Determine whether each relation is a function calculator


Find the domain and range of a function with Wolfram|Alpha


More than just an online function properties finder

Wolfram|Alpha is a great tool for finding the domain and range of a function. It also shows plots of the function and illustrates the domain and range on a number line to enhance your mathematical intuition.

Learn more about:

  • Domain and range »

Tips for entering queries

Enter your queries using plain English. To avoid ambiguous queries, make sure to use parentheses where necessary. Here are some examples illustrating how to ask for the domain and range.

  • domain of log(x)
  • (x^2+1)/(x^2-1) domain
  • find the domain of 1/(e^(1/x)-1)
  • function domain: square root of cos(x)
  • log(1-x^2) domain
  • range of arccot(x)
  • View more examples »


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What is domain and range?

The domain of a function, , is most commonly defined as the set of values for which a function is defined. For example, a function that is defined for real values in has domain , and is sometimes said to be "a function over the reals." The set of values to which is sent by the function is called the range.

Informally, if a function is defined on some set, then we call that set the domain. The values taken by the function are collectively referred to as the range. For example, the function takes the reals (domain) to the non-negative reals (range). The sine function takes the reals (domain) to the closed interval (range). (Both of these functions can be extended so that their domains are the complex numbers, and the ranges change as well.)

Real math help.

How Do You Figure Out If a Relation is a Function?


How do you figure out if a relation is a function? You could set up the relation as a table of ordered pairs. Then, test to see if each element in the domain is matched with exactly one element in the range. If so, you have a function! Watch this tutorial to see how you can determine if a relation is a function.


  • problem
  • relation
  • identify function
  • function
  • function test
  • test
  • one to one

Background Tutorials

  • Function Definitions and Notation

      What's a Function?

      You can't go through algebra without learning about functions. This tutorial shows you a great approach to thinking about functions! Learn the definition of a function and see the different ways functions can be represented. Take a look!

  • Ordered Pairs and The Coordinate Plane

      What is an Ordered Pair?

      Ordered pairs are a fundamental part of graphing. Ordered pairs make up functions on a graph, and very often, you need to plot ordered pairs in order to see what the graph of a function looks like. This tutorial will introduce you to ordered pairs!

      What is the X-Coordinate?

      Ordered pairs are a crucial part of graphing, but you need to know how to identify the coordinates in an ordered pair if you're going to plot it on a coordinate plane. In this tutorial, you'll see how to identify the x-coordinate in an ordered pair!

      What is the Y-Coordinate?

      Ordered pairs are a crucial part of graphing, but you need to know how to identify the coordinates in an ordered pair if you're going to plot it on a coordinate plane. In this tutorial, you'll see how to identify the y-coordinate in an ordered pair!

  • Relations

      What is a Relation?

      Got a set of ordered pairs? Then you have a relation! This tutorial takes a look at relations!

      What is Domain?

      Did you know that a relation has a domain? The domain of a relation is the set of the first coordinates from the ordered pairs. This tutorial defines the domain of a relation!


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