Can i add fish to cloudy sand water

I just switched my 20 gallon from gravel to black sand. I washed and washed till it seemed clear in the bucket. I added it to the tank, with fish out, but it is still cloudy. Will it be ok to put my corys back in, they are the only fish I have for this tank so far and I got the sand just for them. They are in my bigger tank right now but I know my bacteria will start to die off without a fish source and do not want to go into a mini cycle


9 years ago

my water was cloudy for about 30mins after setting it up with sand but it soon calmed down...


9 years ago

It's been a few hours is a little better but still cloudy ..I don't know if I should put my corys back in


9 years ago

Yeah its perfectly fine to add the cory´s into the tank as long as the tank is cycled and the water parameters are ok. Its perfectly normal that the water will be cloudy after you added new sand if its fine sand .. It will settle in few hours unless your pump is super like mine is and it takes 30 min to get it clear again .


9 years ago

Thanks, Just to be safe I left my cories in the other tank last night along with the filter media to save the BB. I emptied most of the water and refilled the tank. When I woke up this morning the tank was clear 😊 After work I will start up the filter and add my corys back in

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Is it ok to add fish into cloudy water from substrate that isn’t properly rinsed?


  • Jan 6, 2020
  • #1

I got impatient while rinsing my substrate, it never seemed to fully run clear. It’s black floramax. The tank is fully cycled, I just completely changed the substrate from regular gravel to something that could support live plants. I had to take all my fish out in order to change it, which is why I want to move them back into the tank ASAP.

Is this ok? Are there any dust particles that will harm their gills? Or will the dust settle fairly quickly so I don't need to worry? (Its been 3 hours since I first filled the tank mostly up)

I'm really worried about keeping them in their respective temporary tanks (each without heaters or filters) and my betta has had stress stripes for the past 5 hours He hates being in any tank size under his normal 10


  • 3D51C3C2-B78B-45C0-8EAD-486B6E91AC09.jpeg


  • Jan 6, 2020
  • #2

If all the readings are acceptable, acclimate the fish as per usual and it will be ok. I have done planted tank rescape with the fish in the tank that made the water this dusty too. the fishes had no issues. The dust settled within a few days.

Also changing substrate can cause tank parameters (eg. ammonia and pH) to shift. So there is a need to monitor that.


  • Jan 7, 2020
  • #3

Yeah no. Just make the filter clean it first


  • Jan 7, 2020
  • #4

Its all good. Just be sure to run more fiber padding in the filter several changes a day to help it clear faster.

Ive done it before too lol

But could always be worse!


  • Jan 7, 2020
  • #5

We had similar when topping up with just a mugfull of sand even after rinsing! If it's floating it should be fine (look at any river after it rains and the mud is stirred up!) but it can take ages to clear depending on your mechanical filtration. There are some products that can help - Tetra Crystal Water or API Accu-Clear.

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How do I clear cloudy aquarium water from sand?

The cloudy problem after adding sand to the aquarium is due to sand does contain some dust. So it is essential to wash vigorously with tap water until the water runs clear. Aquarium water should be clear of dust within 24 hours with an operating filter; the mechanical filtration will speed up the water clearing.

Does cloudy water bother fish?

If cloudy water is just left to persist, it could potentially lead to your fish getting hurt. This is because if cloudy water doesn't naturally clear up on its own, it's a good sign that something unsavory is occurring in the water, which will, in turn, lead to your fish getting sick if it's not dealt with.

Will cloudy water from sand hurt Axolotl?

Cloudy water shouldn't harm him at all, the only real issue is that it looks messy and makes it hard to see things going on inside the tank.


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