Can you be sleepy but not tired

People with chronic insomnia are often stressed and worn out but unable to sleep. Until you've experienced it yourself, it may seem contradictory that a person can be utterly exhausted yet unable to sleep, but that's precisely what distinguishes insomnia from other sleep disorders.

Conditions such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy, or just regular sleep deprivation, cause excessive daytime sleepiness; people will nod off while doing normal daytime activities such as driving or sitting at a desk.

But with chronic insomnia, people can't sleep—at least not long and deep enough to keep their bodies and minds functioning at 100%. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), insomnia is considered chronic if it occurs at least three times per week and persists for more than three months.

Common symptoms of insomnia, per the AASM, include:

  • Feeling fatigued
  • Having trouble paying attention, concentrating, or remembering
  • Being irritable or moody
  • Having difficulties performing at school or work
  • Experiencing daytime sleepiness
  • Lacking energy or motivation
  • Making errors or having accidents
  • Being concerned or frustrated about your lack of sleep

Jo Dickison, 38, has battled insomnia since a stressful family conflict in 2003. Dickison had switched back and forth between prescription meds, tried cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, better sleep hygiene, and giving up caffeine over the years—but sometimes still spent weeks sleeping less than four hours a night. Yet Dickison never felt sleepy during the day, just worn out.

"People don't get it," Dickison said. "I can't nap; I wish I could. I get fatigued and too tired to do things like go out to dinner with friends. Not because I'm afraid I'll fall asleep, but because I just can't deal with socializing and putting out the extra effort."

Personal relationships are often profoundly affected when a person experiences chronic sleep deprivation. Rebecca Wiseman, 26, developed insomnia while pregnant with a second set of twins. Even after the babies began sleeping soundly, the stay-at-home mom reported still lying awake most nights.

"I'm tired and get headaches all the time, which my doctor says is caused by my lack of sleep," said Wiseman. "I don't have the energy that I used to to play with my older girls, and it causes stress between my husband and me. We seem to argue more often about very stupid issues, on things like sweeping or laundry."

Sleep deprivation can take a heavy toll, both physically and emotionally. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), not getting enough sleep has been linked with many chronic health conditions, including depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. That said, talk to your healthcare provider about sleep hygiene, medication, or therapy if you're not sleeping as well as you should be.

You’ve craved sleep all day. You fell asleep watching Netflix. But the second you get into bed you’re wide awake.

Lying in bed unable to fall asleep is often called conditioned or learned arousal, says sleep-medicine specialist Philip Gehrman, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. It’s one of the most common sleep problems, and experts think it happens because something in your sleep environment has told your brain that getting in bed should “arouse” you or wake you up, instead of put you to sleep.

“If someone is a good sleeper, then each night they probably get in bed and fall asleep. So when they get into bed it triggers this auto response of sleepiness,” Gehrman says. “But if you spend night after night tossing and turning not being able to fall asleep, then your body associates that with your bed instead.”

There are plenty of obvious things that can trigger tossing and turning, and thinking about work right before you try to wind down is one. Using a laptop in bed, which creates the idea of the bed as a place for work or entertainment, is another.

But even those with normally good sleep habits can get thrown into this kind of sleep cycle after a stressful event—a job loss, say, or the death of a loved one, according to Dr. Ronald Chervin, director of the University of Michigan Sleep Disorders Center. Worrying disrupts your sleep, and that pattern can cause your brain to associate your bed with wakefulness in the same way it would if you were using a laptop.

It’s sometimes called “psychophysiological insomnia” and once it starts, the cycle of sleeplessness tends to perpetuate itself.

The most effective way to treat it, say sleep experts, is through cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, or CBT-I. This typically involves regular visits to a clinician and is aimed at changing your sleep schedule and habits. “A key part of what we teach people is to keep the bed for sleeping,” says Chervin. Of course, you can still have sex in bed, he adds, but you should try to move other activities elsewhere.

That means no screen time and no lying around if you can’t sleep. Even limiting reading is a good idea. “If you’re awake in bed for 20 minutes or longer, get up and go do something else,” Chervin says. Don’t get back into bed until you feel genuinely ready to sleep.

Re-training your brain to see your bed as a place for sleep can take some time, Chervin and Gehrman explain, but if you find and stick with a routine that makes you tired before getting into bed, you should be able to stop the cycle. Most people who use CBT-I attend between four to eight sessions, so give yourself a few weeks before expecting to see a change. If you don’t live near a sleep clinic, Chervin says he has seen some patients use apps like SHUTi or Sleepio to do an at-home version of the therapy. Whatever your method, experts say it’s also important to follow general sleep advice such as keeping your bedroom at a comfortable temperature, avoiding coffee and alcohol late in the evening and dimming the lights before bed.

For those who don’t think they have insomnia, Gehrman says feeling sleepy until you lie down might also be a sign you’re a night owl who has a naturally later body clock than other people. “Some people want to go to bed at 10, 11 o’clock, but their bodies are wired so that when want to be going to bed they get a second wind,” Gehrman says. “Then it’s tough for them to awake in the morning because their body thinks they should still be asleep.”

Fortunately, there are ways to shift your body’s clock earlier so that by the time you get in bed you can successfully fall asleep. An important step is avoiding bright lights in the hour before bed, says Gehrman. Light, especially the blue light given out by computers and phone screens, suppresses the production of melatonin, a chemical that helps your body sleep. The other main fix is to develop a consistent wakeup time so your body can get used to the rhythm you want. While this means you shouldn’t sleep in on the weekends, the steady pattern in the morning will be worth it when it helps you feel sleepy by the evening.

Write to Abigail Abrams at .

Why do I always feel sleepy but not tired?

The most common causes of excessive sleepiness are sleep deprivation and disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia. Depression and other psychiatric problems, certain medications, and medical conditions affecting the brain and body can cause daytime drowsiness as well.

Is tired being sleepy the same thing?

Though many of us use the words interchangeably, feeling sleepy and feeling tired or fatigued are actually distinct. “There are many forms of fatigue, but not all of them involve sleepiness,” says Dr. Kent Sasse, M.D. Feeling sleepy or drowsy is the feeling you get when you're ready for sleep.

Can you be sleeping but feel awake?

Have you ever lain in bed wide awake, aware of what's happening around you – but you couldn't move a muscle? If the answer is yes, then you've probably experienced the bizarre phenomenon that is sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is more common than you'd probably think.

How do I know if I am sleepy or not?

Signs and symptoms of sleep deprivation.
Feel tired, irritable, and fatigued during the day; yawn frequently..
Have difficulty focusing or remembering things..
Feel less interested in sex..
Find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, need an alarm clock to wake up on time, or repeatedly hit the snooze button..


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