Can you have gummy vitamins with braces

Many people ask a question while getting braces can you eat gummies with braces, or will they ask can you eat gummy bears with braces, orthodontic treatment, allowing you to eat all kinds of foods, and soft candy accepts hard foods and sticky chocolate.

If you’re a lover of candy, then you have to reduce your habit of eating gummies or gummy bears. One of the sticky chocolate can stick under the brackets and wires; some of the candy is very sticky and harmful to your orthodontic treatment.

The dentist cannot consume any kind of hard, sticky, or chewy candy other than the foods to eat during orthodontic treatment, so let’s talk step by step about eating gummies and what you have to avoid during your treatment journey.

Can You Eat Gummies with Braces?

It’s a widespread problem, especially for the kid; they are always asking can you eat gummies with braces, the dentist not allowing you to eat gummies with braces, the sticky candy will stick between teeth and brackets wires, it will increase cavities and bacteria in your mouth.

Gummies can damage or bend your braces, wires, and brackets, they are very quickly stuck inside the teeth and very hard to take out even you brush and floss the bottom of the line, They risk of damaging and make irritation and pain in your teeth as well other tooth issues.

Sweets on of the source of cavities, so you have avoided consuming all kinds of sweets; there are many types of candy you can enjoy, but most of the chocolate you have to minimize during your treatment to get a beautiful smile.

Gummies can slow down your treatment process because of stuck with braces and teeth. It can turn into negatives such as loose brackets and wire or bend wire; if braces are getting any bend or lose, it will move your teeth in the wrong place.

This will cost you more to correct and tighten your braces or repair again; the dentist always suggests that all the patients stay away from sticky and hard or chewy foods.

Why Can't You Eat Gummies with Braces?

Might you ask yourself why I can't eat gummies with braces? No, you can’t, it's harmful to your braces and teeth, the second thing is it will damage or bend the wires of your braces, the third problem is its sticky and sugar content which will grow cavities and bacteria problems?

When you’re going to chew gums, it will stick inside the teeth and braces, so better to avoid eating gummies with braces; however, if you can't stay without gummies, then you have spoken with your dentist to find the alternative sweets.

After consuming any kind of candy or food, you need to maintain your dental oral hygiene routine to protect yourself from cavities and other tooth problems. And keep in mind foods is helpful for your treatment, and foods are one of the worst for your treatment if you don’t care.

Sugar-free gum or candy you can eat, but before you go to eat, you should inform your dentist to ensure it suitable for your treatment condition.

Can You Eat Gummy Bears with Braces?

A lot of people asking about they can eat gummy bears with braces; the dentist's reply is no, you can't eat gummy bears with braces; it's sticky types of candy, it might damage or hurt your braces brackets and wires, and gummy bears will stick between teeth and braces.

Gummy bears sugar contains its risk of cavities and bacteria. It's very high chewy candy. It will definitely hurt your orthodontic treatment and oral health, especially for the kid’s dentist giving red signs wearing braces.

The dentist always advises reducing gummy bears or vitamins during your treatment, even its benefit to chewing. It can make your braces wire and teeth issues quickly, such as loose brackets and wire, cavities, discomfort from braces in your mouth, plaque and tooth decay, etc.

If the brackets or teeth become loose, it might push your teeth in a different place where suppose not to move. Also, when you chew gummy bears, you need to give more pressure to chew. It can break or bend the wires of your braces.

And it's one of the sources of cavities and bacteria, so better to avoid eating gummy bears with braces, especially for the young patient, who did not care about their braces when eating gummy bears or other candy.

List of Candies You Can Eat with Braces

  • Sugar-free gum (its best for your braces treatment)
  • Such a dark type of chocolate
  • Soft chocolate
  • Malt balls
  • Snow Caps
  • Kit Kat Bars
  • Smoothies
  • Three Musketeers
  • Ice cream
  • Sweet Tarts
  • Cream and soft cookies
  • Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (Choose a brand that is familiar with braces)
  • Crackers and cookies (Don’t try complex pieces or eat carefully)
  • Peppermint Patties
  • Jolly Ranchers
  • Smarties
  • Milk Duds
  • Apples (But need to make it bite sizes)
  • Charms Blow Pop
  • Junior Mints
  • Chewy chocolate
  • Cotton Candy
  • Milky Way Bar
  • Life Savers Chocolate
  • Salt Water Taffy

List of Candies Can’t Eat with Braces?

  • Jelly beans
  • Nik-L-Nips Wax Bottles
  • Necco Wafers
  • Sugar Daddy Milk Caramel Pops
  • Pop Rocks
  • Nerds
  • Jawbreakers
  • Charms Blow Pop
  • Atomic Fireballs
  • Starburst Fruit Chews
  • Swedish Fish Chocolate
  • Tootsie Roll
  • Candy Corn
  • Hershey's Kisses
  • Laffy Taffy
  • Warheads Sour Chocolate
  • Taffy
  • Razzles Chocolate
  • Gummi Bears
  • Dubble Bubble Gum
  • Twizzlers Licorice
  • REESE'S Peanut Butter Cup
  • Smarties Rolls
  • Skittles
  • Starbursts
  • Popcorn
  • Candy bars
  • Candy rock
  • Easter candy
  • M&M's
  • M&M'S Peanut Chocolate
  • Hard chocolate and lollipops
  • Gummy candies
  • Caramels
Conclusion: A lot of patients asking a question can you eat gummies with braces, you can’t consume its risk of damaging your orthodontic appliances, I will suggest not to eat gummies with braces, its harmful for your orthodontic treatment, and dentist not allowed to eat any type of sticky chocolate bars, if you any doubt you need to discuss with your dentist for a proper guide base on your treatment situation. Thanks!

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Is it OK to take gummy vitamins with braces?

The excellent folks at Reichheld Ting Orthodontics let us know that kids with braces need to avoid very chewy foods such as gummies, since it can lead to a wire popping out or, even worse, a bracket coming loose. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find a children's vitamin that is not in gummy form.

What vitamins can you take with braces?

Have Braces?.
#1. Calcium. ... .
#2. Magnesium. ... .
#3. Iron. ... .
#4. Vitamin A. ... .
#5. Vitamin D. ... .
About the Practice. Our team at Simply Orthodontics is here to make your smile “reveal” at the end of your treatment as incredible as possible..

Can I eat Haribos with braces?

Sticky chewy sweets such as Haribo or Maoams need to be avoided at all costs as they can pull the little elastics off that hold the wire in place and potentially get stuck around your braces which is hard to remove and leaving it difficult for you to clean.

Can u eat skittles with braces?

Skittles and M Ms: These candies are too hard to be chewing when you have braces. You'll likely end up with broken brackets and damaged wires if you eat too many. It's best to stay away. Sour Patch Kids and Mike Ike's: These candies are very sticky and chewy, making them one of the worst candies to eat with braces.

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