How to transfer outlook signatures from one computer to another

A friend called me yesterday and asked:

“Where are my signatures in Outlook saved and how do I move them to my new machine”

Surprisingly the Outlook signatures are not saved with the rest of the Outlook data so I’m sure there are others out there who are unable to locate them as well…

After helping my friend and having an awesome lunch (my friends treat for helping him), I thought I should do a quick post on this to help our readers who might be in search for their signatures.

Here’s a super easy way to copy or backup your signatures in Outlook…

Microsoft has built in a hidden way to jump straight to the folder that has your signatures saved.

NOTE: This works in all versions of outlook… from 2000 to 2013, but the instructions below are specifically for Outlook 2010 and 2013

To Backup your Outlook Signatures

  • Open Outlook
  • Click File > Options and then select the Mail tab from the left pane

  • Now hold down the CTRL key and click on the Signatures button. Outlook will open the folder on your computer that contains all your signatures.

Copy all the files and folders in the open folder to your backup device (USB Drive, External Drive, DVD etc)

To Copy backed up Outlook Signatures to your new computer

  • Open Outlook on your new computer
  • Click File > Options and then select the Mail tab from the left pane
  • Hold down the CTRL key and click on the Signatures button.
  • Copy the files from your backup device over to the opened folder.

The next time you try and insert a Signature in Outlook, they will all be there.

I hope you find this tip useful.

OPTIONAL RELATED OUTLOOK ADDIN: If you use Signatures as an essential part of your business you may also want to look at our Outlook addin Signature Switch for Outlook.

Feel free to share this post with your friends, family or colleagues who might be searching for their signatures, you might just earn a free lunch or dinner like me…

If you are working with Outlook 2019, I recommend reading my updated article.

For various reasons, I work on a lot of different computers and have a need for an Outlook profile on multiple computers. Because of this, sometimes I have a need to backup and import email signatures in Outlook 2016 from one computer to another so that I don’t have to manually create the signatures. It also helps me avoid copying and pasting signatures from one computer to another while I am connected using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). If I only had one or two signatures it wouldn’t be a big deal but I wear different hats and have to use multiple signatures and copying and pasting them is not very convenient. That’s not the only reason why I I have a need to backup my signatures. I don’t want to repeat the process of adding signatures to my Outlook profile every time I purchase a new computer, or wipe out my hard drive and do a fresh install, which I like to do when I install a new operating system. If you are in a similar boat, you too may have a need to backup and import your email signatures once in a while. Once you have them backed up, you can easily import them to the same, or a different, computer.

NOTE: The procedure for backing up and importing signature is the same in Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016.

Backing Up Your Email Signatures

Before you wipe your Outlook profile, in situations where you are replacing your old computer, make sure you backup your email signatures first by copying them from the APPDATA folder in your profile in Windows Explorer (called File Explorer in Windows 8/8.1). APPDATA folder is a hidden folder and instead of showing you where it’s located and how to unhide the folder, I am going to show you a much simpler way to get to it. Either type the following in the Start, Run box or in the Windows search box in Windows 7/8/8.1/10 to quickly get to the APPDATA folder:


Let’s say you want to backup all your signature for future use in a folder called C:\Backup\Email Signatures. Copy all the files and the folders in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures folder to C:\Backup\Email Signatures. You can also back them to your OneDrive, to another computer, or to a USB flash drive. Don’t forget to back up all the associated folders. In addition to the folders, there are three files for each email signature:

  • An HTML Document (.htm)
  • Rich Text File (.rtf)
  • Text Document (.txt)

If you are unsure, back up every single file and folder in the Signatures folder and you will have a complete backup of all your signatures. If you ever make changes to the signatures, just go back and repeat these steps to have an updated backup.

Importing Signatures to Another Computer

To import them on another computer, simply copy all the signature files and folders from the C:\Backup\Email Signatures where you originally copied them and then copy them to the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures folder on the destination computer. Depending on the operating system and the method you are using to copy from one computer to another, you may get an access denied message. If you run into that situation, use the following trick to copy the files. Rather than copy and paste in an RDP session, map a drive to the other computer and copy and paste it in a newly created folder (e.g. Temp) on the destination computer. This will ensure that you have the proper permissions on that Temp folder. Once the files are copied, go to the destination computer and copy the signature files and folders from the Temp folder to the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures folder. You should be able to copy them on the same computer without getting the access denied message. If you are unable to, or don’t know how to map a drive between two computers, use a USB flash drive to copy the files from the source to the destination computer.

As far as importing the signatures, that’s all there is to it. Go to Outlook on your destination computer and you should see all your signatures. Although not, required, there is one final step that I recommend you take and that is to update your signatures if you are copying your signatures from a previous version of Outlook, such as Outlook 2013, to a new version such as Outlook 2016.

Update Old Signatures

In Outlook 2013, Microsoft recommended that you update the signatures you’ve created in older versions of Outlook (e.g. Outlook 2010) so that they use updated HTML code that uses cascading style sheets (CSS). This ensured that you won’t experience any potential problems when switching or deleting signatures in a message. I would recommend updating the signatures because it only takes a few seconds. Here’s the procedure.

  1. You can get to the signatures area either by composing a new message and on the Message tab going to the signatures in the Include section, or by going through the Outlook’s Options. Either way you will end up in the Signatures and Stationary window. Let’s go through the Outlook’s Options.
  2. In Outlook 2016, click the File tab.
  3. Click Options.
  4. Click Mail.
  5. Under the Compose messages section, click Signatures.
  6. In the Signatures and Stationery screen, select a signature in the Select signature to edit list.
  7. Click anywhere in the Edit signature box where your signature is, and then click Save. If you don’t click in the Edit signature area your option to select Save will be grayed out.
  8. Repeat these steps for each signature.
  9. Click OK twice to close all the windows.
  10. All your old signatures are now updated.

Related Articles

  • How to Export and Import Outlook Account Settings
  • How to View Full Message Headers in Outlook

Copyright © 2016 SeattlePro Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Is there a way to export Outlook Signatures?

How to access it?.
From the left-hand pane, click Signatures then from the right-hand pane select the All Signatures tab..
From the signatures list, click MANAGE against the required signature you want to manage..
The selected signature pane is displayed; within the Additional Actions select Export Signature..

How do I transfer my signature from one computer to another?

For this you can easily type the command %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures in the Start Menu and copy the signatures. After this open the same folder by the name %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures on the new computer, where you wish to copy the signatures.

How do I export my Outlook settings and Signatures?

In the Windows search box type %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures and press Enter. Go to Windows 10 File Explorer and copy all the files and folders in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures hierarchy to C:\Backup\Email Signatures. That's all there is to backing up your Outlook email signatures.

Where are my Outlook Signatures stored?

Signatures. You can find the various files that make up your Outlook signatures in one of the following locations: Windows 10 drive:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures. Older versions of Windows drive:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures.


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