Temptation island season 2 tony and genevieve

LAST EDITED ON 02-04-02 AT 03:38 PM (EST)

I found two TIT interviews on TV Guide Online. Here's one:


Escape from Temptation Island
Thursday, December 13, 2001

Imagine that! After dragging her significant other to a tropical paradise populated with nubile babes who believe that a woman is never fully dressed without a thong, Genevieve Deittrick began having second thoughts. So, in last week's episode of Temptation Island 2 — the guiltiest of the tube's guilty pleasures — she sent beau Tony Schmitt a videotaped message asking him to call the whole thing off and marry her ASAP. Now the reunited couple are happily back home in Michigan, and closer than ever. What was the prickly talent manager thinking, giving a sweetheart like Tony a chance to break free? In a recent telephone interview, TV Guide Online endeavored to find out. — Charlie Mason

TV Guide Online: From the start, Tony appeared to be the ultimate Mr. Nice Guy — a total keeper. What possessed you to even consider throwing him back into the dating pool?

Deittrick: At the time, it seemed like a good idea. (Laughs) It's kind of like... you've got a new house, and you're so excited. You put everything in it, you buy new things and paint, and then all of a sudden, you get it just the way you want it, and you think you want to move into something bigger and better. And if you actually make the move, you realize you made a big mistake. Thank God, I didn't make the move.

TVGO: Your screen persona seemed a little harsh, at least at first. How much of that was you just trying to convince yourself that you were doing the right thing by going on the show?

Deittrick: It wasn't so much that. I think the thing is, it seemed like I was constantly saying, "Me this" and "This is the way I feel," and people got the impression that I was really all about myself — all the time. But you have to realize that the person on the other side of the camera is constantly asking you the same questions, seeing if they're going to get a different answer. And on the seventh or eighth time, you're probably going to sound a little annoyed. So if you take all the seventh or eighth times when I was annoyed and put them on TV, you'll think, "Oh, she's harsh!"

TVGO: Your second date, Tommy, comes off like a manipulative jerk. Is it just me, or is he enough to make any girl go running back to her steady guy?

Deittrick: I think he realized there was nowhere to go with me, so he decided to focus his attention on somebody that he might have a chance with <i.e., vulnerable Catherine>. Plus, he's a guy, and guys are always going to put their feelers out <in more than one direction>. It's just like that in the dating world... and when I was thrown back into it, it didn't take me long to realize that what I had, I really shouldn't be messing with. If anything, I hope people get that out of watching. You think you're bored, you think you're in a rut, but you've got to realize that you worked really hard to get to that rut, and just because there's not any drama doesn't mean that the excitement's gone. It just means that you're comfortable.

TVGO: When you and Tony finally came face-to-face after he saw your video, he freaked you out by not accepting your proposal right away. How ticked off were you?

Deittrick: Well, my message kept him on the line, too. For the first half of it, he really thought that this was not a positive thing that he was hearing. So he needed a moment to compose himself. He didn't do it to be spiteful. Also, I said, "You're scaring me," but you know what? It was really nice, because one of our issues was that he was too passive. So it was nice for him to kind of put me in my place for a few minutes and say, "I have to get this off my chest... you can wait." I like it when he stands up to me.

TVGO: Now that you guys are back in the real world, have you set a date?

Deittrick: July 13. We couldn't make any phone calls until Friday morning , because if I started calling bridal shops, people would wonder. So we're making a lot of calls now. And here's an interesting twist: Donna, Tony's first date, is a co-owner of a bridal shop, and she's going to get my dress for me.

TVGO: In this week's installment (airing tonight at 9 pm/ET on Fox), a new couple arrives. What advice would you give them? Run?

Deittrick: No, because if I hadn't gone, I would've eventually sabotaged our relationship. I really believe that. Whatever anybody thinks about the whole Temptation Island experience, I thank God for it. So <my recommendation would be>, if you love the person, really stop and think before you do things. There are certain scars that don't heal. What you think is having friendly fun is not necessarily friendly fun to the person that's watching you that's in love with you — especially when it's on national TV. It's not just your girlfriend or your boyfriend that's seeing you anymore, it's their families and friends, too. So you've got to think of the big picture.


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