Pastor greg locke cheated on wife

Pastor Greg Locke/YouTube

July 27, 2021, 6:39 am

An internet-famous pastor is proving yet again that there’s no hypocrisy quite like Christian hypocrisy.

Pastor Greg Locke shot to social media relevancy years ago while condemning Target’s gender-neutral bathrooms. Since then, he has made a point of walking a hard conservative line on every issue that the internet seems to be talking about, using the divisiveness in the United States for attention and fame.

But a recent tweet is calling to mind Locke’s own sordid past.

“No, we will not move on. You cheated. Freedom and truth will prevail,” he wrote.

While there is no further context than that, the tweet seems to be about the presidential election, as Locke has previously claimed that Donald Trump is still the “legitimate” president while calling Joe Biden “demon-possessed” (and promoting QAnon conspiracy theories).

No, we will not move on. You cheated. Freedom and truth will prevail.

— Pastor Greg Locke (@pastorlocke) July 23, 2021

But Pastor Locke’s use of the word “cheated” might have called forth some unwanted attention.

While there is zero proof that anyone cheated or committed mass fraud of any kind to win Biden the presidency, Locke himself was rather credibly accused of cheating on his wife several years back.

He continuously denied the accusations, but ultimately divorced his wife and married the woman he was accused of having an affair with not long after, which is more than a little suspicious.

Still, Locke continued to preach against divorce for others, insisting that God offers forgiveness and he’ll “learn to be a way better husband” this time around — definitely not something supported by an intensely conservative interpretation of the Bible, which more commonly lends itself to the claim that, in most cases, remarrying after divorce is actually partaking in sin.

Either way, his insistence that he should be absolved of his own cheating while making unsubstantiated accusations of cheating against Biden and refusing to “move on” is an amusing — and ultimately expected — turn of events.

Says the man who actually cheated on his wife with his asst who happened to be her best friend. Jesus would hate you. //

— Lizz "Watch my special @ Vimeo On-Demand" Winstead (@lizzwinstead) July 27, 2021

The wife he dumped at a homeless shelter while she was suffering a mental health crisis. So he could marry his assistant.

— ⚖️Jimmy McGill⚖️ (@Saul_Goodman505) July 27, 2021

tfw your ex-wife, who you vowed before god to stay married to but got divorced and married your personal assistant, still has the password to your twitter. //

— LvilleClinicEscorts (@LouClinicEscort) July 26, 2021

Pastor Locke has already moved on to the next trendy thing, making headlines this week for yet again pretending COVID is a hoax and telling his congregation that anyone who wears masks to church will be kicked out. Totally seems like something Jesus would do.

*First Published: July 27, 2021, 6:39 am

Pictured: Pastor Greg Locke, (inset) Melissa Locke

Greg Locke is a conservative pastor from an evangelical church in Tennessee. He’s best known for his popular Facebook presence, which features selfie videos in which he delivers sermons like the one below given about Target’s gender-neutral bathrooms in which he details his questioning of a customer service representatives (which received 18 million views.) He also flipped out when someone made a donation in his name to Planned Parenthood.

But Locke’s personal life is in shambles, as he is divorced from his wife, with whom he has four children including two who were adopted. She is now living in a women’s shelter in another state, while he says that she is “mentally ill.”

He’s also fending off charges that he is an adulterer, who has started seeing his ex-wife’s best friend. Other Christians have attacked him, calling him a failure for getting divorced, claiming he “sent his wife away” and alleging that he has a new girlfriend who was the church secretary.

A new report cited by Patheos’ Friendly Atheist column shows the situation may be even worse than is known.

The report follows a Christian blogger who met with Locke’s estranged wife Melissa at a restaurant in Georgia, where she now lives in a women’s shelter.

Among the text messages shared with the blogger were messages in which he called her “a deceitful b*tch” and suggested she was putting on weight.

(Warning: explicit language)

Melissa Locke also said that her now ex-husband had hit her twice, spit on her and smashed her phone.

“The vitriol with which Greg Locke addressed his wife of 20 years in these text messages is unbecoming of any man, especially a Christian pastor,” the blogger said.

Melissa Locke also told the blogger that Greg Locke “has adulterous plans for his church secretary, Tai McGee,” who is Melissa’s best friend.

Via Facebook, Locke maintains that it’s all made-up.

“To read such vicious lies and out of context things about a situation people are ignorant of is completely disabling,” he writes. “Of course we said crazy, regretful and angry things in messages. That’s what happens when a relationship is going through such bitter unraveling and emotions are in high gear.”

Pastor Greg Locke’s Facebook Statement/Screenshot

SOURCE: Raw Story – Martin Cizmar

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