Antibiotic eye drops for conjunctivitis over the counter

If you or your child has pinkeye, you may be tempted to rush to the doctor right away. But you might not have to.

Allergies, viruses, and bacteria can cause pinkeye, which is also called conjunctivitis. It makes one or both of your eyes red and itchy. The affected eye will drain a lot or have a white or yellowish discharge. The symptoms may last a week or 10 days, maybe longer, but they sometimes go away without medical treatment.

Treating Different Types of Pinkeye

There are some simple steps you can take to feel better, no matter what’s causing your pinkeye.

  • Use a compress. Soak a lint-free cloth in cool water. Wring it out and press it gently to your closed eyelids. Don’t press hard, as you don’t want to hurt your eyes. If you have pinkeye in only one eye, keep the compress away from the healthy one, or it could get infected, too. Use warm water if that feels better. But don’t make it too hot, which could make your pinkeye worse or burn your eyelids. Use a compress for a few minutes at a time, several times a day. Make sure no one else uses the cloth.
  • Use eye drops. Over-the-counter drops can help with itching. Look for “lubricating” drops or “artificial tears.” Stay away from ones that treat “red eyes.” Keeping your drops in the refrigerator may make them feel even better.
  • Skip your contacts. If you wear contact lenses, go without them until your pinkeye clears up.  You may need to replace your lenses and case afterward. Bacteria or viruses may be living there, and you can get infected again.

Viral Pinkeye Treatment

Pinkeye caused by a virus might start in one eye and spread to the other. It will usually go away on its own in a week or two. Your doctor can give you medication to treat more serious viruses like herpes simplex or varicella zoster.

Bacterial Pinkeye Treatment

You’ll probably have more mucus or pus if bacteria cause your pinkeye. Your doctor can prescribe antibiotics, usually eye drops. Mild cases may get better on their own in a few days.

If mucus is making your eyelids stick together, use a warm washcloth to loosen them.

Allergic Pinkeye Treatment

Pinkeye caused by an allergy usually gets better after you limit contact with the allergen. Your doctor can give you tests to identify the problem.

Allergic pinkeye isn’t contagious. You can go to work or school without worrying about giving it to someone else.

Wash clothes and pillowcases often. It might also help to shower or bathe before bed.

Ask your doctor about medicines that might help. They can recommend over-the-counter or prescription drugs including:

  • Allergy medications like antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers
  • Anti-inflammatories such as decongestants or steroids

When to See a Doctor

Red or swollen eyes could also be caused by a stye -- which often looks like a pimple or red area on your eyelid -- or some other kind of inflammation.

It also could be a different type of allergic reaction. If your eye isn’t better after you try home remedies for a few days, call your doctor.

You also should check with your doctor if you have:

  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Changes in vision

Pinkeye Prevention

If pinkeye has invaded your home, take steps to help keep it from spreading to everyone else. The two most important things for everyone in your household to remember are:

  • Wash your hands often.
  • Try not to touch your eyes.

It’s also helpful to change towels and pillowcases often, and wash them in hot water. Never share towels or pillows with someone who has pinkeye.

  • Types of Pinkeye Medications
    • What are the different types of pinkeye medicines?
  • Side Effects
    • What are common side effects of pinkeye medications?
    • Where can people find more information about side effects of prescription pinkeye drugs?

What are the different types of pinkeye medicines?

Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) can be caused by bacteria, allergies, or viruses.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is most often treated with ophthalmic antibiotic eye drops or ointments such as

  • Bleph (sulfacetamide sodium),
  • Moxeza (moxifloxacin),
  • Zymar (gatifloxacin),
  • Romycin (erythromycin),
  • Polytrim (polymyxin/trimethoprim),
  • Ak-Tracin,
  • Bacticin (bacitracin),
  • AK-Poly-Bac,
  • Ocumycin,
  • Polycin-B,
  • Polytracin Ophthalmic,
  • Polysporin Ophthalmic (polymyxin-bacitracin),
  • Besivance (besifloxacin),
  • Ciloxan (ciprofloxacin),
  • Quixin, Iquix (levofloxacin),
  • Ocuflox (ofloxacin), or
  • AzaSite (azithromycin).

For allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines such as

  • Patanol,
  • Pataday (olopatadine), Lastacaft (alcaftadine),
  • Bepreve (bepotastine),
  • Optivar (azelastine HCl),
  • Elestat (epinastine),
  • Ketotifen (ketotifen fumarate), and
  • Emadine (emedastine), or
  • mast cell stabilizers such as
    • Opticrom (cromolyn sodium),
    • Alocril (nedocromil),
    • Alomide (lodoxamide tromethamine), and
    • Alamast (pemirolast) may be prescribed to treat allergy symptoms such as itching of the eye.

Viral conjunctivitis does not usually require specific antiviral treatments, however over-the-counter topical antihistamines and decongestants (Naphcon-A, Ocuhist) may help relieve symptoms.


See Images

What are common side effects of pinkeye medications?

Side effects of ophthalmic antibiotic ointments or drops used to treat pinkeye include

  • temporary stinging or burning of the eyes when first applied and
  • temporary blurred or unstable vision after applying eye ointment.

More serious side effects include

  • rash,
  • itching or burning eyes,
  • redness/pain or swelling in or around the eyes, and
  • vision problems.

Side effects of antihistamines include

  • dry mouth,
  • drowsiness,
  • dizziness,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • restlessness or moodiness (in some children),
  • trouble urinating,
  • blurred vision, or confusion.

Ophthalmic mast cell stabilizers may cause

  • burning,
  • stinging, or
  • blurred vision when applied.

Where can people find more information about side effects of prescription pinkeye drugs?

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Always consult your doctor if you are having unexplained symptoms or questions related to your medications. For more information about the side effects of pinkeye medications, search for the drug and click on the drug's "Side Effects Center" on the top left side of the page.



Reviewed by:
William Baer, MD
Board Certified Ophthalmology

Can you get antibiotics for conjunctivitis over the counter?

Over-the-counter pink eye medicine Generally speaking, there aren't any over-the-counter (OTC) medications that will treat viral or bacterial conjunctivitis. However, they may help alleviate symptoms. Artificial tears are often the first OTC treatments recommended by doctors.

Can you buy eye drops for conjunctivitis over the counter?

Chloramphenicol is usually the first choice of antibiotic and comes in the form of eye drops. It's available without a prescription from pharmacies to treat bacterial conjunctivitis.

What is the best over the counter for conjunctivitis?

Over-the-counter eyedrops called artificial tears may relieve symptoms. Some eyedrops contain antihistamines or other medications that can be helpful for people with allergic conjunctivitis.

What is the best antibiotic for conjunctivitis?

For moderate and severe bacterial conjunctivitis, the latest fluoroquinolones, including moxifloxacin, besifloxacin, and levofloxacin, are generally effective..


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