How long after drinking a protein shake should i workout

Protein shakes are a great way to fuel your body if you need a quick, filling breakfast or after you’ve burned a ton of energy after an outdoor run or gym session. Even adding them to your menu when creating a weight loss plan has been known to offer up some nutritional benefits.

But when should you drink a protein shake—before or after your workout? Could drinking one for breakfast before you hit the gym have the same impact as sipping one as a post-workout snack? While it’s really up to you and your personal preference, we asked experts to break down if there’s actually a right time to drink protein shakes, so you can make the most of what you’re putting into your body.

Should you drink a protein shake before or after you work out?

Determining if you should have a protein shake before or after a workout isn’t always clear and experts say both can benefit your sweat sesh. But, at the end of the day, it really depends on the individual.

If you’re exercising while also trying to lose weight, Denise Alvey R.D., C.S.S.D., C.L.T., creator of New Perspective Nutrition, suggests enjoying your protein post-workout and consuming a two-to-one ratio of carbohydrates to protein (about 20 g of protein to 40 g of carbohydrates). For example, a protein shake with oatmeal and fruit would be a great option for optimal recovery. If you’re an endurance athlete like a long-distance runner, you can boost this ratio to three-to-one or even four-to-one, she says.

Having your protein shake after exercise promotes the rebuilding of muscle fibers and a carbohydrate snack (like a bowl of oatmeal or fruit) works to replenish and recover energy post-workout, says Angel Planells M.S., R.D.N., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Alvey adds that drinking a protein shake and incorporating some kind of carbohydrate within 30 minutes post-gym time can tap into the anabolic window, which suggests there is a limited time (about 30 minutes) after training where nourishing your muscles with protein and carbs can optimize your workout results and muscle gain.

“This is when the body is in the prime condition for nutrient absorption and the muscles respond best, ultimately, optimizing recovery,” Alvey says. She adds that if you miss this time period, your workout is by no means ‘wasted,’ and refueling with protein and carbohydrates is still important any time you workout.

Plus, pre-workout protein can often cause stomach discomfort while exercising, Alvey warns. Planells agrees, noting that having a protein shake pre-workout requires energy to be used in our digestive tract when we need it in our muscles, so a pre-workout shake may not be ideal for everyone. Alvey suggests trying different times of the day to determine if your stomach can tolerate a protein shake before your workout.

Instead of a pre-workout protein shake, Alvey encourages turning to a solid food source (like eggs or nut butter) or even a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplement (three essential amino acids that stimulate protein synthesis in the body and help build muscle). These have already broken-down amino acids that are more readily available than protein to avoid stomach discomfort—since they tend to be easier on the stomach before exercise. Alvey explains that though BCAAs are made up of amino acids (the building blocks of protein), most protein shakes are made with whey or plant protein powder, which is much harder for the body to break down.

Why drink a protein shake in the first place?

Protein is essential in many bodily functions including building bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and hair, explains Alvey. It’s also responsible for the overall growth, repair, and maintenance of cells, and it aids in digestion and hormone production, she says.

While having a protein shake isn’t always necessary, it can be a convenient way to ensure you’re getting the right amount of protein in your diet, any time of day. Especially if you’re struggling to hit your daily protein goals through meals with whole grains, vegetables, and lean proteins, Alvey says.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests the average non-active person get about 0.36 grams (g) of protein per pound of body weight per day, but those who exercise regularly need closer to 0.5-0.8 g per pound of body weight (about 75-120 g of protein per day for an active 150-pound woman), Alvey says. Anyone over the age of 50 likely needs around 0.5 g of additional protein per pound of body weight per day to make up for the natural muscle loss that comes with aging, she adds.

Alvey notes that when it comes to weight loss, maintenance, or weight gain, there are a lot more layers than just protein intake to consider, like the calories you consume in a day. So the answer to how much protein you should have in a day and when is a little more varied, depending on your personal goals.

That’s why she says it’s best to focus on the amount of protein you’re getting in a day, rather than when you’re ingesting it. “Not enough protein will lead to health issues such as tissues breaking down and muscle loss,” Alvey says. “Too much can lead to storing the excess as fat and/or putting strain on the kidneys to filter out excess amounts consumed.”

Plus, your body can also struggle to break down too much protein in just one sitting—so aim for 30 grams as your max. “Consuming larger amounts will require your body to work harder to break down and process,” says Planells

The bottom line

Though experts point towards drinking a protein shake after your workout, it’s really up to the individual. If a pre-workout shake sounds more appealing, there is some research that points to protein being a great option before exercise with resistance training to help build muscle mass, but it’s not significantly better or worse than drinking a protein shake post-workout, Alvey explains. Another study examined protein intake pre- versus post-workout and found that both options had a similar effect on body composition.

Generally, people find similar results when drinking a protein shake before or after working out. Both Alvey and Planells agree that the major difference is the risk of stomach distress during exercise and ensuring you hit your daily protein intake throughout your day rather than when you have that protein shake.

Arielle Weg is the associate editor at Prevention and loves to share her favorite wellness and nutrition obsessions. She previously managed content at The Vitamin Shoppe, and her work has also appeared in Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Cooking Light, MyRecipes, and more. You can usually find her taking an online workout class or making a mess in the kitchen, creating something delicious she found in her cookbook collection or saved on Instagram.

Can I workout after drinking protein shake?

These results suggest that as long as you consume protein around your workout, it doesn't matter whether it's before or after training. Therefore, you can choose which time you prefer or is most convenient for you. Whether you drink a protein shake before or after your workout may not affect muscle strength or size.

How long before a workout should I drink a protein shake?

We recommend having a serving of protein powder within 30 minutes of exercise for best results.

Is protein shake good before workout?

Adding protein prior to your training session primes the pump: It starts protein synthesis during rather than after your training session. Pre-workout protein shakes most likely increases amino acid delivery and uptake by muscles during training.

Is it better to have a protein shake before or after a workout?

If a pre-workout shake sounds more appealing, there is some research that points to protein being a great option before exercise with resistance training to help build muscle mass, but it's not significantly better or worse than drinking a protein shake post-workout, Alvey explains.


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