How to check when someone followed someone on instagram

Last Updated on October 2, 2022

Instagram is one of the best social media applications with millions of users from around the world.

You can spend hours on it without feeling bored, as you can conduct endless scrolling for the content you like.

However, the experience of Instagram is highly dependent on the followers you have and the people you follow.

So, are you looking to understand who your favorite people are following and when?

If you are, here is everything you need to know about it.

  • How To See Who Someone Recently Followed On Instagram?
  • Can Instagram Show You Who You Recently Followed?
  • Ways To See Who Someone Recently Followed On Instagram
    • 1. Snoopreport
    • 2. KidsGuard Pro
  • How Is Someone’s Following List Ordered On Instagram?

Unfortunately, Instagram will not let you know who someone else recently followed.

You can go through their follower’s lists by yourself, but it will not indicate when they started following the person. That is because the follower’s list does not show up in chronological order.

Besides that, Instagram also does not display when someone starts following another person.

So, while you can check their followers, you can’t check when they followed or removed that person.

These features are there to ensure other people’s privacy and what they do on social media.

Can Instagram Show You Who You Recently Followed?

Knowing when someone started following another person is not just restricted to you.

Instagram will not even show you who you followed and when. That is because your following list is not sorted by date or anything else.

So, you can’t know when you followed someone else’s account either. The most you can do is sort the list from earliest to latest.

However, that is still no indication of when you began following someone or when they started following you.

Ways To See Who Someone Recently Followed On Instagram

Thanks to the wonder of technology, there are apps that can help you know who someone recently followed on Instagram.

Such tools are there to help you keep track of your followers and their activities. Here are the top ways to see who someone recently followed on Instagram:

1. Snoopreport

Snoopreport is one of the best applications that can help you with understanding the tracking activity of more than a hundred Instagram accounts.

Here are some of the things the app will let you know about the followers:

  • The activities they have liked the most on Instagram
  • Latest posts
  • People they recently followed
  • And more

The best part is that Snoopreport works online, which is why you will not have to download it on your mobile or enter any login credentials of your Instagram account.

You can access the data with ease and convenience in no time.

You have to add the target user’s profile, and the app will combine data to give you a New Follows list.

Keep in mind that the services of Snoopreport are not free. You will have to select a plan that will help you acquire the data you need.

The basic plan begins at $4.99 and only lets you track two friends.

You can choose other plans if you want to track the activity of more people. Once you do, you will know who someone is recently following in no time.

2. KidsGuard Pro

While this is not for checking who someone recently followed, you can use this app to track the activities of your kids.

You can install the app on your kid’s phone and hide it, so they don’t know.

Once you do, you can track who they are following, who is following them, what they liked, and much more.

Social media has opened up many possibilities of bullying and harassment online.

That is why such apps are for people who are concerned about their kids and what they do online.

With this tool, you will have peace of mind that your kids are engaging in safe activities on Instagram.

How Is Someone’s Following List Ordered On Instagram?

Many people check the order if they want to know who someone recently followed.

However, after the update of 2021 in June, it is impossible to tell how Instagram sorts the follower’s list of people.

That is because the order seems to be random and keeps changing from time to time, which is why there is no way to say anything.

If you really want to know who someone followed recently, you will have to remember their list and rely on your memory to let you know someone new they are following.

Of course, that is the last resort when nothing else seems to be working, and you really want to know.

Is there a way to see who someone recently followed on Instagram?

With Instagram's current app update, there's no way for you to know who someone recently followed as the list's categorized based on who that person knows the most. But, you can use third-party sites like Snoopreport and IG Export to keep track of who an Instagram user follows.

How do you find out if someone is following someone on Instagram in chronological order?

Go to the person's Get Instagram post comment or page you want to see the most recent followers. Tap to their followers' list, and you will get to see the list in chronological order, such as the oldest followers displayed at the end and the newest ones on the top.


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