Difference between money market account and money market fund

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Money market account vs. CD: The difference

Money market accounts (MMAs) and certificates of deposit (CDs) are types of federally insured savings accounts that earn interest. But their rates and ease of access differ.

  • CDs tend to have higher rates than money market accounts and give no access to your money until a term ends. Funds get locked up for a set period of months or years, and withdrawing early typically results in a penalty, such as several months to a year’s worth of interest. Most often, CD rates are fixed. (Learn more about CD basics.)

  • Money market accounts usually offer access to funds and rates comparable to regular savings accounts. Both allow you to withdraw money without penalty, and rates are subject to change over time. MMAs generally have larger minimum balances and sometimes offer checks. MMAs can also be called money market savings or money market deposit accounts, and they differ from money market funds, which are a type of investment.

When to choose a money market account over a CD

  • You want the option to add and withdraw money regularly. You can save money over time with an MMA. And MMAs have the same withdrawal restrictions as regular savings accounts: six per month, not counting in-person or ATM withdrawals. These restrictions vary by bank; some may not impose any limits, and some may charge a penalty for going beyond six.

  • You’re looking for checking account-like perks. Some MMAs offer debit cards, ATM access and check-writing abilities — features often reserved for checking accounts.

  • You prefer the balance of a solid rate plus easy access. Some MMAs stand out for a strong interest rate, though it's a good idea to compare with high-yield savings accounts.

LendingClub CD

LendingClub CD

When to choose a CD over a money market account

  • You want to lock in a rate. CDs tend to have the highest yields among bank accounts.

  • You want to minimize your risk. CDs are safe investments and carry none of the fluctuating value that stocks have.

  • You prefer to set aside a fixed amount of savings for a big purchase months or years away. A CD requires you to forgo any withdrawals or deposits until its term expires. This can be handy if you want a safe place to keep money designated for a big-ticket item such as a car or down payment.

When to choose a savings account instead

  • You want a wider pool of high-yield options than MMAs tend to offer. High-yield savings accounts, particularly those offered by online banks, generally have above-average interest rates. They can be a better deal than many MMAs and still keep your money within your reach. Check out the best online savings accounts.

  • You don’t want to worry about the higher minimum balance requirements that MMAs and CDs can have. Savings accounts tend to have the lowest opening and ongoing balance requirements among the three banking products. Many high-yield savings options don't have monthly fees, but some may still require a certain balance to earn a top rate.

Frequently asked questions

How do rates differ for CDs and money market accounts?

CD rates are typically higher than money market account rates. Banks have an incentive to give you better rates for CDs because you promise to give up access to your money until the end of the CD term.

What’s the difference between a CD and a mutual fund?

CDs are time-sensitive savings accounts, while mutual funds are investment vehicles in which money gets invested in stocks, bonds or other assets. Learn more about mutual funds.

Which is safer: CDs or MMAs?

Both CDs and MMAs are federally insured savings accounts, so they’re equally safe. Up to $250,000 gets insured in your name across your individually owned accounts at one bank or credit union. (Learn more about federal deposit insurance.)

Compare types of bank accounts

Your cash can go into many different bank accounts, and it’s helpful to know the pros and cons of account types. Check out these articles to help you choose the right account.

For comparing two accounts:

For deciding on where to bank:

Which is better money market fund or money market account?

Money market funds are mutual funds that pool money from multiple investors into different investment vehicles. Savings accounts and money market accounts are bank products. While money market funds have no FDIC guarantee, they are low-risk. Money market funds tend to offer higher returns than money market accounts.

What type of account is money market fund?

A money market fund is an investment that is sponsored by an investment fund company. Therefore, it carries no guarantee of principal. A money market account is a type of interest-earning savings account. Money market accounts are offered by financial institutions.

What is money market account?

A money market account is an interest-bearing account that you can open at banks and credit unions. They are very similar to savings accounts, but they offer some checking account features as well. Money market accounts are different from money market mutual funds.

How long should you keep money in a money market fund?

Money market funds are usually considered to be sake investments, but it's important to remember that these investments are intended for the the short term. With maturities of 13 months or less, the funds stay liquid and allow you better access to your money than longer-term investments.


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