Can lactose intolerant people drink goats milk

The Origins of Lactose Intolerance

Indigenous tribes from around the world have been consuming raw milk for thousands of years without any digestive issues or negative health affects. Interestingly, nutrition expert Dr. Weston A. Price who studied the diet and lifestyle of several primitive tribes around the world (documented in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration) found that many of the tribes consumed raw whole milk as a staple food in their diet. For example, Arabic and African peoples consumed camel’s milk, while Asian peoples consumed both camel’s milk and sheep’s milk. The Swiss in the Loetschental Valley, whom Dr. Price observed to be in almost perfect health consumed cow’s milk and goat’s milk. Dr. Price observed that in cultures where skimmed, pasteurized milk was primarily consumed, along with other “foods of commerce,” dental caries were rampant and poor health was the norm. (Source)

Amazingly, there have been several studies that surveyed the digestive abilities of raw milk in people who are lactose intolerant. In a 2007 survey of Michigan raw milk drinkers, 155 people participating in the survey had been diagnosed with lactose intolerance by a healthcare professional. Out of these 155 people, 118 reported that they did not have lactose intolerance symptoms after consuming raw milk.  76% of the survey respondents who had been diagnosed with lactose intolerance were able to consume raw milk with no digestive issues! Furthermore, in a 2011 survey of 56 Michigan raw milk drinkers, “eleven individuals claimed that they experienced symptoms of lactose intolerance when drinking processed milks but had no ill side effects from drinking raw milk.” In a 2014 survey of 153 Maryland raw milk drinkers, “Fifty-nine respondents claimed no discomfort after drinking raw milk but discomfort from drinking pasteurized milk.” (Source).

Summary: Lactose intolerance is a direct result of the increased consumption of pasteurized milk productions among consumers. On the other hand, the ease of digestibility of whole RAW milk products gives those that experience discomfort with processed dairy products a delicious and natural option.

Pasteurized Milk vs Raw Milk-What’s the difference?

There is a MAJOR difference between pasteurized milk and raw milk, bacterially, nutritionally, and commercially. Pasteurized milk is raw milk that has been heated at extreme temperatures to kill off bacteria that supposedly is “dangerous” for human consumption.

To put it simply, raw milk is just that-raw. It’s whole, unaltered, and unprocessed, containing all of its beneficial bacteria and digestive enzymes, such as lactase, a digestive enzyme that helps break down the lactose, the sugars found in milk. Unfortunately, the pasteurization process kills off lactase, making it harder and harder for children (and people in general) to digest conventional milk. This can lead to irritable bowl syndrome, stuffy noses, and allergies. It’s important to realize that the culprit here is NOT raw milk, but pasteurized milk. To quote the Weston A. Price foundation again, “Both raw and pasteurized milk harbor bacteria but the bacteria in raw milk is the healthy bacteria of lactic-acid fermentation while the bacteria in pasteurized milk is the bacteria of spoilage.” (Source). 

Summary: Pasteurized milk heats raw milk up to extreme temperatures and kills bacteria believed to be dangerous, although there is no concrete proof to back this assertion up. On the other hand, raw milk is whole and complete it is bio-availibility and contains the necessary bacteria and digestive enzymes to help process the raw milk within the body.

Is raw GOAT milk safe to consume?

According to an article by the Weston A. Price Foundation, in 1990s, “millions of people consumed commercial raw milk during that period and although the health department kept an eagle eye open for any possible evidence of harm, there is not a single proven case of raw milk causing illness. During the same period, there were many instances of contamination in pasteurized milk, some of which resulted in death. There have also been many instances of contamination of other foods, including baby formula.” (Source).

Simply put, raw food in its natural state is perfectly complete. It has everything the body needs: the perfect amount of nutrients, bacteria, and active enzymes. However, when we cook and process food, we denature it, or in other words, remove it from its natural state. Studies prove that cooking kills bacteria and denatures protein structures, and a direct example of this is the destruction of lactase in raw dairy products. Lactase is an enzyme that’s job is to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk. When lactase is no longer present, the body struggles to digest lactose. As mentioned before, most of the bodily functions are bacterial, meaning the body needs bacteria to complete day-to-day tasks. If bacteria aren’t present, the body is forced to perform these tasks on its own, and in many cases, it is inadequate at doing so. This is why the cases of people with lactose intolerance are rising. People are consuming processed, pasteurized milk products that are extremely difficult to digest. If those same people would consume raw products, like raw goat milk which has been around since the beginning of civilization, they wouldn’t have any issues. Many of our customers were formerly lactose intolerant until they tried our raw milk, which they are able to digest perfectly. They now ONLY choose us as their raw dairy source, and we are beyond thankful to provide them with nutritious, delicious raw milk products. :)



Under our Test & Hold Protocol, we test for E. coli O157: H7, Coliforms, Listeria, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Standard Plate Count. Our family-owned business believes there is power in numbers and that is why we work closely every single day with our regulators and inspectors. As part of our plan, all milk from each day is assigned a unique “Lot ID", which provides accurate tracking of all milk batches. This allows us to efficiently connect our milk batches to all test results.


Is raw goat milk easier to digest than raw cow’s milk?

All animal milk is very similar in structure. They all have the same basic nutrient profile and benefits; the only things that differ slightly are the ratios of nutrients and the protein structures. All goat milk naturally is composed of A2 casein protein. Human breast milk is also A2, which is why goat milk is very easy to digest for most humans. On the other hand most raw cow’s milk is either entirely A1 or a mix between A1 and A2 protein. In addition to unique protein structures, raw goat’s milk is also lower in fat and cholesterol than raw cow’s milk, so it can be considered a lighter option. Sometimes I like to think of raw goat’s milk as a beverage and raw cow’s milk as a meal. Last, but not least, goats naturally produce less milk than cows. Cows can produce between 4-6 gallons a day on average, while goats produce a half gallon to a gallon a day. They’re smaller animals, so naturally, they don’t produce as much milk. This is why raw goat milk is usually more expensive than raw cow’s milk; there’s less of it, so the demand for the product is higher.

Health Benefits of Raw Goat Milk:

RAW FARM Whole Raw Goat Milk is unprocessed and complete with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, naturally occurring CLA, and omega-3 fatty acids. Absolutely NO antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides, or GMO anything. Customers with lactose sensitivities have a delicious, nutritious, and natural alternative in this unaltered, wholesome product. Read below for (6) amazing health benefits of raw goat milk.

  1. The abundance of bacteria and enzymes improves digestion. (Source)

  2. Bioavailable vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamins A, B6, B12, D, C, Iron, Folic Acid, Calcium, Potassium, etc. (Source)

  3. Great source of healthy fats that lubricate the body, improve vision, and soften hair. (Source)

  4. Rich source of cholesterol that nourishes the skin. Fun fact: did you know that every single cell in our bodies contains cholesterol? Cholesterol is a major factor in the conversion of sunlight into Vitamin D in our bodies. In addition, 25% of our brain is cholesterol! Cholesterol is essential for well-being. (Source)

  5. Raw goat milk has proven anti-inflammatory effects. A study conducted in 2006 discovered that goat’s milk contains powerful anti-inflammatory molecules called oligosaccharides. These molecules were found to promote the growth of healthy bacteria called prebiotics, which is crucial for healthy digestion, proper immune function, and maintaining a healthy weight. In addition, the study found that goat's milk prevented pro-inflammatory bacteria from collecting the stomach and intestinal lining. (Source)

  6. Raw goat milk is completely A2 protein. A2 protein is the same protein found in human breast milk, making raw goat milk easier to digest than other animal milk, like raw cow’s milk, which is usually a mix between A1 and A2 proteins. (Source)


If you have sensitivities to conventional pasteurized dairy products, we encourage you to give whole raw dairy products, like RAW FARM Whole Raw Goat Milk a try! The ease of digestibility of Whole Raw Goat Milk gives those that experience discomfort with processed dairy products, a delicious and natural option.


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Can I have goats milk if lactose intolerant?

Goat's milk contains lactose. Therefore, you should avoid it if you have severe lactose intolerance. Still, it's easier to digest and contains less lactose than cow's milk, which is why some people with mild lactose intolerance may tolerate it.

Why do lactose intolerant people drink goat milk?

The fat molecules in goat's milk are shorter than in cow's milk and this may account for its easier digestibility for some. The severity of your lactose intolerance, would determine how "safe" goat cheese will be for you to include in your diet.

Who should not drink goat milk?

“Goat milk can be a great supplement for children and adults, but is not appropriate for infants. In the early 1900s, infants fed primarily goat milk would commonly develop anemia from the lack of folate and B12. The problem was so prevalent that it was nicknamed 'Goat milk anemia,'” she warns.

Can goat's milk upset your stomach?

Goat's milk, like cow's milk, contains a sugar called “lactose” that can be difficult for people to digest, resulting in symptoms such as cramps, gas, bloating, and vomiting.


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