Guided reading american struggle with postwar issues

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  • Course Title SCI 208
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© McDougal Littell Inc. All rights reserved.NameDateCHAPTER12Section1GUIDED READINGAmericans StrugglewithPostwar IssuesA. As you read this section, take notes to answer questions about postwar conditionsin America and the fear of communism.After World War I, many Americans feared that Communistswould takeoverthe country.1. Howdid the Justice Department under A.MitchellPalmer respond to thisfear?3. Howdid theKu Klux Klanrespond to thisfear?2. Whydid Palmer eventually lose hisstand-ing with the American public?4. Whydid theKlaneventually lose popularityand membership?Public opinion turned

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Trade union, Anti communism in the United States, Klux Klan respond



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Chapter 12 Politics of the Roaring Twenties Unit 1 Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues

Terms in this set (27)


prejudice against foreign-born people


a policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs


an economic and political system based on a single-party government ruled by a dictatorship

Red Scare

panic in the United States that began after revolutionaries in Russia overthrew the czarist regime. Resulted in communist groups forming in the U.S. (they mailed bombs to government and business leaders) The public grew very fearful that the communists were taking over the U.S.

Vladimir I. Lenin

along with his followers, known as the Bolsheviks overthrew the czarist regime in Russia, establishing a communist state


communist followers of Lenin


another name for communists

Industrial Workers of the World

group which joined the communist party that formed in the United States

A. Mitchell Palmer

U.S. Attorney General who took action in order to combat the "Red Scare"

J. Edgar Hoover

Palmer's special assistant. He hunted down suspected communists, socialists, and anarchists then trampled their civil rights


people who oppose any form of government

civil rights violated by Hoover

communists, socialists, and anarchists that were hunted down by Hoover had their homes and offices invaded, were jailed without legal counsel, and were deported without trials


forced to leave a country

Nicola Sacco

famous victim of nativism. Italian shoemaker and anarchists who evaded the draft during WWI. He was arrested and charged with the robbery and murder of a factory paymaster and guard. Was found guilty and sentenced to death (led to protest)

Bartolomeo Vanzetti

famous victim of nativism. Italian fish peddler and anarchists who evaded the draft during WWI. He was arrested and charged with the robbery and murder of a factory paymaster and guard. Was found guilty and sentenced to death (led to protest)

"keep America for Americans"

nativist wave that became the prevailing attitude (quote)


a person who is intolerant of any creed, race, religion, or political belief that differs from his own

Ku Klux Klan

group formed as a result of the Red Scare to harass African Americans

"100 percent Americanism"

KKK's devoted plan (vague)

Emergency Quota Act of 1921

set up a quota system, which established the maximum number of people who could enter the United States from each foreign country. The goal was to cut European immigration to the U.S. Later amended in 1924 to limit the immigration from each European nation to 2% of the number of its nationals living in the U.S. The provision discriminated against eastern and southern Europe (Roman Catholics and Jews). Also prohibited Japanese immigration

quota system

a system that sets limits on how many immigrants from various countries a nation will admit each year

Boston Police Strike

as a result of the police not being given a raise since the beginning of WWI and not being allowed to unionize. When representatives went to ask for a raise and were fired, the remaining officers decided to strike. Coolidge then called the National Guard to put down the strike

Steel Mill Strike- 1919

workers wanted the right to negotiate for shorter working hours, a living wage, union recognition, and collective bargaining rights. When the U.S. Steel Corporation refused to meet with union representatives, workers walked off their jobs. Strike breakers were hired and striking workers were beaten. The strike ended after Wilson made a written plea. After conditions went public, the companies agreed to 8-hour work days,but the workers remained without a union

Coal Miners' Strike- 1919

United Mine Workers of America organized with John L. Lewis as their leader to protest low wages and long workdays. Went on strike and continued on strike even after court order. Resulted in mines being shut for a month. Ended when Wilson acted as an arbitrator. Miners received a 27% wage increase as a result of the strike

United Mine Workers

led by John L. Lewis to protest low wages and long workdays. (successful union)

John L. Lewis

leader of the United Mine Workers. He became a national hero during the Coal Miners' Strike of 1919 for his actions

reasons for decline in union membership

1) much of the work force consisted o immigrants willing to work in poor conditions
2) since immigrants spoke a multitude of languages, unions had difficulty organizing them
3) farmers who had migrated to cities to find factory jobs were used to relying on themselves
4) most unions excluded African Americans

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