Animal jam small house den ideas

Hi jammers! Today I have a post about the Winter Small House den. Enjoy!

About The Den

The Winter Small House Den is available to all jammers. The den was released pretty recently on January 10th, 2019. This den has the same layout as the Small House Den and Autumn Small House Den but just with snow and ice outside. You can buy it for only 2,000 gems in the den shop, the same as the Small and Autumn Den.

Inside The Den

None of my animals currently “live” in my Winter Small House so Oakley the Jamaaliday Deer will be giving us a tour today.

Snow in the winter in Jamaa is a common occurrence, and that means lots of time for playing in the snow. Above are a couple of snowman at my small house.

Sledding, snowboarding, and of course, snowball fights, are all popular activities as well.

And of course, there is nothing like making snow angels.

After playing in the snow, you can head straight inside to the hot cocoa machine where you can make a variety of hot cocoas. If that’s not enough there’s a snowman fridge too!

The living room/dining area are pretty simple in my den with a few paradise mats, table decoration, and a snowflake table to decorate the area.

The bedroom is pretty cosy with a furry rug, a mini Jamaaliday tree, a calender, bed, nightstand, and a TV. You can spend so many winter days here.

I like this den because it’s available to both member and non-member jammers. It’s nice how Animal Jam is starting to expand its options for non-members. I hope they keep this up!

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more Jamaaliday posts coming your way soon.

~ Marigold

Hi jammers! Today I have a post about the Bounce House den. Enjoy!

About The Den

The Bounce House Den is a members only den released on July 23rd, 2015. It then left stores May 24th, 2018 but returned recently on September 13th. You can buy it for only 5 diamonds at the Den Shop or the Diamond Shop.

Inside the Den

Once you touch the blue stairs you begin to automatically bounce!

I left the main room pretty open so there’s lots of room for bouncing.

Upstairs is the living area, I decorated it with some rainbow items and some items from Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year.

Friendship Cookies!

More room for bouncing

Hanging in the garden! There is lots of room outside of the den.

Overall, I really like this den. I love how there is so much space and that it’s a reasonable price. I definitely recommend it!

Thanks for reading jammers! Have a great weekend! 🙂

~ Marigold

Hi, jammers! Today, I’m here with a post about the seasonal Lucky Castle Den. We got a look inside the Lucky Castle and what life is like here as well! Enjoy! 🙂

About the Den
This den was first released 2 years ago on March 3rd, 2016. It is currently sold from March – April for 5 diamonds in the Diamond Shop.

Inside the Den

Before Dahlia the Horse moved to the Lucky Castle, Wren the Raccoon lived here. This is what the Lucky Castle looked like when she lived here.

When you first enter the den there is a nice big open space. Its great for decorating and entertaining!

There is also a little stage area, in AJ’s den they have a fireplace decorated with flowers and bodran drums and bagpipes.

Upstairs is a nice little bedroom area. In AJ’s den they decorated it was a lucky closet, table rug, and lamp. They also added some items from the Graham Workshop’s adventure to add a nice rustic touch.

The third floor is a stone wall, that you can decorate however you like. In my den I put a big clover cloud raining down on it, in AJ’s they decorated it with plants and a telescope.

Going from the third floor is a rainbow leading into a gold pot! I mean its gold and rainbows! Who doesn’t like that?

One thing I love about this den is the amazing expanse of outdoor space. AJ decorated it with an oversized clover fountain, which even has green water!

Mini Stonehenge?

At the edge of the den is a big area decorated with a stone Celtic knot. This is a great place to put some Lucky Clover adventure prizes! 🍀

This is definitely one of the best AJ dens! It has the perfect balance of outdoor and indoor space. I hope you will check out the den! Keep calm and play wild! 😜

~ Marigold

Hi jammers! Today I have a post about the seasonal den, the Jamaaliday House! We also are lucky enough to get a insider-look at life in a Jamaaliday House. Enjoy!

About The Den

The Jamaaliday House was first released 2 years ago on December 2nd in 2015. It’s sold in the Diamond Shop for only 5 diamonds. It usually leaves stores around the beginning of January.

Inside The Den

Star the Fox lives in the Jamaaliday House and she says “she wouldn’t trade living here for any other den.”

The main area is straight inside the den. You can hold tons of fun winter festivities and games with your friends in this space. This is where Star and her family celebrate the Jamaalidays every year.

You can go up the strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate wafer stairs to the next indoor space…

This space is pretty good sized, but depending on your animal’s size your animal could be almost as tall as the gingerbread walls. This room serves as Star’s bedroom and she has a smaller Jamaaliday tree for her pets.

On this same floor Star has a dark chocolate pool installed and she had it lined with frosting and chocolate chips! Yum!!!

In the distance you can see Star’s neighbour, Noelle’s, Jamaaliday House. In the distance are the Shiveer Mountains.

In the corner of part of the snow covered yard their is a s’mores campfire with oversized marshmallows as seats! This is Star’s favourite place to chill out on a cold, snowy night (who ever said s’mores were only summer desserts?)

In Star’s yard their is what a gingerbread stage. It is made all out of candy! Gummy bears line the walls, wafer stairs lead up to it, gumdrops and paw candies line the sides and licorice sticks make up some of the gingerbread floor.

Star’s has a gingerbread garden that she has placed in her front yard. It’s her favourite place to chill and read on both summer and winter nights.

Interesting Facts About The Den

  • Some relate Star’s chocolate hot tub to the mud pit in Appondale, except much tastier!
  • Star hosts the Jamaaliday Jam party here.

I hope you enjoyed the post! See you in Jamaa!

~ Marigold55

Hi jammers! Today’s post is about the seasonal den, the Epic Haunted Manor. We will also get an inside look at life in an Epic Haunted Manor den. Enjoy the post!

About The Den

The Epic Haunted Manor was first released 2 years ago on October 1st, 2015. Before, the Epic Haunted Manor was the Haunted Mansion. The Manor costs 5 diamonds in The Diamond Shop. It usually leaves stores in the 1st or 2nd week of November.

Inside The Den

Rowan the Spooky Snow Leopard has let us look inside her den and see what life is like living here.

One of Rowan’s pet sabertooths lives in the mini Haunted Manor

This is the grave of Rowan’s grandfather Vlad. Vlad was the alpha of the Spooky Snow Leopards.

Vlad’s Skeleton Throne sits high atop a stone hill. Sometimes Rowan still comes and sits here.

Rowan’s dining room includes Halloween Cake Pops and some fruit punch with candy eyeballs floating in it.

Downstairs is Rowan’s study where she does all her work and new projects for her job at Brady’s Lab.

On the second floor balcony, over looking a cemetery, is another mini haunted house where Rowan’s pet lynx and other pet sabertooth live.

Rowan enjoys pottery and has some of her pieces in her upstairs bedroom.

Rowan is also able to play organ (a hard instrument to master.) She practices up in her attic twice a week.

Interesting Facts About The Den

  • Rowan hosts the Spooky Party inside this den.
  • When you fly or step near the toxic puddle of goo you turn green.
  • The pictures in the den have moving eyes.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about the Epic Haunted Manor! Thanks for reading and see you in Jamaa!

~ Marigold

Hi jammers! Today, I have a post on the re-released Pixel Place den. Enjoy!

Pixel Place was originally released on June 23rd, 2016. It left for a short while and returned very recently on August 31st, 2017. This two-story den is completely made up of colored cubes representing pixels. Everything is made up of pixels from the grass to the staircase!

Here is what it looks like inside the den. (Please mind all the items.)

The den is very colorful and pretty. I think it is a good den for someone just starting AJ. It has a moderate amount of indoor and outdoor space. The den as I mentioned before is 2 stories and an outdoor patio deck on the 2nd floor. Outside there is a river that cuts through the left side of the property, with a bridge that leads across it. There is also a mysterious stone – like structure in the den that can be seen in some of the AJ Seasonal Adventures. A pixel forest surrounds the property.

The river outside the den.

I think in all this den is very bright, airy, and beautiful and I believe that it’s one of AJ’s most creative dens.

~ Marigold

The mysterious stone structure.

Hi jammers! Today, I have a post on the den used the most by members, not including the small den or Graham’s Observatory. This is because the small den is almost always used and I wanted to see the results without the small den. I’m not including the Graham’s Observatory because when I released this post it had just come to Jamaa and many members were buying it because it was new. I went to many different dens owned by members to find the results. Enjoy!

Art Gallery: 7

Beach House: 12

Castle: 5

Cosmo’s Den: 4

Crystal Palace: 3

Enchanted Hollow: 2

Fantasy Castle: 1

Friendship Cottage: 1

Greely’s Hideout: 1

Liza’s Garden: 7

Lucky Castle: 2

Ol’ Barn: 1

Peck’s Den: 7

Princess Castle: 4

Restaurant: 5

Sir Gilbert’s Palace: 1

Sky Kingdom: 8

Spring Cottage: 1

Sunken Ship: 1

Treehouse: 1

Volcano: 1

Water Park: 2

Winter Palace: 2

So the final results are….

1st Place – Beach House

2nd Place – Sky Kingdom

3rd Place – Peck’s Den, Lucky Castle, and Art Gallery

I hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any good ideas for future posts, please comment them, I would love your input! See you in Jamaa!

~ Marigold55

Hi Jammers! I hope you had an amazing 2016 and are ready to have an amazing 2017. Today, I will be talking about a store I made at my den called Celestial Tea Shoppe.  Enjoy!

Celestial Tea Shoppe has a pretty common cafe/restaurant design. When you enter

there is an open sign.  Once you enter the shoppe there is a masterpiece that says “Celestial Tea Shoppe.” If you take a right
turn you come to the main area. There is a clover table, a paradise table, a lily pad table, and a carrot table. The clover and paradise table are inside while the lily pad and carrot table are outside on the patio. On the walls inside are three different masterpieces. One says
“East To West”, another says “Titanium”, and the final one says “Limitless.” There is a cafe counter that has log benches you can sit on and watch your tea being made. In the area where your tea is made there is a 1 cocoa machine and 2 smoothie machines. The Cocoa Machine is made to make a regular tea. The smoothie machines are used to
to make an iced tea. We have a kitchen also that has another cocoa machine in it. On the walls hang two masterpieces one has rainbow lines another says “Courageous.”

Every week at Celestial we have 14 different unique flavored teas you can choose from. For example this week from 1/1/17 – 1/7/17 our flavors are:

  1. Apple
  2. Blueberry
  3. Chamomile
  4. Chocolate
  5. Cinnamon
  6. Ginger
  7. Hibiscus
  8. Ice Cream
  9. Lavender
  10. Peppermint
  11. Pumpkin
  12. Toffee
  13. Vanilla
  14. White Chocolate

You can order your tea by going on my jammer wall. To order your drink you can either o

rder while you’re at my den or outside my den in other parts of Jamaa. If you are outside my den I will jam – a -gram you when your tea is done. To order your drink on my jammer wall you first choose a flavor that is being featured that
week. Then you type what size (small, medium, large) and what type of warmth (cold, warm, hot) you would like your tea to be. The picture on the right is a good example of what your order should look like.

Thank you for reading my blog post! If I keep blogging weekly and I keep doing Celestial Tea Shop I will make sure to add the flavors of the week at my shop into my posts. If not I will always having the weekly flavors on my jammer wall! Thanks again!

– Marigold

Hello everyone! It’s Marigold55 here and today I’ll be telling you about the Crystal Palace den which is one of my favorites. Thank you to Animal Jam Wiki for providing most of this information in this post! Without further ado let’s start this post!

The Crystal Palace is the 3rd newest den in Jamaa, the most recent ones are the Sky Kingdom and Greely Hideout. The Crystal Palace is also the 2nd largest den in Jamaa, and again Sky Kingdom is larger than The Crystal Palace. Even though you might think Sky Kingdom is bigger and better this den also has some cool spots, such as the Crystal Mine underneath the Crystal Palace which you can access as any animal. Also there is a rope on the right side of the den leading down to a rowboat which doesn’t move, but is pretty cool. There is also this secret spot I have in the den that you can only access as a flying animal such as an eagle or owl. There are some mountains in the left side of the den. Eagles, Falcons, Flamingos, and Owls can fly up to the mountains and there is nice ledge there to sit on.

Also the Crystal Palace tied with Sky Kingdom as the most expensive dens in the Diamond Shop. The Crystal Palace and Sky Kingdom are 7 diamonds. As many of you know already this isn’t an ocean den but in some respects it could be an Atlantis Palace.

This den is quite decorative and unique. This den is mostly diamond blue which I really think is a great color for the Crystal Den. In the top tower of this den there is a golden Mira painted on to the floor which is very, very beautiful. What I think is the best part about this den is the two corridors in the main section of the den [the palace.] When you walk over a bridge into the den there is an amazing crystal fountain staring at you then down the two corridors there are the alphas. The are 3 crystal alphas in each corridor. There are 6 crystal alphas in all:

  1. Liza
  2. Cosmo
  3. Peck
  4. Sir Gilbert
  5. Greely
  6.  Graham

This den is all in all spectacular, I think is just has a majestic twist to it. If you’re a member and have 7 or more diamonds you want to spend, I definitely recommend this as a choice. Thank you for reading this post jammers! Play Wild!

– Marigold55


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