How to get rid of morning sore throat

"The 'run of the mill' strep throat and tonsillitis are more often seen by primary care physicians," says Dr. Flores. "ENTs see the more complicated cases that don't respond to standard treatment. Many of these people have infectious mononucleosis, or eventually need tonsillectomies."

In addition, Flores notes that persistent throat pain on one side — or that feels worse on one side — may indicate a bacterial infection that usually begins as a complication of tonsillitis or untreated strep throat (peritonsillar abscess). In some cases, the pain may indicate an advanced tumor. "A sore throat accompanied by a swollen neck gland should be seen by a physician soon," says Flores.

Other causes of a chronic sore throat, like smoking, are problems that you can control to alleviate your throat pain.

The Best Ways to Treat a Sore Throat

To successfully treat a sore throat, you have to know what's causing it. Bacterial infections like strep throat need treatment with antibiotics. It's crucial that you receive treatment for strep and don't let it continue. This bacterial infection can lead to rheumatic fever, which can cause permanent heart damage. A simple course of antibiotics (remember to take them all) can keep strep throat from becoming a serious problem.

Viral infections, like influenza, may be treated with antiviral medication, but most do not require any treatment at all.

If you have allergies that are causing a chronic sore throat (through postnasal drip), your doctor may prescribe a medication to control allergy symptoms, such as nasal corticosteroids like Flonase (fluticasone). You can also find ways to avoid those allergens (often things like mold, pet dander, or pollen) to alleviate your throat pain and other symptoms.

RELATED: How Long Does a Cold or the Flu Last?

Finding Relief From Throat Pain

No matter what's causing a sore throat, you can take steps at home to soothe an itchy, scratchy, painful throat. Try these tips to relieve throat pain at home:

  • Suck on something soothing, like a piece of hard candy, a throat lozenge, or a Popsicle.
  • Stay hydrated and moisten the throat by drinking plenty of water and other fluids. Try adding honey to a warm drink or sip on a mug of warm tea.
  • Try an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Aleve (naproxen), Tylenol (acetaminophen), and Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen). Use in moderation and only for a short period of time.
  • Run a humidifier in your home to prevent dry air from irritating your throat.
  • Create a mixture of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt per cup and gargle it a couple of times per day.

It can be hard to pinpoint the cause of a sore throat, but if it doesn't get any better, you can be sure there's some reason for it. "If the sore throat is accompanied by very severe pain on swallowing along with a high fever, it's best to see a healthcare provider right away," says Flores. See your doctor, figure out the cause, and decide on treatments and remedies that best fit your diagnosis.

You can soothe a sore throat as follows: 

  • Drink liquids, at least 64 ounces (8 cups or 2 liters) per day to stay hydrated, to thin mucus, and to keep your throat moist. It's very important to stay hydrated, even though it hurts. Drink water, tea (herbal or decaf), broth, soup, and non-caffeinated sports drinks e.g. Gatorade. Hot tea with lemon and honey can help.
  • Gargle with warm salt-water. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of regular table salt in 8 ounces (240 ml) of warm water, gargle for a few seconds, spit it out, then repeat a few times. Do this three times a day. Wondering if gargling really works? Read this brief New York Times article about a research study on the effectiveness of gargling.
  • To relieve pain and reduce inflammation, take ibuprofen (e.g. Motrin, Advil), acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) or generic versions of these medicines, following package directions.
  • Keep your throat moist by using a vaporizer or sucking on throat lozenges, ice or popcicles. Some lozenges also help relieve pain. 
  • Refrain from smoking. Smoking makes it hard to eliminate mucus and may predispose you to bronchitis or pneumonia. This would be a good time to consider quitting -- See Tobacco Cessation Help. If you choose not to quit, try not to smoke during your illness.

Call for advice if you have any of these:

  • Difficulty swallowing that prevents you from eating or drinking, or if you are drooling and cannot swallow your saliva, you should seek medical care right away
  • White or yellow spots in throat
  • Pain that is persistent, severe or increasing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • A new rash or fever
  • Signs of dehydration

For U-M students and other UHS patients, call for Nurse Advice by Phone, day or night. Calling may save you a trip. 

UHS can do rapid strep testing. Your throat and tonsils would be swabbed to collect a sample, which would be analyzed for strep (streptococcal) bacteria. Results would be available at your visit.

For currently enrolled U-M students on the Ann Arbor campus, there is no fee for phone advice, clinic visits or most laboratory tests.

For more information: 

  • Colds and Flu - Treating with Medication
  • I'm Sick! What Should I Do? Suggestions for Colds and Flu
  • Protect others by practicing good prevention measures -- See Take Care of Yourself and Your Fellow Wolverines!
  • How to Get Health Care at UHS - Appointments are required for clinic visits, and telehealth options are available
  • Tips for Academic Success if You are Sick or Injured
  • Strep Throat from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Why do I wake up in morning with sore throat?

“The most common reasons for a sore throat in the morning are a dry environment, especially in winter, along with mouth breathing and acid reflux,” Dr. Benninger says. He says that dehydration, hay fever, or the beginning of a cold can also be culprits.

How long does a morning sore throat last?

In most cases, a sore throat is due to a common viruses and will resolve itself within about 3 to 10 days. If the sore throat is from a bacterial infection or allergies, it may last longer.


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