Negative pregnancy test at hospital but positive at home


Read the full fact sheet

  • Home pregnancy tests are usually very accurate, but this depends on how well you followed the instructions and how soon after the pregnancy begins that you do the test.
  • The sensitivity of the test can also affect accuracy. Some tests (not all) can detect the pregnancy before you miss a period.
  • To get the most accurate result, do the test first thing in the morning and wait until the first day of your missed period.
  • Always see your doctor for confirmation of your pregnancy.

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“A false positive result is very rare,” explains midwife Anne Richley of Northampton General Hospital Trust (NHS), “but may occur for a few possible reasons,” - some of which we've mentioned above and will go through in this article.

We know they do happen because there's a fair bit of chat on this topic on our forum - take New_here, who says: "I've recently taken 4 First Response tests (6 days before [ovulation]).

"They were all positive but then I went and took another 5 (different brands) - all negative - so took another First Response and positive? Went to the doctor's - negative?! So confused - could I be getting false positives?"

What causes a false positive pregnancy test?

While, as we've said, false positives are rare, they happen occasionally. On our forum, Annie Mac tells us: “I just want all you ladies who are crossing your fingers and toes to remember that false positives DO happen.

"If you do get a positive it is very likely you're pregnant due to false positives being very rare. I was having all the pregnancy symptoms and took a Planned Parenthood HPT test and BOOM bright positive! It turned out it was false and got my hopes up for nothing.”

So why do they happen?

False positive pregnancy test result - reasons you might get one

1. You were pregnant, but you aren't pregnant anymore

As what happened with New_here above, a pregnancy may initially be detected by an early pregnancy test, which will give you a positive result. But then, when you test again at a later time, you get a negative result.

Which one is right? Unfortunately the later negative result is more likely to be the true situation – that you’re no longer pregnant.

It doesn’t mean the first positive test was wrong. It was just an early test which detected the first stages of pregnancy.

Sadly, many pregnancies don’t make it beyond these first few weeks. Improvements in pregnancy tests mean that they’re now highly sensitive and can detect the first stages of pregnancy super early.

  • How soon can I take a pregnancy test?

A later negative test could mean your pregnancy unfortunately hasn’t continued and you’ve experienced an early miscarriage.

This is also known as a chemical pregnancy - a (slightly insensitive) term which means that your pregnancy was in the very early stages and had been detected by a chemical (pregnancy) test, but then hasn’t progressed.

  • How can I tell if I had a chemical pregnancy?

2. The test wasn’t done correctly

If you read your pregnancy test after the suggested time, a faint evaporation line may develop. (Got one? Find out what else a faint line on your pregnancy test could mean.)

This is not the same as a positive test. This is why it’s so important to check the instructions for how to use your test correctly.

  • Are you taking your pregnancy test the right way?

3. The pregnancy test kit was out of date

If you’ve had an unused pregnancy test for a long time, check the expiration date on the packaging. These are sensitive chemical tests and need to be in date to ensure they’re working correctly.

4. You may be having fertility treatment involving hCG hormones

Your home pregnancy test measures the levels of hormone hCG in your urine, looking for the sharp increase in hCG when you become pregnant.

Some fertility drugs contain hCG, and so it’s wise to check this before you test. Clomid, which is a popular fertility drug, does not contain hCG and so does not have an impact on your home pregnancy test result.

On our forum, StrawberryGirl went to her doctor to find out more. “I spoke to the doctor when I couldn't believe that I was pregnant.

"You very, very rarely can get false positives though this can happen if you have been on fertility treatment."

5. You’ve recently given birth and your hCG hormone levels are still high

StrawberryGirl goes on to say that the doctor told her when you have a baby your levels of hCG may still be higher than normal. "You will also get a positive just after you have given birth as the hormone hCG still in your system,” she reveals.

So, you’re testing soon after giving birth, talk to your doctor.

6. It may indicate an unusual medical condition

It’s important to know that this is very, very rare. However, there are certain illnesses which cause an increase in hCG, such as trophoblastic disease or islet-cell tumours. If you’re at all concerned, talk to your GP.

If you’re worried because you can only see a very faint line on your pregnancy test, but have done everything correctly, this sounds like a positive result.

  • I've got a very faint line pregnancy test result - so am I pregnant or not?

If you remain unsure about whether or not you are pregnant, do visit your GP who will test again and be able to give you advice on what to do next.

Read more

  • How soon can you take a pregnancy test?
  • How can I tell the difference between implantation bleeding and my period?
  • 39 early signs you may be pregnant

Is it possible to be pregnant and test negative at the hospital?

Though the 11 most popular hospital urine pregnancy tests perform well in the first month after conception, a new study reveals the alarming statistic that nine of these tests become significantly more likely to produce false-negative results after the 5th to 7th week of pregnancy.

Are hospital urine pregnancy tests more accurate?

The pregnancy tests you get at the drugstore work 99 out of 100 times. They're just as accurate as a urine pregnancy test that you'd get at a doctor's office. Pregnancy tests work by checking your urine (pee) for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

How accurate are pregnancy tests at hospital?

A pregnancy blood test is done in a health care provider's office. It can find smaller amounts of HCG, and can confirm or rule out a pregnancy earlier than a urine test. A blood test can detect pregnancy even before you've missed a period. Pregnancy blood tests are about 99 percent accurate.

How early can a hospital urine test detect pregnancy?

HCG can be found in your urine 5 to 7 days after conception or about 26 to 36 days after the first day of your last menstrual period. Except for very early in a pregnancy, this test can show if you are pregnant within days of a missed period.


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