How i know if im blocked on iphone

There are a couple of clues that can help you figure it out.

In today’s technology-flooded world, it can be easier than ever to communicate with people. But it can also make it easy to stop someone from communicating with you, with the push of a button or two. And if you text someone and continue to get no response, you may wonder if this has happened to you. Can you tell if someone blocked your texts? Get a look at how to know if someone blocked you on Facebook, too.

Can you know for sure?

We should start by saying that there’s no definitive way to determine that you’ve been blocked; for instance, you’re not going to get a notification or see an indicator in that person’s contact info. That would infringe on the privacy of the other user. But little clues like the lack of the “Delivered” message (on iPhones), as well as what you hear when you call the person, can help you determine if they’ve blocked you. Indeed, finding out if someone blocked your phone number is far easier if you have an iPhone, and if the person you’re texting does as well.

How to know if someone blocked your number on iPhone

There are a couple of methods for how to tell if someone blocked your number. Justin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer with Been Verified, breaks down how to know if someone blocked your number if you have an iPhone.

Take a look at your texting app, which will most likely be iMessage. “Most likely, when you send a message, you will get a ‘delivered’ confirmation when the message has been delivered,” he told Reader’s Digest. When you look at your messages with the person you think blocked you, look for that confirmation. “The last message that you know was received and responded to…should have a ‘delivered’ status,” Lavelle explains. If, under the messages you’ve sent after that, you don’t see that “delivered” notification, that could mean that person has blocked you.

Another method for how to know if someone blocked your number involves giving that person a call. “If you call a specific number and it immediately goes to voicemail, or you get a strange message such as ‘temporarily out of service’ or ‘the person is not taking calls,’ this may mean your number has been blocked,” Lavelle says. Maybe you did one of the things you shouldn’t be doing over text.

How to know if someone blocked your number on Android

Things are even less clear if you or the person you’re texting has an Android phone. Android phones don’t have that “delivered” message on texting, and even an iPhone user won’t see the “delivered” notification while texting an Android user. So how to tell if someone blocked your number from texts with an Android phone?

If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won’t be delivered to the Android user.” It’s the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in. “The simplest way to tell if you have been blocked by an Android user is to call,” Lavelle says. Just like with an iPhone, listen for it to be diverted to voicemail or play you a pre-recorded message. Of course, this doesn’t automatically mean that person has blocked your phone number; your call may be diverted to voicemail for other reasons. But if it happens repeatedly, and you’re getting radio silence from both calls and texts, you should consider that you’ve been blocked. Whether you’re worried about being blocked or not, you should avoid these annoying texting habits that we’re all guilty of.


  • Justin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer with

You’re trying to call someone, but your call doesn’t seem to go through. Worse still, you send messages to them, but you’re not sure they receive the texts because there’s no response.

There could be issues with their SIM card, phone’s battery, or cellular signal. It’s also possible they enabled Airplane Mode or Do Not Disturb mode by mistake. If none of these are true, chances are they’ve blocked your number. There’s no direct way to check the block list of another iPhone or iPad. But if you suspect someone blocked your number, there are different ways to verify.

When someone blocks your number, they’ll no longer receive your phone calls or text messages.

You won’t get any official alert or notification if they block your number. But, if your call rings once or doesn’t ring and goes right to voicemail, you may have been blocked.

There’s no simple process to tell if someone blocked you. However, you can try several things to check if you’re blocked.

  1. Call from a different number and see if they pick up. If you don’t have enough airtime, find out how to use WiFi to make cellphone calls. If you call and get an automated message like “the customer is unavailable” or a similar response over several days, it could mean that their phone is off or on Do Not Disturb mode.
  2. Send the person an MMS or SMS message. If you send a text that doesn’t show a read receipt or delivered notification badge, that could mean you’re blocked — especially if it’s been several days since you sent the message.
  3. Launch a conference call and see if you can connect.
  4. Contact the person via iMessage or FaceTime. If texts in the Messages app have a green bubble or you see a “Not Delivered” error message, that could indicate that the recipient has blocked you. If FaceTime (and cellular) calls drop or go to voicemail drop after one ring, you’ve likely been blocked.

Hide Your Caller ID

If you prefer not to use a different line, you can type *67 followed by the person’s phone number to mask your number. If the phone usually rings, that tells you the iPhone user blocked your number.

Alternatively, you can hide your caller ID and call the person who has blocked your number. Your iPhone has the Hidden Caller ID feature, which masks your number so the other person’s phone won’t detect it.

  1. Open the iOS Settings app and tap Phone.
  2. Next, tap Show My Caller ID.
  3. Toggle the Show My Caller ID option to switch it off.

Try calling the person that has blocked your number and see if they pick up.

Note: If the feature doesn’t work, your carrier has probably disabled it, in which case you can try calling from a different iPhone.

Send a Message Via Chat

If you’re still unable to get through to the other person, try sending a text via instant messaging and social media apps like Snapchat.

Check if you’re able to call or text them on WhatsApp. If they don’t pick up your call, they’re probably offline. But if your WhatsApp calls don’t ring, they’ve most likely blocked you.

To verify that they blocked your number on WhatsApp, send a text and see if it goes through. You’re still connected if you see two blue ticks or gray check marks. If only one check lasts several days, it’s a sign that you’ve likely been blocked.

You can also try adding the person to a WhatsApp group and see if you can add the person. If you can’t add them and you get the “Could Not Add Contact” error message, it means they’ve blocked you.

Check the Number of Rings Before Voicemail

If you call someone and hear the usual number of rings before your call goes to voicemail, don’t worry—you’re still connected to them.

Sometimes you may hear an unusual ring pattern. That could mean several things: the person’s phone is off, they’re on another phone call, or they’ve redirected all their calls to voicemail.

As mentioned earlier, a single ring before your call goes to voicemail strongly indicates that you‘re blocked. We should also note that iOS doesn’t notify iPhone users of new voicemails from blocked senders. Instead, voicemails from blocked senders stay hidden in the “Blocked Messages” section of the recipient’s voicemail box.

It Could Be Something Else

In most cases, there may be a simple reason your calls or text messages aren’t going through. Don’t immediately jump to the conclusion that they blocked you. Maybe they’re having network challenges or haven’t paid their phone bill.

Before you jump to conclusions, giving the person some time is a good idea. If you meet often, you could ask them about it. You can also try reaching out through a family member or mutual friend.

Can you tell if someone blocked your texts?

“The last message that you know was received and responded to…should have a 'delivered' status,” Lavelle explains. If, under the messages you've sent after that, you don't see that “delivered” notification, that could mean that person has blocked you.

Can you tell if someone blocked your texts on iPhone?

Here's a great tip for how to tell if you're blocked on iMessage: Look underneath the last text you sent before you suspect you were blocked. If the previous iMessage says "Delivered" under the message bubble but the most recent one doesn't, it can mean that you've been blocked.


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