Steve rogers x reader he makes you cry


Characters: Steve x reader

Summary: For so long you’d believed that nothing could keep your nightmares at bay, then one Steve Rogers stumbles into your room after hearing your scream yourself awake and makes it his mission to be your safe haven.

Warnings: Mention of nightmares, some angst, lotso tears, happy ending, some cute supportive fluff

Words: 1962

A/N: Since Baby got such amazing results I figure I should probably keep the fics coming :)

It was normal in your world to wake up terrified. Images of blood and horror still flashing in your brain despite your open eyes seeing the pale blue walls of your bedroom.

The light from a nearby building illuminated the space you were in. Dresser and mirror to the left, bedroom door dead ahead, a few articles of clothing resting on the chair at the desk to the right.

It’s your room. Relax.

But you couldn’t, it was impossible given the things you’d just seen.

Your past before you were an avenger was something you didn’t like to speak about, and your teammates respected that. The past is the past, you explained to them, there’s no sense in bringing it up if it’s dead and gone. And you firmly believed that, but no matter how badly you wanted to move on your mind got the better of you at night.

You’d pretty much been able to get away with the nightmares and not wake any of the others since you’d arrived in the tower, but one Steve Rogers had decided to move onto the same floor as Bucky within the last week. Bucky’s floor was your floor, and his room was directly across from yours. Steve was now your new neighbor.

The soft knock on your door nearly made your shriek again, but you clamped your hand back onto your mouth before the scream could leave your throat. Taking a deep breath you calmed yourself for a moment, before addressing the only person who had ever woken up to your nightmares before.

“Sorry, Buck. This one wasn’t so bad,” You lied, “Didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to bed.”

“It’s not Bucky.”


It was no secret that your feelings for the super soldier had grown beyond friendship since you came to the tower about a year ago, even though you tried to deny those feelings as much as you could. Feelings were weakness, that’s what you’d been told your whole life. Feelings made things sloppy, and you couldn’t afford sloppiness in either your previous or current line of work.

“I’m fine, Steve, really. I’m sorry for waking you, I’ll be quiet.” You said, trying to keep your voice steady as you cursed yourself for being so weak.

“(Y/N),” He said, his voice almost pleading, “Please let me in.”

You pinched the bridge of your nose as guilt bled into your brain. Steve cared about you in a different way then the others, you could see that easily, but opening the door to him wasn’t as easy as it sounded. You had no reason not to trust him, in fact you had every reason to trust him, but your mind was yelling at you to keep the door closed shut.

“I-I don’t really think I can.” You squeaked.

It was in part because it felt like your knees would buckle if you even tried to get out of your bed, but it was mostly because you were afraid to have him see you so vulnerable.

“I know you’re hurting in there and it’s killing me to be locked out,” Steve’s voice was soft and alluring, a siren call to your ears, “Sweetheart, please. I gotta know that you’re okay.”

How he could call you such a name after knowing all that you’ve done in your life was a mystery you would never solve. Steve was the one who recruited you. He brought your file to Fury himself. He had read every word of it and still looked at you like you were a saint.

Because in his eyes, you were.

Steve saw you as a woman who was hard to get to know, but once you were in - you were in. You were a girl who would lend kindness and compassion to everyone she met in a world that had shown her anything but. You were beautiful, clever, and one hell of a badass when it counted. But you had a softness that Steve hadn’t seen and he desperately wanted to. He wanted to be the arms you ran into when you woke up like this, and now was his chance.

You sniffled, closing your eyes tightly and blocking out the headache that pounded in your temples. The rational side of your mind was screaming at you to not get out of the bed, to not open the door, to not cry in front of him and let him see you. But the other half of you felt scared and needy for the comfort you knew would give you, and that half was winning.

Steve’s forehead was pressed against your door, his arm above him as he listened carefully to the sound of your feet padding along the hardwood floor of your room. He tried to calm his racing heart at the noise, but he couldn’t. You were actually going to open the door.

He’d never been so excited to hear a door unlock in his life. And as you swung it open he was sure he was staring at a fallen angel.

Your hair was in a messy braid, falling in front of your face in few loose strands here and there. You were clad in a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose pink shirt with a blanket from your bed around your shoulders. Your face was clean of even a trace of makeup, your hand shooting up to wipe away a stray tear that had fallen.

“Hi.” You whispered, avoiding his eyes.

“Hey.” He said back, a sympathetic smile on his face.

“I’m sorry for waking you up, Steve. Really I’m fine, it was just a nightmare-”

“Shh,” He hushed you and your eyes snapped up to his, “It’s not just a nightmare if it’s gotten you so upset.”

He reached out to place a hand on your arm, his eyes holding concern to a level you’d never been the subject of before. You weren’t sure if it was the late hour, your shaken up state, or Steve’s kindness that made you break, but the only thing that really matter was that you did.

In an instant, your knees collapsed under you and you broke into sobs. Steve was quick like he always was, catching you in his arms and pulling you into his chest, carding his deft fingers through your hair gently.

You were both on your knees as a result of your fall. Steve was much bigger than you, his body like a shield from the world that you burrowed into.

“It’s okay, (Y/N). You’re okay.”

His whispered words only made you cry harder. No one had ever been as supportive of you as he had. No one had your back like he did . No one loved you like he could.

And God did Steve Rogers ever love you.

He loved you so much it physically hurt him to look at you and know you weren’t his. But holding you in his arms, protecting you like he was, felt like the closest thing to heaven he’d ever experienced.

“Come on, darlin’, it’s okay.” He said to you, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you back to your bed.

You wanted to scream at him that it wasn’t okay, that nothing could ever be okay with a past like yours, that he should drop you and run as far away as he could, but all you could do was cry.

As much as Steve believed you were his angel, you believed he was yours. Crafted by God himself, he was the most caring, generous and brave man you had ever met in your life. All he was missing was the halo.

He reached the edge of your bed and sat down, cradling you in his lap. You felt ashamed to need such consoling and Steve sensed it, so he took action immediately.

Reaching forward with his index finger he gently tilted your chin so you were forced to look at him. You’d always loved his eyes. They were so blue, so expressive. They were beautiful, and if your voice wasn’t choked up, you just might have told him that.

“I will never let anyone hurt you.”

The strangled cry that left your throat hurt him too much to express, but his words didn’t add to the pain like he feared, they were the only thing keeping you strong enough to fight off your demons.

You curled back into his chest, feeling him tighten his arms around you with a fierce protectiveness. You felt safe. You never felt safe unless it was with him.

Your fist held his t shirt tightly in its grasp - a death grip to keep you grounded, to remind you that he was real and he was here fighting this with you. A part of you hoped he always would be.

Steve rocked you gently back and forth, rubbing your back and resting his chin on the crown of your head, occasionally dropping his lips down to press a gently kiss to it. He let you cry until you had no tears left, he let you cry until the exhaustion took over and your eyes began to close. By the time the last tear had fallen from your eyes, your entire body felt as if it was being weighed down by sandbags, and at the same time you felt a weight lifted from your shoulders.

You felt him shift you off of his lap and into your bed, tucking you until the covers and stroking your hair from your face. You couldn’t remember a time when someone had been so caring towards you.

His warm lips pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead before his warmth retreated. Suddenly, a wave of panic washed over you. You didn’t want him to leave, not now, not after everything he’d seen.

Your hand shot out to catch his wrist before he could turn away.

“Stay.” You whispered, almost a plea, “I need you to stay with me.”

His breath passed from his lips in a gently sigh, the idea of being able to spend the night with you in his arms making his knees weak.

Steve Rogers wanted nothing more than to call you his, to spent the rest of his nights calming every nightmare you had, to see this side of you that no one else was allowed to see. He needed you like he needed oxygen, and when he slipped under the covers of your bed and pulled you close to him he knew his love for you was as natural as his need to breathe.

“Thank you.” You murmured into his chest, breathing in the scent of sandalwood that was always on his skin.

“Don’t thank me, I want to be here.”

His large hands traced comforting patterns on your back, and he felt you smile against him.

“I want you to be here too.”

“Leave your door unlocked tomorrow night, okay darlin’? I wanna be able to wake you up if I hear you struggling again.”

His words made you want to kiss him, but your exhausted body prevented you from even trying.

“Okay.” You whispered, “Thank you for being my safe place.”

He was brought to silence, he had no words that could possibly formulate a half decent response to thank you for what you’d just said. He only held you tighter.

“(Y/N)?” Steve asked after a few moments of silence.

He was satisfied when the only noise he heard in reply was the steady sound of your breathing and soon sleep was drawing at his mind as well.

“I just wanted to say,” He whispered, even though you couldn’t hear a word, “I love you more than anything, and I will always be your safe place.”


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