If someone wants to see you theyll make time

If he truly wants to be with you, he will make the time. Busy is a word we’ve allowed men to use for treating us badly or not up to the standard we deserve.

Someone who really wants you and really wants to be with you will make that happen. There is no grey area when it comes to interest. There’s no what-ifs or maybes or almost. Someone who wants to be with you will be.

And if he’s sending mixed signals then he doesn’t want you enough and the only people you should want and the only people you should invest time and emotion into are the ones who want you.

It isn’t your job to convince someone they should want to be with you.

There’s always going to be obstacles when it comes to relationships and it’s up to you to find someone who looks at those things as something easy to overcome TOGETHER. It isn’t you making all the effort or them. It’s someone willing to meet you halfway with things.

If you ever find yourself exerting too much energy into someone then it isn’t the relationship for you. Because the right relationship is going to come very easily.

And there isn’t going to be a moment of uncertainty.

If you ever find yourself rereading texts because you feel you’ve misread signals or confused and hurt, they aren’t the one.

There isn’t going to be a wrong time to text him because no matter when it is, he’s going to want to hear from you.

There isn’t going to be a time of the day to see him just a schedule you each might have to work around sometimes but he will because he wants to see you.

The person you deserve is someone who is going to desire you as much as you do them and these feelings will leave you whole not empty.

You are never going to wonder how he feels because he’s going to want you to be sure and confident in him.

The right guy realizes it’s his job to make you feel safe and secure and loved and wanted.

If someone is doing those things they aren’t meant for you.

There isn’t a feeling strong enough to change how someone feels about you and someone does not feel the way you do or they aren’t showing it, then you stop investing into that person because you’re only hurting yourself if you continue to choose someone who doesn’t choose you.

Guys might try and mess with your head and your heart and send a hundred mixed signals but it’s up to you to realize when someone is doing that and walk away. That isn’t a sign to try harder.

Boys play games. But the right guy won’t.

The right guy will build you up and not break you down.

The right guy will care and not make you wonder if he does.

The right guy will take every flaw and shortcoming and push you see what you can become.

He won’t use flaws against you like there’s something to win making you feel bad about it.

The right guy will make you feel secure with how you feel not walk away with the pieces of you gave so carelessly.

The right guy will value vulnerable moments and not look at you as weak.

A right guy is going to make you one of his top priorities because any real looks at a women’s love and affection and doesn’t take it for granted.

A right guy realizes how childish it is to hurt girls and it isn’t attractive.

A right guy realizes the most attractive thing he is able to do is find a single woman and make her feel like she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him. And it’s his job to win her over and prove he’s worthy of her time and attention.

A right guy isn’t afraid of stepping into a relationship with both feet even if he is nervous too.

A right guy doesn’t use the word busy because there is always time. It’s just we all make time for the people who matter.

And it’s up to you to invest your time into someone worth it. And the person who is worth it is never going to be the boy who messes with your head and walks away with your heart.

It’s not uncommon for people to want time and attention from people who claim to be always busy. I’ve been on both sides of that.

The truth of whether people make time for what they want is perhaps debatable. Its true people tend to put their time and energy to things they care about.

It’s also true that people do have many things they need to think about and do in life. It can get to a point where someone may find they don’t get much time for themselves.

As a result, what remaining time they do have, they choose to spend it alone. Sometimes people are just in a period of life where they really want (or need) to focus on themselves.

It may seem selfish in one sense, because the person we care about isn’t directing time to us. But maybe it’s better some don’t give their time to us unless they really want to.

We still have to respect that everyone has a right to do what they feel like. If spending time in other areas helps someone improve their happiness and well-being, then that’s good.

On the flip side of things, we’ve all been guilty of not appreciating those who do give us their time. There are people who go out of their way for our attention that we can neglect sometimes.

From that perspective, we recognize that it’s not always as black and white as simply just not caring. Perhaps that can help us to feel less disappointed.

Three things to remember

1. Focus on what’s important to you

Everyone should make room in life to focus on what’s important to them. It’s the important things that matter to you which help enhance your joy in life.

When your joy is enhanced, you can better spread that joy to other people. Spend time on things that are meaningful to you. If you don’t know what that is, ponder and reflect on it for a moment.

You can find out what matters to you eventually. Then, you can start making that interest a regular part of your life.

2. Give attention to those who value and make time for you

We don’t always get the attention of those we wish we did. But we do get attention from people who really do value us and consistently make time for us in a positive way.

Remember that someone had a choice to make with their time. They had multiple options of how they could have used that time. And the one out of a hundred or maybe even thousand choices they could have made, in that moment, they chose you.

When you think of it from that perspective, perhaps that can encourage you to make time for that person more. Maybe you can reach out to them sometime.

3. Reduce time to those who aren’t giving time to you

Time and attention should be a two-way street. When you go out of your way to give someone your time and attention, it’s understandable to expect them to do the same at some point.

There have been people I’ve not reached out to as much over time because they never reached out to me. It wasn’t necessarily done out of spite, but more so just out of respecting the value I place on myself.

The dignity we should all have in not feeling we need to desperately grab someone’s attention in life. You are worthy of receiving attention without having to put so much effort for it.

Final thoughts

I believe we can all experience relationships where there’s mutual time and attention given. It just may take some of us longer than others to find our people.

Be open to allowing people a space in your life if they bring good energy to you. Go out of your way to spread good energy to others.

Remember that everyone’s trying to create some kind of happiness and fulfillment for themselves. Even if that means less time given to us, let’s hope that everyone can find that in their lives.

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Communicate your concerns using “I” statements. ... .
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Find other ways to spend time together. ... .
Maintain an active life outside of the relationship. ... .
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How do you make time for someone?

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