Thank you message for mom on my birthday

After a birthday celebration, some people may feel that it is better to write their own thank you notes rather than have someone else do it for them. However, that doesn’t work for everyone, there are some special people you just have to do so on their behalf, someone like your mom.

A mother’s love is precious and there is nothing that can replace it. So when someone wishes your mother on her birthday, thank them for it. Letting someone know that you appreciate their gesture is not wrong. In fact, it makes them feel special and valued.

Her birthday is one of the situations where it is truly appropriate to write a thank you note on her behalf.

If you have an amazing mother who received a lot of gifts or birthday wishes, you might consider helping her write thank you quotes for everyone who wished them and that’s why I have gotten the best thank you for birthday wishes on behalf of my mom for you to use.

Thank you for your birthday wishes on behalf of my mom. The thoughtful and touching messages greatly made her day. Because of you, she had a very enjoyable birthday.

1. Thank you for thinking of my mom on her birthday. I’m not sure who did it, but she was thrilled to have all those wishes and cards in her inbox. She told me she has been looking at them over and over again.

2. Thank you for thinking of the special birthday of my mom. She was very touched by your words and pictures, and she couldn’t be happier. I’m sending her love.

3. Thank you for wishing my mother a happy birthday. She loves it when people remember her on her special day. Your birthday wishes made her feel loved and honoured.

4. Thank you for sending my mom birthday wishes. She was very surprised and happy to hear from you as she did not expect anyone would remember her birthday. Her face glowed when she heard your voice on the phone and saw your message on Facebook.

5. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday on Facebook. She didn’t have too many friends so the fact that some of you sent her a message to wish her a happy birthday really touched her heart and brought her teary eyes and warm heart.

6. Mom is having a great birthday because of you, her friends. Thank you for thinking of her and sending her your wishes. She always talks about how awesome you all are. I love you all!

7. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes I received. My mother got very emotional and teary when she received all the notes on her Facebook wall. She’s never gotten so many messages on her birthday and you made her day terrific.

8. Thank you for all the birthday wishes we received. As you can tell my mother is very happy. We are celebrating today and we are going to dinner.

9. Thank you for the birthday wishes and loving thoughts, it really means a lot to mom.

10. Thank you for sending our mom birthday wishes. She was very surprised and happy that so many people remembered her. The phone has been ringing nonstop with people wishing her a happy birthday, which has made it one of the best birthdays she’s ever had!

11. Your birthday wishes made my mom’s 93rd birthday extremely special. She was especially happy about the one sent by her old high school buddies.

12. Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes. Mom appreciated each and every one of them. We all did.

13. You have no idea what it meant to my mom that you sent her birthday wishes. She was really down this year. She says she’s too old. You definitely made her feel like she wasn’t alone. Thank you so much for caring.

14. Thank you to everyone on behalf of my mom for the birthday wishes. Her birthday was great. She received so many cards and messages that she just couldn’t stop smiling all evening.

15. Thank you for sending your warm birthday wishes to my mother. She means the world to me and she is a very hard worker who deserves all of the best things in life. I think it’s wonderful that so many people care about her and are wishing her well on her special day.

16. Thank you so much for your birthday wishes. My mom loves hearing from you guys and never tires of it. She wouldn’t have been able to do this without your help and will always appreciate it.

17. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. I know she appreciates it very much.

18. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. She likes getting mail and is thankful for all the cards, flower baskets and the dinner party thrown in her honour. The cake was delicious. 🙂

19. Thank you for the birthday wishes. My mom was very touched to get so much love and well-wishes in one day.

20. Thank you for your birthday wishes, though my mother wasn’t able to write back as I’m writing this. But a big thank you to everyone who wished my mom a happy birthday on Facebook.

21. Thank you so much for your lovely birthday wishes. My mom was very touched.

22. Thank you for wishing her a happy birthday. She doesn’t have people to celebrate it with and is very grateful to all of you.

23. Dear friends and family, thank you so much for your birthday wishes and gifts. My mom is a very happy woman right now, as am I. We both appreciate the kindness of each and every one of you.

24. Mom just had her birthday and she was very happy that you took the time to send her a note.

25. Thank you for thinking about my mom on her birthday. I know she appreciates all of you stopping by with a birthday card and wishing her the best. She is having a great day, reading all of your cards.

26. Thank you for thinking of my mom and sending her your birthday wishes. She was touched by how thoughtful you were to remember her and wish her a happy birthday.

27. Thank you for thinking of my mom on her special day. Every year I am completely amazed by the number of people she touched in her life and the number of people who stop by to wish her a happy birthday.

28. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. She is so grateful to know that people care about her. Please keep her in your prayers.

29. Thank you for your birthday wishes. My mom misses everyone and is very appreciative. She asks to send her greetings back as well.

30. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. She was so happy to get your messages, even though most of you are far away. I’m glad she has a lot of friends who care about her.

31. Thank you so much for wishing my mother a happy birthday and making her day so much better. I know she really appreciates your kindness.

32. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to tell her how much she is loved. Her friends and family are always thinking about her, no matter what.

33. Thank you all so much for your lovely birthday wishes. It really means a lot to my mom. She was very touched by your thoughtfulness, and I know it brightened her day.

34. Thank you for remembering my mom’s birthday and sending her your warm wishes. We really appreciate it and love that you thought of her on this day (month, year).

35. I would like to thank all of you who recently made a birthday greeting for my mom. It means so much to her. Birthday greetings help lift her spirits when she can’t get out because of her condition. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

36. Thank you for sending my mom a birthday card! Your kind words meant so much to her, especially because it’s been a difficult month since her surprise birthday party.

37. Thank you for your birthday wishes. I know it can be hard to remember all of the people but my mom was very happy to hear from you. She loves that people are thinking of her on her birthday.

38. I want to thank you for your birthday wishes on my mom’s behalf. It was very nice of you. She really appreciated it. I just want to let her know I love her so much, and she is the most amazing woman ever!

39. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes on behalf of my mom. She is so happy about how much everyone cares about her.

40. Thank you for thinking of and sending birthday wishes to my mother on her 60th celebration. She appreciated your thoughts so very much. And I also appreciate the time you took to send a card, text, or wish on Facebook.

41. Thank you for all of your thoughtfulness on my mom’s 65th birthday. Even though she couldn’t make it herself, I know she appreciates your wishes.

42. Thank you for your birthday wishes. I know it must have been very crowded around my mom and since I couldn’t be there, you taking the time to send me a message made me feel like you were all there with me.

43. Thank you for the birthday wishes for my mother. She was very touched. You all are a special group of people, especially our friends and family.”

44. She was very touched that so many of you remembered her. Thank you for all the birthday wishes she had yesterday and today, too; it’s a good thing that it’s the weekend, or there would be no way she will catch up with mail.

45. I know my mom thanked you all individually but I also wanted to thank you because without your kind words my mom would have been down in the dumps. She was so happy when she got to tell me how thoughtful you all were with your wishes and that really made her feel appreciated. I just want to let you know, especially

46. My mom is 94 years old. She can’t write herself, so she asked me to thank everyone who sent her birthday wishes. She thoroughly enjoyed reading the cards and messages. She was very moved by your support and attention. In her words: “All of you are special to me.”

47. Thank you for your birthday wishes. My mother was quite touched by the fact that people remembered her on this birthday.

48. Dear friends and family, thank you for all of your birthday wishes. My mother will be thrilled when she opens these cards on her 90th birthday!

49. Thank you for sending your birthday wishes on behalf of my mom. When she called and told me, I felt so happy. She was able to go out that day with a smile on her face, knowing how much everyone cares about her. You are so generous and caring and thoughtful.

50. Thank you for your birthday wishes for my mom. It made her day very special. Her friends and family coming together to let her know she’s loved, adored and appreciated was just a beautiful thing to see.

51. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. We had a wonderful party that day and we love how thoughtful you all are. It really means a lot to her.

52. My mom turned 50 on Friday, so I wanted to send out a mass email thanking all of you who sent her happy birthday wishes. I know that it really means a lot to her and keeps her spirits high. I am very grateful to have you in my life as well.

53. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. My mom is very thankful that people still remember her and brighten her day. She has been very excited to hear from you, especially while she was working since it is always a bunch of her friends wishing her a happy birthday.

54. Thank you for sending birthday wishes to my mother. It was very kind of you and I’m sure it brightened up her day. Sometimes I send her alone with my dad and one of my sisters to the Festival of Hanoi, so she could enjoy the fireworks. Thank you for always being there for me.

55. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. It means a lot to me that you remember the special day of our mother and want to wish her well.

56. Thank you for your birthday wishes. My mom loved them, as well as my dad. They were very thankful to know that so many people are thinking about their birthdays, even though they never had any idea anyone was paying attention.

57. Thank you for celebrating my mom’s birthday. She is very grateful that she has so many friends who would recognize her special day.

58. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Mommy picked out a beautiful card and loved it. She really appreciates the love.

59. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes today. My mom was very surprised and happy to see so many people wish her a happy birthday via text! I had fun reading them all to her over breakfast just now.

60. Thank you for sending her birthday wishes on Facebook. She is a little shy, so when she told me how much she appreciated your birthday wish, I started tearing up a bit.

61. Thank you for thinking of my mom on her birthday. Every year numerous people call or send a card and it brings a smile to her face. She is getting older and it means the world to her.

62. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. Her birthday was very exciting for her. She got lots of surprises, including thoughtful words from all of you.

63. Thank you guys so much for wishing my mom a happy birthday. It means a lot to her and me to have such caring friends, who do not forget about others even when they are having a hard time.

64. I wanted to write and tell you that my mom got her birthday wishes from friends, and she loved them! She was so excited when I showed her the text messages and Facebook posts on her phone.

65. Thank you all for sending birthday wishes to my mom. She is very appreciative of your kindness and generosity. I have always known how kind-hearted she is, but her friends and family always like to surprise her with a gift or two.

66. Thank you all so much for sending birthday wishes to my mom. She really enjoyed reading them and feeling the love from people all over the world. You made her day, thank you!

67. Thank you for all of your sweet messages to my mom. I realize she doesn’t use email as much, so this is her way of saying thank you. She had a very fun day and was very thankful for all the nice things people said about her and the messages from friends wishing her a happy birthday!

68. Thank you all for wishing my mom a happy birthday. We love to see that so many people remembered her on her special day. We received beautiful flowers, delicious pie, and awesome texts/calls! I hope you enjoyed your day just as much as we did.

69. Thank you to all of the people who took the time to send my mom birthday wishes. She was so touched by your gifts, notes, calls and visits.

70. Thank you to everyone who sent my mom birthday wishes. She had a great time celebrating with me and her friends. She says she is looking forward to doing it again with you next year!

71. Thank you so much for your birthday wishes. I am sorry I could not say many thank yous, but it turned out to be a wild day. It’s hard to believe that my mother has been around this big world for another year.

72. I am thanking you on behalf of my mom. She doesn’t have a lot of friends and is not in a position to make it to your birthday parties. I really wish she had more friends like you who have seen her grow.

73. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. I really didn’t know many people cared about her and it was great to see how mature, thoughtful and kind you all were by taking the time to speak to my mom and wish her a happy birthday.

74. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. She really appreciated how much you care about her, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

75. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday, my family was very impressed by your kindness.

76. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I got your text message, phone calls and emails about my mom’s birthday in February. Thank you for all the gifts you sent and for visiting her, too.

77. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. I am sure you made her day! She was telling me how generous and thoughtful you were.

78. Thank you for wishing my mother a happy birthday. It meant a lot to her and it made her day. Also, thank you for the smiles and warm wishes. Happy Birthday!

79. Thank you for sending Mom birthday wishes. She was touched to have so many thoughtful people who wished her a happy birthday.

80. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. It means a lot to my mom and dad that so many people showed their love on social media. They are both doing well and they send their thanks!

81. Thank you for sending your birthday wishes to my mom. She is so thrilled that you like her cookies and that she entertained you the other night.

82. Thank you for all the Happy Birthday wishes. My mom greatly appreciated your kind words. She told me she was mostly happy that so many friends were remembering her on her special day.

83. Thank you to everyone who wished my mom a happy birthday on Facebook. She really appreciated all the well wishes. I am sure she will be around for many birthdays to come.

84. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes on behalf of my mom. She’s gotten a lot of love and it has made her feel great. May today be wonderful for you!

85. Thank you for all of the warm birthday wishes on behalf of my mom. She was very surprised by all of the sweet texts, emails, and cards. She was touched. Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness!

86. Thank you. My mom is so happy with all of your birthday wishes. For her, it really makes a difference when people are kind to her because her life has not been easy in the past. She is glad she has friends like you in the present!

87. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. I really appreciate you taking the time to send her a message and wish her well. I hope she did have a good day and enjoyed all of your cards, flowers, and gifts.

88. Thank you for your kind birthday wishes on behalf of my mom, who is in the hospital right now. She appreciates knowing that she is missed and cared about by so many friends and family.

89. Thank you for sending birthday wishes to my mother. She loved them and I think it made her feel like flowers were in the room when she woke up. Thank you for making her day brighter and for being such a great group of people.

90. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday! I really appreciate it!

91. Thank you everyone for wishing my mom a happy birthday. I know the day was made special by the people who called, and those who sent birthday wishes through social media.

92. Thank you to everyone who wished my mom a happy birthday online. She’s doing well and would say thank you herself.

93. Thank you so much for sending texts and e-mails wishing my mom a happy birthday. And thank you for the cards too. That was very nice of you!

94. Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes and gifts to mom. Mom is very thankful to her friends and family who have supported her over the years.

95. Thank you everyone for your thoughtful birthday wishes. We had a great day and appreciate the kind wishes and emails. She really enjoyed reading them.

96. Thank you for wishing my mom a happy birthday. She does not use Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and works in a building with bad reception, so I want to thank you for everything you did for her. She was very surprised and happy to hear from you all!

97. Thank you for sending birthday wishes to my mom. She really enjoyed receiving them. You all made her happy and I’m grateful to you.

98. Thank you for sending birthday wishes to my mom. We were all thrilled to receive them. She really enjoyed them. You all made her so happy and I’m grateful to you.

99. I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who sent birthday wishes to my mom. She had a great day and really appreciated all your messages. Your kind words and lovely thoughts really touched her heart. Thank you again.

100. I can’t thank you enough for all the birthday wishes to my mom. It meant a lot to her and she loves you all.

101. Wow! Thank you so much for sending birthday wishes to my mom. It totally made her day. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that everyone was so thoughtful.

It’s good to see you are here for these thank you for birthday wishes on behalf of my mom to express how much you appreciate those that sent birthday wishes to your mom on her birthday.

I hope you found one or two of them that hit it for you. Go ahead and share with your friends on social media.

What can I write to my mom on my birthday?

Short and Sweet Birthday Wishes for Your Mom.
Happy birthday, mom! ... .
Happy birthday to the best mother in the universe!.
Wishing the sweetest woman in the world a happy birthday..
Time to make some wishes, mom. ... .
Mothers are the best gift. ... .
I can't wait to celebrate your special day with you..

How can I say thanks to my mother?

Thank you for being a great mom and for always making me your priority. Thank you for doing everything possible to always make me proud of you. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mom in my life. Your unconditional love and care mean everything to me.

How do you express your mother's gratitude?

Greet Her with Flowers. Flowers are much more than just being pretty. ... .
Write A Poem For Her. Words Are Magic. ... .
Treat Her With A Meal. ... .
Give Her A Tight Hug. ... .
Extend Her A Helping Hand. ... .
Spend Quality Time With Her. ... .
Bestow Her with Tokens..


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