Can you know if someone screenshots your instagram story

Well, having a creep won't be easy anymore.

Well, it will, but telling your friends about it has become more difficult.

We're sure you all know that Instagram has installed a feature which will tell you when someone screenshots your Insta Story.

Yes, our days of creeping might be over but at least we can be safe in the knowledge that we'll now know who's creeping on us...

First of all, you need to go into your own stories and click into the people who have viewed them.

Next, look out for a star-like symbol (it's like a swirling star) - if that symbol pops up beside a user, this means they have taken a screenshot of your story, as shown by the tweet below...

See? Easy.

There is, however, a way around this. If someone wanted to screenshot an Instagram story However, if you want to take a screenshot without the person finding out, then apparently all you need to do is turn your phone on to Airplane Mode.

According to TechCrunch, a spokesperson for Instagram said: “We are always testing ways to improve the experience on Instagram and make it easier to share any moment with the people who matter to you.” 

Are you au fait with online etiquette? (Picture: Getty)

Instagram is constantly changing, pivoting from pics to TikTok-esque videos, letting you hide likes (if you want to), and even introducing subscriber-only content on the app.

Still, you can enjoy scrolling through photographs on your feed or watch Instagram Stories or Reels – and, if you really want to, take a screenshot of the content.

Perhaps you’ve seen a recipe you want to try, or an outfit you feel inspired by, and want to save it.

If you’re going to do this, though, it’s worth knowing exactly whether or not it will trigger the user who is being screenshotted getting a notification of some kind.

Some platforms immediately tell users if their content has been screengrabbed, while Meta-owned Instagram has different rules. 

So, what are they?

Does Instagram notify when you screenshot a Story?

Will you get sussed if you screenshot? (Picture: Getty)

No, people will not get notified if you screenshot their Instagram Story.

One of the benefits of Instagram is that a sneaky screenshot of someone’s Story or Reel can go totally unnoticed.

This is true of a celebrity with a huge account or even just a pal with a few trusted followers.

However, this goes for you too. If someone screenshots your Story, you’ll also be none the wiser about it.

The same goes for Instagram posts on the main feed, or viewed on someone’s profile.

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Crucially, Instagram will notify someone of screenshot activity in one instance.

If you capture a picture or video sent via Instagram’s direct message function in a screenshot, the person who sent you the content will be informed that you’ve screengrabbed.

So, just be aware…

MORE : Instagram and Facebook are stalking you on websites accessed through their apps

MORE : Instagram announces U-turn on TikTok-style changes after massive backlash

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Can people see if you screenshot their instagram story? No, Instagram doesn’t notify users when you screenshot their story or post. However, Instagram sends a notification if you screenshot DMs. Read on to find out more.

Owned by Facebook, Instagram is one of the world’s most popular and widely-used photo and video-sharing social media platforms. It is a great platform to keep in touch with the lives of those whom you admire, and a place to find interesting and creative visual content.

At times, you might want to screenshot a photo posted by someone else for your reference. While Instagram does let you bookmark a picture, you might want to screenshot it if you’re looking to do it quickly, and want to view it when your phone’s not connected to the internet.

But, one of the most common questions asked by Instagram users is, if Instagram notifies the user who posted the picture when you take a screenshot of it. In this article, you’ll find the answer to this question, and more.


  1. Do people get notified when you screenshot on Instagram?
  2. Why would you want to screenshot Instagram posts?
  3. Does Instagram notify users when you screenshot DMs?
  4. How does Instagram notify users of DM screenshots?
  5. FAQs

Do people get notified when you screenshot on Instagram?

No, Instagram doesn’t notify people when you screenshot their posts or stories. However, it does notify users when you take a screenshot of disappearing photos or videos sent in their DMs (direct message chat).

However, keep in mind that back in 2018, Instagram had released an update that notified users if you took a screenshot of their stories. But the update was rolled back just a few months later. It does indicate that Instagram has definitely built the ability to notify users if their stories are screenshotted, so this is something to remember. Maybe, in the future, Instagram might re-introduce a similar feature.

Also note that Instagram doesn’t send screenshot notifications when you screenshot any other part of the app - be it a user’s profile, their list of followers, or other screens - including photos.

The same is true if you take a screen recording of a user’s video post - Instagram doesn’t notify them.

Why would you want to screenshot Instagram posts?

Instagram lets you bookmark photos and videos that you like, to keep for future reference and easy access. Here’s how you can bookmark posts on Instagram:

  • Step 1. Go to the post that you want to bookmark, and tap on the bookmark icon, as shown below.

  • Step 2. The post will be saved. If you want to save it to a collection, choose the collection that you want to save the post to, or create a new one.

That’s it. You can access all your saved images and videos by tapping on your profile picture, and then the three horizontal bars (menu icon) at the top-right corner > ‘Saved’.

However, you’ll only be able to access your saved posts if you are connected to the internet. If you want to view your bookmarked images and videos when you’re offline, it makes more sense to take a quick screenshot of them.

Furthermore, as described, bookmarking a post takes time. And, if you want to share it with someone, they can only view it if they too have the Instagram app downloaded on their device.

However, if you take a screenshot of an Instagram post, you can do so within a few seconds, and you can even share it as you would any other image - via other chat applications or services. The receiver doesn’t need to have the Instagram app. Also, if you take a screenshot, you won’t have to worry about the original Instagram post being deleted or retracted by the user.

Does Instagram notify users when you screenshot DMs?

Yes, although there’s a catch to it. Not every photo or video screenshot that you take from within a DM (direct message) chat on Instagram is notified. Instagram only notifies users when you take a screenshot of a ‘disappearing’ photo or video message.

A disappearing message is one that is taken from the camera directly from within the DM chat. They are only viewable for a limited time, and once the other person has seen it, they disappear soon.

Instagram doesn’t notify people if you take a screenshot of a photo or video that they have shared from their gallery or camera roll. Further, screenshots of other non-disappearing content, in DMs (like posts from feeds, text messages) will also not be notified to the user.

How does Instagram notify users of DM screenshots?

Instagram will send a popup notification to a user’s phone when their photos in a DM are screenshotted. In the notification, the username of the person who took a screenshot will also be mentioned.

They will also see a small indicator next to the photo in the chat, if it’s been screenshotted. For instance, after a disappearing photo has been screenshotted, a small starburst icon will appear next to the photo:


1. Does Instagram send notifications for user profile screenshots?

At times, you might want to screenshot a user’s profile or bio to quickly save their website or contact information. And similar to screenshots of photo and video posts, Instagram doesn’t notify users if you take screenshots of their user profile.

2. How to avoid your posts from being screenshotted on Instagram?

If you’re worried about strangers taking screenshots of your profile or your photos on Instagram, it might help to make your profile private. By doing this, you’ll at least be able to stop users who aren’t among your followers on Instagram from taking screenshots of your posts. However, note that your followers and friends will still be able to view your profile and take screenshots.

3. Should I install 3rd-party apps that claim to notify me of Instagram screenshots?

No, you should refrain from using such 3rd-party apps and services. Instagram is strictly against the use of bots, and might ban you or block your actions, either temporarily or permanently.

4. How to avoid screenshot detection in DMs

Here’s some ways you can adopt to avoid Instagram from sending a notification when you screenshot a photo in DM chats:

  • Use airplane mode: If you want to take a screenshot of a photo in a DM chat, but don’t want the user to be notified, just switch on airplane mode to go offline. If you take a screenshot while your device is offline, Instagram will not detect it.

  • Use Instagram on a web browser: You can also log in to Instagram via a web browser, navigate to the DM and take a screenshot. Instagram doesn’t detect screenshots taken from browser windows on a computer.


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