Service role emr_defaultrole has insufficient ec2 permissions

Quando tento criar um cluster no EMR, a criação falha com a seguinte mensagem de erro: Service role EMR_DefaultRole has insufficient EC2 permissions.

Provavelmente algum erro ocorreu na criação deste papel. 

Uma forma de corrigir isso é acessar o IAM, depois procurar o menu Funções. Procure os papéis EMR_DefaultRole e EMR_EC2_DefaultRole, selecione-os e faça a exclusão deles. 

Depois, utilizando o AWS CLI, recrie-os com o comando: aws emr create-default-roles


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Questions : AWS EMR - EMR_DefaultRole has insufficient EC2 permissions

2022-10-18T07:56:00+00:00 2022-10-18T07:56:00+00:00


I'm trying to create a new EMR cluster anycodings_amazon-iam (tried emr-5.30.0 and emr-6.0.0 versions) anycodings_amazon-iam but I'm receiving the validation message anycodings_amazon-iam error: "Terminated with errorsService role anycodings_amazon-iam EMR_DefaultRole has insufficient EC2 anycodings_amazon-iam permissions".

I've tried this workaround anycodings_amazon-iam // anycodings_amazon-iam recreating the default roles for EMR but anycodings_amazon-iam the validation message error still anycodings_amazon-iam happening.

Any guidance or recommendations on how to anycodings_amazon-iam resolve this issue are much appreciated!

Thank you

Total Answers 1


Answers 1 : of AWS EMR - EMR_DefaultRole has insufficient EC2 permissions

Based on anycodings_amazon-emr //

for me it was very helpful anycodings_amazon-emr troubleshooting via AWS CloudTrail:

  1. Navigate to the Cloudtrail console: anycodings_amazon-emr //

  2. Click on Event History tab

  3. Then use filter as Event Source and in anycodings_amazon-emr Time range select the timestamp during anycodings_amazon-emr cluster launch.

  4. From the buttons on Right side, click on anycodings_amazon-emr the Gear Icon, which is for Show/Hide anycodings_amazon-emr columns and select the Error Code column anycodings_amazon-emr check box.

Once all the above is done, go through anycodings_amazon-emr the list of events and expand the one anycodings_amazon-emr which has an ErrorCode like anycodings_amazon-emr AccessDenied, anycodings_amazon-emr Client.UnauthorizedOperation or any anycodings_amazon-emr other exception.

Once you know which API call is being anycodings_amazon-emr denied, you can then investigate further anycodings_amazon-emr regarding the same.


2022-10-18T07:56:00+00:00 2022-10-18T07:56:00+00:00Answer Link


AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02)

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Hsiang-hui Lin

Asked 3 months ago

Following along "Processing Data with EMR", but I am getting "Terminated with errorsService role EMR_DefaultRole_V2 has insufficient EC2 permissions"

Sanjit Grover

Answered 2 months ago

I am getting the same error. I even tried by setting Admin access to EMRDefaultRole and choosing C1 EC2 Instance type which is the lowest available for creating EMR cluster

0 Answers

I want to move our emr clusters to a new VPC (new subnets). When the cluster is started, it fails on:

TerminatingService role EMR_DefaultRole has insufficient ec2 permissions. Refer to policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonElasticMapReduceRole for more information

and thats about it. The role nor its connected roles do not have any subnet specific or vpc specific definitions. Help ?

asked Dec 14, 2017 at 17:08

To solve this delete the current roles and create new default roles.

This AWS knowledge article might help you solve this problem.

EMR_DefaultRole is invalid


The creation and deletion of instance profiles associated with the default roles are automatically handled by the console. This error can occur if the instance profile associated with the EMR_DefaultRole or EMR_EC2_DefaultRole is not configured correctly, or if the current configuration for the instance profile is no longer sufficient to launch an EMR cluster.

As a workaround, you can delete both EMR_DefaultRole and EMR_EC2_DefaultRole and the instance profile associated with them. Deleting a role does not automatically delete the instance profile, so you need to delete it manually.

answered Dec 14, 2017 at 17:55

John HanleyJohn Hanley

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