Fidelity backdoor roth ira step by step

You know, we are big fans of effective tax and retirement structures. That’s why the Fidelity Mega Backdoor Roth is one of our favorites.

These plans allow you to make after-tax contributions as well as pretax contributions. Current IRS rules on the plan and rollovers make the structures much more attractive to the average person.

This guide will discuss setting up a mega back door Roth at Fidelity. I will also provide some planning ideas for structuring these plans and combining them with cash balance plans. Let’s get started.

What is a Fidelity Mega Backdoor Roth?

The retirement structure itself is a twist on a 401(k). It allows 401(k) participants to contribute both pretax and after-tax funds that bring the dollar amount to the total annual contribution limit for a given year. After-tax contributions qualify for tax-free distributions to an IRA, an end plan, or an in-service rollover.

When the employee makes the after-tax contribution, these contributions can either be rolled out of the plan into a Roth account or converted directly to Roth assets as an in-plan rollover. Assuming the compliance requirements are met, the employee will receive tax-free contributions.

I know this may sound a bit confusing, but I will try to break it down and make it easy.

What is the IRS Position?

For many years there was debate about how to structure these plans and if they were even legal. In the past, the IRS took a basic stance but did not offer much guidance on implementation or how to structure the plans.

However, the IRS essentially signed off on the structure while leaving a few caveats. They thought about the design and pro rata rules for many years. The IRS subsequently issued guidance under IRS notice 2014-54.

The IRS basically reversed a prior position and now allows taxpayers to roll over their 401(k) funds and allocate pretax amounts to it, traditional IRA, and the after-tax contributions to a tax-free Roth conversion. You have to make sure you get the mechanics correctly.

What is the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA?

Do you already contribute to your 401K and IRA? If so, you may be encouraged to learn about the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA. This ‘supersized’ version of the IRA allows larger contributions than the standard Roth IRA. While it used to be a ‘secret’ for many years, it’s gaining popularity.

A Backdoor Roth IRA allows an option for investors who make too much money for a traditional Roth IRA ($137,000 for single filers and $203,000 for married filing joint filers). If this is you, the Backdoor Roth IRA allows you to roll money already invested in a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA.

But you lose the tax benefit of the Roth IRA. You’ll owe the tax money when you roll over pre-tax money now. You could face a hefty tax bill, but your earnings and withdrawals are tax-free.

A Mega Backdoor Roth IRA works with investors with money in a 401K rather than a traditional IRA. Rather than getting maxed out at the standard $20,500 limit, you can invest up to $37,000 per year in a mega version.

For the strategy to work, you must:

  • Have a 401K at work
  • Your 401K must allow ‘after-tax’ contributions in addition to your pre-tax contributions.
  • You must be able to transfer the after-tax contributions from your 401K to your Roth IRA.
  • Have more money to invest after you max out your 401K and Roth IRA contributions for the year

If your employer allows after-tax contributions to your 401K, you can contribute a total of $56,000 ($37,000 + $19,000). However, this includes any employer match. For example, if you maxed out your 401K and your employer matched your contributions at $5,000, you contributed $24,000. This leaves $32,000 of your after-tax dollars free for investment in the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA.

How to Set Up a Fidelity Mega Backdoor Roth IRA

Use these simple steps to start your Mega Backdoor Roth IRA:

  • Maximize your pre-tax 401K contributions
  • Set up your paycheck to invest after-tax contributions on top of your pre-tax contributions. Roll over the after-tax contributions to a Roth IRA immediately (if your employer allows in-service rollovers)
  • If your employer doesn’t allow a rollover to a Roth IRA, you’ll have to wait until you leave that job.
Maximum After-Tax Contributions Challenging Pro-Rata Rules
Included in Many Standard 401(k)s Multiple Accounts Required
Low Administration Fees 1099-R Required
Simple Administration Form 5500-EZ Filing

If you can’t roll your contributions to a Roth IRA right away, talk with your tax advisor about how to separate the contributions and earnings when transferring them. It would be best if you rolled your contributions over to a Roth IRA and the earnings to a traditional IRA so that you don’t lose the tax benefits of your after-tax contributions.

If you already max out your employer-sponsored 401K and traditional IRA, look into the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA. You’ll invest after-tax dollars to a much more significant amount, and your contributions and earnings are tax-free. With a limit of up to $56,000, you stand to save a lot more money for retirement with tax benefits.

How do I run backdoor Roth on Fidelity?

How to Do a Backdoor Roth IRA at Fidelity.
Step 1: Contribute to Fidelity Traditional IRA..
Step 2: Convert Fidelity Traditional IRA to Roth IRA..
Step 3: Choose Your Fidelity Roth IRA Investments..

How do you do a backdoor Roth step by step?

A two-step Roth conversion process For 2021, you're allowed to contribute up to $6,000 ($7,000 if you're age 50 or older). Make sure you file IRS Form 8606 every year you do this. Transfer the assets from the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. You can make this transfer and conversion at any point in the future.

How do I file a backdoor for a Roth IRA?

Backdoor Roth IRA Steps, Tutorials, and Walkthroughs.
Step 1 – Contribute to a Traditional IRA. ... .
Step 2 – Leave the Money in Cash. ... .
Step 3 – Convert the Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. ... .
Step 4 – Invest the Money. ... .
Step 5 – Beware of the Pro-Rata Rule. ... .
Step 6 – Fill Out IRS Form 8606 Correctly..

How do I backdoor a 2022 Roth IRA?

A backdoor Roth can be created by first contributing to a traditional IRA and then immediately converting it to a Roth IRA (to avoid paying taxes on any earnings or having earnings that put you over the contribution limit).


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