How do you say one more in spanish



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one more time


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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2022:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
one more time adv (once more) una vez más loc adv
  Please, repeat the question one more time.
  Por favor, repita la pregunta una vez más.
    otra vez loc adv
  Por favor, repita la pregunta otra vez.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

'one more time' aparece también en las siguientes entradas:

In the English description:

once again - once more

In Lists: Vocabulario generico, more...

Forum discussions with the word(s) "one more time" in the title:

again/one more time
Bring it one more time
Hit me one more time
I’ve been warned that if I stare at his chest wig one more time………!!
If I hear that one more time...
more than one time frame
no more than one week at a time
once again or one more time? (nuevamente, una vez mas)
One last hug to feel his arms around you one more time
One more time
one more time
one more time around
one more time/Once again/again/once more - grammar
one more time/once more
Push - the pregnant woman pushed hard one more time
What was that? / One more time?
I had to say if the cops called one more time. [ellipsis?] - English Only forum
I want to read it one more time to nail it. - English Only forum
more money than we had ever had at one time (at one time) - English Only forum
one always assumes one will have more time - English Only forum
One more time in the order we're going to need them in. - English Only forum
one more time vs another time - English Only forum
Several times vs. More than one time - English Only forum
usage of cause (verb) one more time: - English Only forum
You got one more time (to do something) and I swear/promise... - English Only forum
You got one more time and it's gonna be me and you - English Only forum

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

di algo más

dices otra

Si dices algo más

you say one more thing that sounds like a code,

If you say one more syllable, I will shove a powder puff down your windpipe...

Si dices otra silaba te meteré haré tragar la borla

If you say one more thing, I'll get home and... slap you.

Si dices otra cosa, iré a casa y te daré unos azotes

You need to stop before you say one more word.

If you say one more thing Leon...

If you say one more word...

I should think carefully before you say one more word.

Yo lo pensaría cuidadosamente antes de decir una palabra más.

If you say one more word against Pakistanis...

Si dices una palabra más contra los paquistaníes...

You have my oath if you say one more word.

Don't you say one more word.

If you say one more word, I'm stopping the car.

If you say one more thing about Milena, I'll break your head and everybody's.

Si decís alguna otra cosa sobre Milena, te rompo la cabeza a ti y a todos los demás.

Candy, if you say one more word, I'll...

If you say one more word, things'll get dire.

If you say one more word to me about Jeff's hypnotic influence on me...

Si vuelves a decir que Jeff me tiene hipnotizada...

Dr. Graham, you say one more word, and I'm arresting you for murder in the first degree.

Dr. Graham, dice una palabra más y lo arrestaré por homicidio premeditado.

If you say one more word, it will be your last.

Si dices una palabra más, será la última que digas.

If you say one more thing, I will shoot you myself.

If you say one more word about my Mom or Dad I will break your face...

Si dices una palabra más sobre mi mamá o papá te rompo la cara...

If you say one more word, I'm stopping the car.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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What are the three ways to say one in Spanish?

1 – 100 Spanish Numbers.

How many ways can you say one in Spanish?

Janet Long has taught post-secondary Spanish and English for over 15 years. ... The Numbers 1-10..

How do you say more in Spain?

Más is usually used as an adverb to mean "more" or "most." Más can also be used as an adjective or pronoun meaning "more."

How do you say two in Spain?

Here are the Spanish numbers:.
1 - uno..
2 - dos..
3 - tres..
4 - cuatro..
5 - cinco..
6 - seis..
7 - siete..
8 - ocho..


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