How do you say stuff in french

French is often considered as the language of love and romance.The melodious flow of the language is enough to melt hearts everywhere... And even the most innocuous French words can knock ladies off their feet!

This is totally an exaggeration, of course, but if that’s what innocent French words can do, can you imagine the impact truly romantic French words can have?

In this list, we’ve compiled the most swoon-worthy and romantic French words, phrases, and expressions like mon amour, which means my love in French. You'll also find common English phrases that are cute in French! You can use this to woo your amour and express your love in French language or bust these words out during special occasions like Valentine’s Day or your anniversary. Totally up to you.


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First, let’s start with the simple words.

L' amour Love
Un câlin Hug or cuddle
La Saint-Valentin St. Valentine’s Day
Des fleurs Flowers
Des bonbons Candy
Des bijoux Jewelry
du parfum Perfume
Les fiançailles Engagement
Une bague de fiançailles Engagement ring
Une alliance Wedding ring
Les noces, le mariage Wedding
Le mariage Marriage
La lune de miel Honeymoon
Un mari, un époux Husband
Une femme, une épouse Wife
Un fiancé Fiancé
Une fiancée Fiancee
Un amant, une amante Lover
Un copain Boyfriend
Une copine Girlfriend
Tomber amoureux (de) to fall in love (with)
Galocher to French kiss
Sortir avec to date
Se fiancer à (or avec) to get engaged
Se marier avec to get married
Une liaison Love affair
Le coup de foudre Love at first sight
Une histoire d’amour Love story
éperdument amoureux Lovestruck
Un triangle amoureux Love triangle
Une déclaration d’amour Declaration of love
Son premier amour First love
Fou d’amour Madly in love
Amour d'adolescent Puppy love
Le grand amour True love
Amour de ma vie Love of my life
Amour sans fin Endless love

Romantic French Phrases

Now for some phrases that are sure to win the heart of that special person you’re eyeing… or make your long-time lover fall in love with you all over again.

Tu as de beaux yeux. You have beautiful eyes.
Tu es très jolie. You are pretty.
Tu es mignon. You are cute.
Tu es belle. You are beautiful. (female)
J’adore ton sourire. I love your smile.
Tu es charmante. You are charming.
Je pense toujours à toi. I always think of you.
Tu me manques. I miss you.
Tu me rends heureuse. You make me happy. (male)
Tu me rends heureux. You make me happy. (female)
Je veux être avec toi. I want to be with you.
Tu es ma joie de vivre. You’re the joy of my life.
Je suis fou de toi. I’m crazy about you.
M'apprécies-tu? Do you care for me?
Est-ce que tu m'aimes? Do you love me?
Je t'adore I adore you.
Je t'aime. I love you.
Moi aussi, je t'aime. I love you too
Je pense toujours à toi. I always think about you.
Tes yeux, j’en rêve jour et nuit. I dream about your eyes day and night.
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. I can’t live without you.
Tu es l’amour de ma vie. You’re the love of my life.
Je t’aime de tout mon coeur. I love you with all my heart.
Tu veux sortir avec moi? Will you go out (on a date) with me?
Veux-tu être mon petit-ami? Would you like to be my boyfriend?
Veux-tu être ma petite-amie? Would you like to be my girlfriend?
Je veux être avec toi pour toujours. I want to be with you forever.
Serre-moi. Hug me.
Embrasse-moi. Kiss me.
J’ai envie de toi. I want you.
J'ai besoin de toi. I need you.
Fais-moi l’amour. Make love to me.
demande en mariage Marriage proposal
Veux-tu m’épouser? Will you marry me?
Je t’aimerai pour toujours. I will always love you.
À toi, pour toujours Yours forever
Je suis amoureuse. I am in love. (female speaker)
Je suis amoureux. I am in love. (male speaker)
Il est mon fiancé. He is my fiancé
Elle est ma fiancée. She is my fiancée.

Mini Quiz


French is a sweet, sultry language that could charm the socks off of anyone's feet. Be sure to use these words properly so you won't end up breaking any hearts!

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Here are some FAQs about Romantic French Words

How do you say “I love you” in French?

I love you in French is je t’aime and it is pronounced /zhuh-tem/.

How do you say “love” in French?

The French word for love is amour (noun) and aimer (verb).

How do you translate “love me for who I am” in French?

You can say “Aime-moi pour qui je suis” if you want to say “love me for who I am” in French.

How do you say “goodnight, my love” in French?

In French, “Goodnight my love” is bonne nuit, mon amour. Bonne nuit means “goodnight” and mon amour is “my love.”

What are 10 French words?

Learn Some Common French Words.
Bonjour = Hello, Good morning..
Au revoir = Goodbye..
Oui = Yes..
Non = No..
Merci = Thank you..
Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much..
Fille = Girl..
Garçon = Boy..

How do you say cool in French slang?

One such slang term is "chouette", meaning cool. The French also say “cool” and its not uncommon to modify cool or chouette with a “hyper” or “super” to drive home the meaning.

Why do French people say bah oui?

Essentially, “bah” means “you idiot” or “yeah duh.” So if someone asks if you're going to watch the next season of Game of Thrones, you say, “Bah ouais, c'est la fin de la série.” If you didn't remember it's your coworker Daisy's birthday until she brings a cake out at lunch, you'd exclaim, “Bah oui, c'est ton ...

What is French for secret?

It's a secret. C'est un secret.


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