Does drinking apple juice make your pee pee bigger

When you’re striving for a healthy lifestyle, most of us know that good ol’ H20 is your best friend. Drinking glass after glass of water is certainly beneficial for your health, but it can get a little boring after a while. If you’re looking for a drink with a little more flavour and packed with vitamins and nutrients, you can’t go wrong with apple juice.

From immediate effects such as aiding in digestion and improving skin quality, all the way to long term benefits like prevention of cancer and heart disease, the list of apple juice benefits goes on and on. I’ve started adding some apple juice to my daily routine, I do believe that a glass of apple juice a day might keep the doctor away!

Juicing Your Own vs. Store Bought Apple Juice

Don’t run out and grab a gallon of store-bought apple juice quite so fast. If you want to get the maximize your apple juice benefits, you should be making it yourself.

By using a juicer to make your own apple juice, you’ll be squeezing the nutrition from the apple’s skin and pulp while avoiding the added sugar found in most commercially processed juices.

How to Juice Apples

If you’ve never juiced apples before, don’t worry– it’s not tricky! Grab yourself a juicer, a couple of apples and watch the video below to learn the basics. Make sure you wash your apples thoroughly before beginning.

Store-Bought Apple Juice

If you don’t want to take the plunge and buy a juicer just yet, don’t worry, there are some healthy pre-made options. You’ll want to look for a juice that uses the whole apple, so you get the added benefits from the skin. This cold-pressed organic apple juice is just one example.

Whenever a food or drink is processed, it loses some of its precious nutrients. If you’re serious about diving into a healthy lifestyle, a juicer is a worthwhile investment. While apple juice is a great place to start, you’ll get hooked on juicing all sorts of foods if you decide to purchase a juicer.

1. Aids Digestion

If you’re interested in juicing apples for the digestive benefits, it’s important that you juice them with the peel on. Up to two-thirds of an apple’s fiber content is in the peel alone. Dietary fiber is essential to maintain healthy bowels, so make sure you’re getting as much as possible by juicing your apples peel and all.

Juicing does remove a significant amount of fiber from fruit and veg (most of the pulp your juicer leaves behind is fiber) so don’t throw out the pulp! Either mix it in with your juice or use it for something else like baking. If you’re having issues getting your digestive system moving, a glass of apple juice will help kick start things quickly. Put your pharmacy laxative away and try a glass of sweet apple juice instead.

2. Helps Clear Your Skin

Raw apple juice packs a big dose of vitamin C, a nutrient that has a endless array of benefits. One of these amazing benefits is collagen production and maintenance. Collagen is the protein that makes our skin supple and firm. In a world that sells creams, scrubs, lotions, and serums at every turn, make sure you’re doing your part to care for your skin from the inside out.

Not only does apple juice directly help by increasing collagen in your skin, but its high vitamin C content also helps you to absorb iron. If your iron levels become low, your skin will look pale and dull. If you want to keep your complexion rosy and bright, make sure you’re getting your daily dose of vitamin C with some apple juice.

3. Grows Gorgeous Hair

Apples contain a natural compound called procyanidin B-2, which has been found to help grow new hair and keep your current hair healthy. Before you head to the salon and buy the most expensive products to lengthen your locks, try adding apple juice to your diet to get the tresses you long for.

4. Promotes Weight Loss

Drinking apple juice can be great for weight loss when done in moderation. While it’s definitely high in natural sugars and calories, it can benefit you greatly if you’re using it as a replacement for unhealthy sodas or snacks. Its natural sweetness will keep your sweet tooth at bay, and the fiber content can make you feel full longer.

Because juicing makes consuming a mass amount of fruit so easy, it can also be easy to consume half your daily calories in one, big glass of juice. Keep this in mind if you’re trying to shed some pounds! Just like with everything else, moderation is key.

5. Acts as a Diuretic

A diuretic is a substance that helps your body shed water– in other words, anything that makes you pee more. If you’ve woken up swollen and bloated, you know how uncomfortable holding on to excess fluid can be. Apple juice is a natural diuretics, so they can help with this.

While swelling and bloating are unpleasant, diuretics can have even more significant benefits. By helping to expel excess liquid from your body, apple juice can lower blood pressure and ease the pressure on your heart. Drink up, and make sure you have access to a bathroom!

6. Eases Arthritis

Arthritis, which actually refers to list of over 100 different types of joint ailments, is a painful and debilitating disease that can significantly lower the quality of life for those affected. The most common symptom of arthritis is inflamed, swollen joints that make movement difficult and uncomfortable.

Because apple juice is jam packed with antioxidants, it’s great for those suffering with arthritis. These antioxidants are anti-inflammatory– in other words, they combat the swelling, stiffness, and pain of arthritic joints. Again, it’s crucial to juice your apples with the peel on to get the maximum benefit.

7. Prevents Cancer

The same chemicals that work to keep your skin beautiful and your joints limber can also prevent against cancer. Of all the natural compounds that work to thwart cancer, quercetin steals the show.

Quercetin has been found to inhibit the growth of many types of cancer cell, including breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, endometrial, and lung tumors. Juice your apples with the skin on to get the most quercetin in your juice.

8. Fights Heart Disease

LDL or “bad” cholesterol is a major cause of coronary artery disease. Apple juice, however, contains nutrients that have the power to fight it. One study gave 160 women a portion of dried apples every day for a year. Blood samples showed that after 6 months LDL had decreased by 23 percent. “Good” cholesterol (HDL) also increased by 4 percent

In short, apple juice prevents the LDL from clogging up your arteries, thus boosting your coronary health. High cholesterol is a major contributor to heart attacks and strokes, so it’s important to keep yours at a healthy level. Drinking a delicious glass of apple juice can make your heart happy and healthy!

9. Boosts the Immune System

Keep yourself from reaching for the Kleenex and flu meds by regularly reaching for some apple juice. The abundance of antioxidants and vitamin C in apple juice can help rev up your immune system before peak “sick seasons.”

10. Increases Energy

If you’re anything like me, you can’t even think about the day ahead until you’ve had a cup of coffee (or three). You probably hit a wall mid-afternoon with your caffeine kick has worn off too. Unlike the caffeine crash you get from coffee, drinking apple juice provides a stable release of energy.

Fructose, the sugar in apple juice, metabolizes over a longer period of time, so your blood sugar level will stay steady. While coffee can stimulate you quickly, apple juice will provide continual energy and nutritional benefits that the empty calories in coffee cannot.

11. Slows Time

OK, apple juice can’t actually slow down time, but it can make you look like you’re not aging. The importance of eating a balanced, healthy diet cannot be overstated when it comes to aging well.

With the vitamin C in apple juice speeding up cell production and the quercetin destroying free radicals, this healthy juice will help keep your skin wrinkle-free and glowing. The benefits of apples aren’t a secret, but your actual age can be!

12. Prevents Asthma

While the jury might be out on the reason why, apple juice can help prevent asthma, and help those who suffer with asthma. One hypothesis is that khellin, a compound found in apples, helps to open up your airway. Drink apple juice and breathe easy!

13. Improves Memory

Levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine decline with memory loss, particularly in Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidants in apples, however, help to combat this drop. If you’re drinking a tall glass daily, you’ll help to keep your mind sharp.

Even if you have impressive memory, acetylcholine is vital for overall brain health. Just because you can remember everything your significant other has ever done wrong doesn’t mean you don’t need to worry about your brain health!

14. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary Tract Infections, or UTIs, are infections that are painfully common and extremely uncomfortable. Altering the pH of your urine is a great way to kick out unfriendly bacteria. Apple juice can do just this.

Apples have an alkalizing effect on your urine, creating a less hospitable environment for UTI-causing bacteria. Try mixing apples with other alkalizing fruits, like pineapples and pears, to keep your urinary tract healthy.

15. Boosts Estrogen Levels

Estrogen is a crucial female sex hormone that is responsible for menstruation, reproduction, and female features. In both genders, it helps to regulate cholesterol and support healthy bones. Obviously, estrogen plays an important role in our bodies.

Apples contain chemicals called phytoestrogens, which have been found to boost our estrogen levels. Juicing a couple of apples will help to make sure your estrogen levels don’t dip. This is especially important for women.

16. Decreases Risk of Osteoporosis

Apples are a great source of nutrients that are known to support bone strength. Apples are packed with minerals that help with bone growth and bone density.

While one apple can provide a small amount of these minerals, the more the merrier. Instead of munching on apples steadily all day, just through a couple in the juicer to get a blast quickly and all at once!

17. Keeps Your Vision Sharp

We’ve all heard the traditional knowledge that carrots can help keep your eyesight. However, apples shouldn’t be overlooked! The vitamin A content in apples can help not only keep your vision sharp, but also prevent certain ailments of the eyes.

Final Thoughts

As you can tell, the benefits of drinking apple juice are extensive. Whether your goal is to feel healthier, to look better, or simply to invest in your body, adding a glass of apple juice to your regular routine is a great choice.

Pull out your juicer, stock up on apples, and get juicing! The great thing about making juice at home is that you can create your own flavour combinations. Try mixing apple with other fruits and vegetables to discover your signature drink. Not only will you have a new favorite beverage, but your body will be glowing from the inside out.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

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