able to take care of them, of being able to keep seeing you. He admits to you one night he believes he was having an emotional affair with his wife before they decided to get the divorce. And while he feels guilt over this he needs to tell you. He loves you and he doesn’t think he’s ever loved anyone as much as he has you.

He hasn’t had anyone to talk to in a long time as his wife is emotionally abusive and manipulative. Making sure Alador is always working for the good of the company and never enjoying his life outside of Blight Industries. Her domineering presence is all consuming and whenever she’s in the office everyone knows it’s going to be a bad day. You know how tricky the situation is with the kids since she uses them as a means of control over her husband and you’ve just always been his good friend trying to help him in any way you could. Odalia has always been especially nasty to you after you rejected her offer of going higher in the company and you’re unsure why but when Alador confesses his feelings it all begins to click. She’s jealous.

Alador doesn’t want to put you in a situation where you could get hurt or Odalia could tarnish your name. He fears what she’ll do if you get together and how much of a scandal she’ll make it out to be, but you don’t care. Alador is your friend and after hearing him express his feelings for you, you realize he’s more. If he wants to try and have a relationship with you so do you.

While dating Alador is tricky because of the divorce and everything going on you’re both adults and it is a consensual and healthy relationship. You love his kids having spent time with all of them and you want Alador to know your relationship with him involves them as well, he will never have to choose like Odalia forced him too. There’s a lot of complications and sometimes Odalia puts a strain in your new found love but it is love. And you won’t let Odalia control Alador or you or the kids anymore. He deserves to be happy and your children deserve to feel safe. And despite what she says they are your children.

His love language is gift giving and providing. While he wants to tell you everything he feels for you he often can’t find the words so he makes you inventions or gives you gifts hoping these things can say what he’s trying to for him. You always understand and his ears go pink when you give him a kiss in response to his gifts. He sees how well you take care of them and how much you adore him which makes him feel fulfilled. Touch is another part of his love language but like words of affirmation it’s hard for him to express. He’s not used to gentle or soft touches so you’ll have to guide him on how a healthy relationship works. Thankfully he’s more than ready to learn. He loves your soft intimate touch and while he’s hesitant at first he quickly grows comfortable with giving you hugs and other displays of affection. His favorite thing to do after a long day is to kiss your forehead and hold you in his arms where you can both just sway and feel each other’s presence. He also becomes a big cuddler as Odalia never indulged him in such things.

He likes to slow dance with you. On the quiet nights when everyone is asleep and has gone home he’ll turn on his radio at his work bench and take your hand. He’s a romantic at heart and while he couldn’t show that side of himself to Odalia he can openly flaunt it with you. His romantic tendencies are often soft quiet gestures but they mean the world to you and he knows it.

After a long day of work and stress you get in the habit of gently taking Aladors very calloused hands into your own and massaging them. Giving him a soft kiss on each knuckle and wiping away any left over abomination goop or oil stains. His hands are very sensitive but also numb from his constant back breaking work so feeling your consistent yet gentle touch as you massage his hands to give him feeling back is heavenly. And when you begin to clean them for him he just melts. Be prepared he will pay this affection back ten fold in some way.

Originally posted by insurgents-by-the-poolside

Anonymous asked:

Hi! This is my first request here but can I request a covenhead mother!coven guard!reader x Hunter where the two of them have been friends for a while and they have been set off on a mission, asked personally by the emperor himself, and when Hunter is about to get hurt the reader protects him and scolds him for putting himself at risk and accidentally confessing?

I’d like to remind everyone this is a SFW blog. While I occasionally write spicy things that hint at something more or are 16+ in graphic content there are a lot of minors on this blog. I’m comfortable with NSFW but I might have to create a separate blog for that. I don’t want people sending me NSFW things to write here. If you want to talk about it in D.M’s that’s fine! But not my ask box

I’m gonna miss Hunters hair dangly in season two but only because I have one myself and me and my friends are constantly joking I’m the female version of Hunter. (Neurodivergent, Raised Christian, like books and obscure topics, just all around a nerdy jock)

There’s a reason Mira has her little hair whisp it’s kind of important to me. Oh well, maybe I’ll do a change to Mira’s design for season three. I never did one for season two so I should look into that. Super excited for season three omg!!!!

A/N: Slight suggestive talk. It’s implied Reader knows about Philips plans of genocide and is okay with it. Could be taken as Vampire A.U or could just be regular Belos, I write them both the same

You were with Belos in his private library. Leaning against him as you read your book he hummed softly as he read his own.

This part of the castle was restricted so no one would bother you here. You always enjoyed this space especially when it was the both of you here. His private library was large and well decorated. It was full of well preserved books from throughout the ages and antique goods that he treasured. Vases, trapped spells, fossils, sea shells, rare flowers, letters, perfume, oil bottles, and intricate wooden boxes full of various items shared the shelves with endless books. He had a vast collection and he was quite proud of it. Looking back your first real date was in this room when you were still a captain and he allowed you access.

Cuddling closer to him there were other places to read. Expensive couches were strewn around with soft silk pillows or book nook corners where he kept his favorite books but the best spot was the one you were using. Your husbands side. The old man despite his hatred of the Isles had a soft spot for it’s books so you two often spent your time here when he wanted to be with you but not talk about anything. Sunlight filtered through the stained glass windows and it was peaceful. Not really paying attention to anything, simply enjoying the domestic moment your eyes glanced over the pages you were supposed to be reading. Your mind was muddled from concentrating for too long. About to ask Philip to read to you instead you paused feeling fingers in your hair.

The thought of him reading to you dies in your mind as you say nothing simply leaning into his touch as his fingers begin to go through it, careful not to bunch or tangle the unpredictable strands. You know what’s coming but it’s better to just let it happen.

“Don’t knot it this time.” You say playfully as you keep staring at your book. He huffs indignantly before flicking you. “Owwww.” You whine, placing your book to your chest as you give him a wounded face. Your husband smiles at your antics before he continues playing with your hair trying to style it.

“I won’t knot it. Now hush.” His own long hair was back in a ponytail and from this angle he was more handsome than ever. It was quiet in the room except for his soft humming and honestly you were lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the feeling of his hands in your hair. Watching him admiring his blue eyes and determined face you shrug going back to your book as you try to continue your reading. Feeling a tug that was harsh but not painful you hear Belos begin to quietly curse under his breath and you groan putting your book face down in your lap.

Apparently despite your warnings he was knotting your hair today.

With Philip it was a 50/50 this would turn out okay. Sometimes he was a mastermind at hair as he loved styling his own and his brothers and eventually when he met you yours. He could do anything from an intricate braided bun to something more wild and free. Other times it became a knotted mess and you’d have to smother conditioner on it in the bath to even come close to fixing it. Though Philip never seemed to mind helping you with that. He may have even enjoyed it, sneaky rat.

“Philip love-” You start feeling the knots and how he’s messing up your hair.

“Stop talking witch. I’m focusing.” He’s teasing and while you usually enjoyed the playful banter you wince as he pulls sharply at your hair. It was a playful tug but a tug none the less. Your husband was so mean to you sometimes.

You wonder if he forgets how strong he is or if he didn’t mean too. Huffing you try and focus on your book again but the constant tugging makes it nearly impossible. Crossing your arms you tap your foot against the end of the couch wincing as he makes a mess of your hair. “What are you trying to do?” You question laughing as you hear him get frustrated. Clearly his visionary masterpiece wasn’t coming to life and your peaceful afternoon was about to end.

“Shush shush shush.” He bats at you playfully and grunts as he keeps playing with your hair. His fingers tangle in your locks as he tugs through them trying to get what he wants. Soon he’s pulling as his fingers get knotted into your hair. Grunting uncomfortable he pulls away, giving up. “Your hairs a mess.” He finally states before puffing out his chest as he crosses his arms. Looking at him aghast you take your book and smack his arm with it.

“Philip you’re the one who did this!” You object in a playful but also accusatory manner. He smiles and shrugs his shoulders, chuckling to himself as you keep pestering him. “I have no idea what your talking about.” Playful prick you think to yourself as you roll your eyes and adjust yourself to continue reading your book.

“You should go fix it.” He hums hands tickling your sides. Face reddening realizing his intent you smack him with your book again.

“PHILIP!” You scream but he seems unaffected as he leans in for a kiss. You drop your book and he brushes it aside before pulling you into his lap. Pulling away to look at the love of your life, you tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear. You loved your husband but this man might be the death of you.

Anonymous asked:

Would you be willing to write more about romantic yandere vampire Philip?

I have WAY too many thoughts about magical stimming in the Isles if anyone is curious


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