Is extreme hunger an early sign of pregnancy

Feel as if you're never full? An increased appetite during pregnancy is common, especially in the second trimester when morning sickness fades, cravings pick up and you need more calories to feed your ever-growing baby.

Here's how to whet your appetite and ensure you're getting all the nutrients you both need.

When does appetite generally increase during pregnancy?

Some women notice that their appetite increases as soon as the first trimester of pregnancy. 

However most women feel a shift in their appetite during the second trimester, around the time morning sickness ends.

You might feel more hungry at any time of the day, but perhaps especially overnight and early in the morning, as your blood sugar levels gradually drop overnight with a longer period between meals. 

Why do I feel hungry all the time while I'm pregnant?

Quite simply, your increased appetite during pregnancy is due to your growing baby demanding more nourishment — and she's sending the message to you loud and clear.

Starting in the second trimester, you’ll need to steadily gain weight to meet your baby’s needs. For women who started pregnancy at a normal weight, that means gaining a total of about 12 to 14 pounds total (or about 1 pound per week) in the second trimester and 8 to 10 pounds in the third trimester. 

To support your weight gain and growing baby, your body needs about an additional 300 to 350 calories per day in the second trimester and 500 calories in the third trimester than what you were eating before you conceived. (If you’re still in your first trimester, keep in mind that your baby is still tiny; that means you don’t need to eat more just yet to support your pregnancy.)

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Your appetite may also be increasing because of pregnancy cravings, which are usually normal as symptoms go. However, occasionally they can indicate a nutritional deficiency, so check in with your practitioner to be sure.

What can I do about increased appetite when I'm pregnant?

When it comes to satisfying your increased appetite during pregnancy, listen to your body, but stay sensible about your portions.

Remember that while you are eating for two, one of you is a whole lot smaller, so the "one for me, one for baby" principle doesn't add up. 

Here are a few tips to keep hunger pangs in check:

1. Stay hydrated

It's easy to confuse dehydration with hunger — and because your body is so busy making a baby, you'll need more liquids than ever. Aim for at least eight to 10 8-ounce cups of water a day from all sources, and possibly more if it's hot outside or you're sweating a lot.

Just skip the sodas, which can add excess calories and sugar (spiking your sugar and upping your appetite) without any nutritional benefit.

2. Keep your calories in check

Most moms don't need any more calories at all during the first trimester. In the second trimester, women who were a normal weight before getting pregnant only need about 300 to 350 more calories daily than they were eating in their pre-pregnancy diets (you may need more or less). 

For many women, calorie needs increase by about 500 in the third trimester. If you're carrying multiples, you could need to eat up to 300 calories more a day for each baby.

3. Eat a healthy pregnancy diet

Make sure your pregnancy diet is nutritious rather than merely filling. For staying power, pair a high-fiber carb (like whole grains or fruit) with protein and healthy fat (like nut butter or dairy). 

Choose fresh, whole foods over processed, refined ones. And munch on meals that take more effort to eat, since all that chewing helps you to feel fuller in fewer bites. A big salad, for example, offers lots of nutrients and fiber to fill you up and requires more chewing than a plate of refined pasta.

You might also want to consider going organic during pregnancy for some or all of the foods you buy. While the research is conflicting about the benefits of organic foods (and the potential risks of conventional foods), they are free of pesticides, antibiotics and additives, which may give you additional peace of mind.

4. Stay stocked

If you're going to hit the refrigerator, freezer and pantry on the regular, make sure you've got lots of healthy options on hand. Scarf down a whole cantaloupe and you've downed a whole day's supply of vitamin A and C. The same can't be said for a bag of cookies.

5. Avoid temptation

Going to the grocery store? Avoid buying those not-so-good-for-you foods. (Out of sight, out of mind.) But if you absolutely have to satisfy a sweet tooth, store the treat in a cabinet rather than on your counter. This way, you're less likely to munch on it in passing. 

6. Eat small, frequent meals

Instead of three square meals a day, opt for five or six mini-meals that are eaten every three hours. 

If you eat too much at any one sitting, you'll end up feeling overstuffed — plus, it can lead to even more bloating, gas, heartburn and general gastrointestinal upset than you're already experiencing.

When you eat a little bit every few hours, you'll never reach a point where you're starving and likely to overdo it.

7. Carry snacks

To keep from falling back on non-nutritious fast foods when hunger strikes, carry a bag of trail mix with you so you'll have something healthy to munch on in a pinch.

8. Indulge every now and then

Treat yourself with a couple of bites of your favorite food once a day to make it easier for you to say no the other times.

And if you can't keep it to a couple of bites, save the ice cream sundae for a once-a-week treat. (Another tip: Opt for the 70 percent dark chocolate over the milk varieties to sneak in a dose of antioxidants.)

9. Watch your pregnancy weight gain

If you didn't gain much weight in the first trimester (or even lost some due to nausea), pregnant hunger pangs may be your body's way of catching up.

But if you're packing on the pounds too quickly, talk to your doctor about how to change your diet to keep your weight gain in check.

When can I expect my pregnancy appetite to decrease?

You may find that your appetite decreases in the third trimester of pregnancy. The reason: Your baby is leaving less and less room for your stomach.

Or you might still feel ravenous, but it only takes a few bites before you're stuffed (and then an hour or two before you're hungry again).

Since most women need to be eating around an extra 500 calories per day to support that growing baby, it's an especially good idea to break up your day with about six nutrient-dense mini-meals.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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