How many carbs should i eat to gain muscle

How much carb Do I need to build muscle?

This study further recommends consuming 1.2-1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per hour during longer exercise sessions. Consuming protein at the same time can improve the storage of glycogen and promote muscle gain.

How many carbs should I eat to build muscle and lose fat?

A typical macro breakdown for fat loss and muscle gain is 40 percent protein, 30 percent fat, and 30 percent carbs.

How many calories and carbs should I eat to gain muscle?

Most people require around 20 calories per pound (or 44 kcal / kg) of bodyweight to gain muscle mass. Using a 180-pound (82kg) male as an example, the required daily calorie intake is 3600 calories (20 kcal x 180 lb = 3600 kcal).

Is 200g of carbs too much?

For most active adults, who typically weigh between 100-200 lbs, a good amount of daily carbs is: 100-200 grams per day. A big difference between carbs and protein is that carb intake is, to a large extent, based on energy expenditure (i.e., how much you work out).


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