How to see tagged posts of someone on facebook 2022

Finding the photos you're tagged in on Facebook can help you in several ways, including seeing what your customers are sharing about you. These tags also create a direct link to your profile page and potentially drive traffic, so you want to know what people are responding to. You can also comment on any photos that have your tag. Use the photos feature in your Facebook account to find these tagged pictures.

  1. Log in to your Facebook account, and then click your name to go to your profile page.

  2. Click the "Photos" link in your time line. If you don't see this link, click the drop-down menu in the time line to expand it.

  3. Locate the "Photos of You" section to see all the pictures that you're tagged in. Click each photo to read any comments and view any other tags that are associated with the image.

Uploading and tagging photos on Facebook allows you to connect with friends and share memorable, special or funny moments from your life. With Facebook privacy settings, you control the visibility of the content you post on Facebook. If your friends are unable to view your tagged Facebook photos, it is likely that you've adjusted your privacy settings to prevent them from doing so. You can correct this in just a few clicks.

Your Tagged Photos

  1. If your friends are unable to view photos that you uploaded and in which you are tagged, the issue almost certainly is with your privacy settings. Sign in to your Facebook account using your email address and password. Open the "Account" drop-down menu by clicking the tab in the upper right corner of any page. Click the "Privacy Preferences" option to adjust your privacy settings. Place a check in the box next to "Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them" to allow friends of friends to access photos uploaded by you. Click the "Customize settings" link. On the resulting page, open the "Posts by me" drop-down menu and select an option to make your photos visible to "Everyone," "Friends of Friends" or "Friends Only," or select the "Customize" option and use the resulting pop-up window to allow or restrict the visibility of your photos to individual users. Click the "Edit privacy settings for existing photo albums and videos" to adjust your privacy preferences for each of your albums. Use the individual drop-down menu under each album to set your preferences for all photos within the album.

Your Friends' Tagged Photos

  1. If your friends are unable to view photos that you're tagged in that were uploaded by other friends, you may be able to correct this by adjusting your privacy settings. However, if the issue is with your friend's privacy settings, your only option is to suggest an adjustment on his part. Sign in to your Facebook account using your email address and password. Open the "Account" drop-down menu by clicking the tab in the upper right corner of any page. Click the "Privacy Preferences" option to adjust your privacy settings. Click the "Customize settings" link in the "Sharing on Facebook" section. On the resulting page, scroll to the "Things Others Share" section and open the "Photos and Videos You're Tagged In" drop-down menu. Select an option to make your photos visible to "Everyone," "Friends of Friends" or "Friends Only," or select the "Customize" option and use the resulting pop-up to allow or restrict the visibility of your photos to individual users.

Tagging Facebook Photos

  1. Access a photo you wish to tag by searching through your albums or your friends' albums. Click the "Tag This Photo" option that appears in the lower left corner of the photo's main page. Position the cursor over the portion of the photo you wish to tag and begin typing your name. Choose your name from the resulting drop-down list.

Removing Facebook Tags

  1. If you would rather not be tagged in a particular Facebook photo, you have the option to remove the tag, whether you own the photo or not. Whenever a friend tags you in a photo, you receive on-site notification, as well as email and text notifications if you're set up to receive them. You can click on the notification, which appears in the upper left corner of any page, upon signing in to your account. Click the "Remove Tag" option that appears next to your name below the photo.

Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

We've all done it. We have all hidden pictures from our Facebook Timeline for one reason or another. But those pictures may be more visible than you might realize.

Whether you hide tagged photos from your Timeline or simply leave tagged images pending approval in your Timeline Review, the truth is, if those images are still tagged of you in any way, more people can see them than you think.

Here's how it works

Facebook's Graph Search makes it pretty easy to creep on just about anyone, even if you aren't friends with them, and find tons of images of they are tagged in.

By simply searching "Photos of" with the name of the person you want to search, you can see any image they are tagged in, even if they hid it from their feed.


The caveat is if you are not friends with the person you are searching, you will only see images that are shared with the public or images that have have been tagged by a mutual friend or a friend of a friend.

You'll see all the images available, including ones that aren't hidden from their timeline.

How to keep your hidden photos hidden

If you want to keep your hidden pics under the radar you can simply remove the tag. This will make it so the images are not searchable.

You can also adjust your privacy settings for "Timeline and Tagging" so that when you are tagged in a post it doesn't share with anyone else but yourself. This will remove all tagged images from your Facebook page, only allowing you to view them.


Keep in mind, though, that those people in the original poster's audience will still be able to see the image if they perform a Facebook Graph search for your photos.

How do I see someones tagged posts on Facebook?

Type "Photos tagged with Friend's Name" without the quotation marks to view photos that specific friends are tagged in. Replace "Friend's Name" with the name of your friend. Facebook displays suggestions as soon as you start typing a name.

How do I see someones tagged posts?

If you want to see photos someone else is tagged in on Instagram, you just have to go to their profile and tap on the “photo frame” icon that is to the far right above their photo grid. All the photos they're tagged in, except those from private accounts, will show up there.

Why can't I see a post I tagged someone in on Facebook?

With Facebook privacy settings, you control the visibility of the content you post on Facebook. If your friends are unable to view your tagged Facebook photos, it is likely that you've adjusted your privacy settings to prevent them from doing so.

Why can't I see my friends tagged photos on Facebook?

Privacy Settings Customizable settings allow your friends to add the names of individuals who cannot access the pictures, even if other individuals on their friends list can. If your name is on this list, you will not be able to see this friend's tagged photos.


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