Milan laser hair removal unlimited package cost reddit

I’m about partway through my first laser hair removal experience, a full face / neck and underarms at Milan Laser, which was pricey but I thought it was worth it because of their quality and unlimited package. I’m Indian, so brown skin and a lot of thick hair so I figured I would need more sessions that the usual 6 package and the unlimited package was a better idea for me. During our consult, I was happy with the laser they use and their certifications / medical supervision. But my face has been responding really well and I wonder if maybe a 6package deal would have been fine? I had two sessions earlier this year before everything shutdown and it was going really well. Over the summer, without any sessions, I noticed more thicker, coarser hair come back on my upper lip and chin. But now I’ve had another session and I’m seeing a lot of improvement again.

I’m asking because I have a potential 60% off deal for full body at Milan, which would be lifetime unlimited sessions, but that’s still just under $7,000 (with monthly payments). Which is A LOT. I want to do my full legs and arms and my bikini line (not a full Brazilian).

So, is this too much? Should I try somewhere else that offers 6session packages? Or am I paying for the quality / future lifetime appointments? I’m very happy with Milan’s service just unhappy about the price, lol.

I just signed a similar deal with Ideal Image yesterday. Back and shoulders for $3,150 (18 month, 0% interest, $175 per month with Ally). This includes a membership, that gives you the lifetime guarantee, even after I let the membership expire next year.

I have unlimited treatments, but must be performed within the 16 month time period, ranging from 4 - 8 weeks between treatments.

I decided to go with a big name in case I move and can still continue the treatment in a different city. Also, I'm new to Laser Hair Removal and felt like I could trust a big name as oppose to some private business. Also, the Google reviews for the two locations near me were both 4.5/5 with almost 200 reviews each.

I should have checked Reddit first, but I still feel more comfortable with a big name vs a small private business. I hope this goes well.

I've gotten estimates for laser hair removal at two places, one is a very large national chain and one is a local business that I'm honestly happier to support. However, they said that for facial laser, across ~10 sessions, it would cost me less than $500, whereas the large national chain estimated a few thousand dollars. I haven't seen either of them in person yet.

Is there anything I should watch out for from patronizing the local business? I'm excited that I might be able to afford lasering my whole body but also don't want to do anything stupid!

Thanks in advance :) And let me know if this is too specific to transfeminine transition, I can definitely move this somewhere else. I'd imagine some transmasculine folx would seek out laser as well so was unsure where to post this 😅

I got two sets of 6 sessions for my facial hair, so 12 total. I've had 10 so far, and my hair is like 95% gone, so fairly confident that 12 will do it, or at least to the point that I can clean it up with electrolysis to finish up.

First set of 6 cost me about $650 with taxes. Second set of 6 ran me about $500 because they had a better deal when I reupped. So total of $1150 Canadian when its all said and done.

Hi!! I’m looking to get full body laser hair removal. Was quoted almost 15k at Milan for “unlimited” sessions. They have locations everywhere so I wouldn’t necessarily be afraid of not getting my moneys worth. Unless they went out of business of course. Question to the ladies - Have you gotten full body? What did it cost you? I feel like the price I was quoted is a bit pricey . That was also their “50%” off deal, which I see that they always have some sort of promotion going on.

Also want to mention I have olive skin and my hair is dark

I have been going to Milan. So far I have had 8 sessions on my bum and 5 on my stomach. Depending on your area you may be able to find it cheaper. Milan sells a "forever package" that has unlimited touchups so it is definitely more expensive than some places. I like that they have locations all over the country and I can get touchups at any location

They use Candela GentleMax Pro lasers and they shoot out a mist to numb the area afer each zap. It takes around 7 minutes max per area I get done. The person who preforms my treatments is a registered nurse and super nice.

They have a very strange price model. They run "half off" specials frequently and even at the discount it's not cheap. Luckily they have a 0% intrest payment plan. They base the length of the plans 1-3 years off of your credit. They aren't exactly pushy but they do try to sell the package. I went in whenbit was 50% off and after talking with them managed to get it down to 60% and a discount on my stomach with 2 extra inches down my waistband.

If you are interested I suggest checking the current deal at your location. Mine is running a free session with a consultation. My plan is to set up a consultation for my face and get the free session. Then I am going to wait until they're running another 50% off event to purchase the package.

Is Milan laser worth the price?

The unlimited package at Milan laser hair removal is worth it. Despite the laser hair removal giving long-term results, it is not a permanent hair loss. It means that after multiple sessions of initial hair removal, with time you will need touchups procedures to maintain the results.

Do you tip for Milan laser hair removal?

“Tips are always appreciated but voluntary. A client will get the same service whether they tip or not. Because laser hair removal takes multiple sessions, Karavolas advises that tipping is typically done after each visit.

How many laser treatments are needed for a full Brazilian?

For a Brazilian you will need to be treated every 6-8 weeks. Laser hair removal work does require maintenance treatments for permanent results. About 80% of women will need at least 6 treatments, and about 20% may need up to 10 before significant results are seen.

Can I get laser hair removal on my period Milan laser?

Should I avoid my Brazilian laser treatment during my period? A Brazilian laser treatment can be done during your period, (just ensure a clean tampon is in), however, you experience an increase in sensitivity during your cycle or the week leading up during PMS.


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