Black platform converse high top near me

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Do platform Converse fit the same as normal Converse?

These platforms are Super cute! Fit is as expected, sizing is the same as with regular Chucks. If you're looking for comfortable shoe that's a little something different - this is the perfect shoe.

Why is there a shortage of Converse?

Pandemic-related factory closures last year in Vietnam, where about half of Nike's footwear is made, and the slow return to normal production in the country led to a shortage of Nike, Jordan and Converse sneakers across most markets.

Are platform Converse good for your feet?

And while many would assume that a ballet slipper-type shoe would be way more comfortable on your feet, Cunha suggests platform sneakers are the winner here, as they have a thick rubber sole, which can provide more arch support, shock absorption and comfort for your feet.

What's the difference between Converse lift and platform?

A: The platform has a heel, while the lift is flat, though higher and offers more support than the traditional Converse. I recommend looking them both up on the Converse site, so you may see the difference. Helpful?


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