Alpha bakugou x omega reader pups


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Omg!!!! Midoriya's and Bakugou's pups becoming real good friends! And they're always keen on playdates and Bakugou getting all grumpy when he has to take his pups to Midoriya (usually alpha takes them) ((or worse!! Midoriya visits him)) and Izuku is just so giddy about his pups making friends and getting to catch up with his school friend :3

More bonus if Izukus alpha and Katsukis alpha are friends too

Ooooh, this would certainly be a little dramatic! Especially if the alphas are also good friends.

Bakugou feels really awkward about it, but he’s not going to dictate his family’s lives, so he just arranges plays dates when he’s working or busy, and then has his alpha host or drop off.

Midoriya is, as you say, completely giddy that his pups are making friends. He tries his hardest to make friendship easy for them by hosting as often as he can, buying games and snacks to keep for impromptu gatherings, and he even keeps a list of all their friends and their favourite foods and hobbies and stuff.

Midoriya feels like it’s fate a little bit, that his and Bakugou’s children are friends and their alphas are friends. (And he also lowkey feels better that their alphas are friends because he really believes the best about Bakugou, but being a parent makes him paranoid and brings up some bad memories, so having another trusted adult there does take the stress away from the situation.)

Eventually Bakugou gets over himself and the two families will like, babysit for each other, pick up the other’s children from school if they’re sick. I like to think that maybe Bakugou’s alpha also works, whereas Midoriya’s alpha stays at home, so when they get super close, they pull their pups out of daycare/stop hiring the after school nanny, and instead Midoriya’s alpha looks after the pups with their own. So basically, the four pups are raised super close and I love that 🥺🥰

- Y'all meet when Bakugou is one of the top 3 heroes in his early 20s.

- Most people assume that Bakugou is an Alpha because he’s aggressive and strong but no. He’s an omega.

- At first he wasn’t sure he wanted an Alpha because he didn’t want to feel weak.

- But that quickly changed as soon as he met you.

- You didn’t make him feel weak. You actually strengthened him. He fought harder because of you.

- When Bakugou has his first heat while dating you, he allows you in his nest to cuddle and comfort him.

- Doesn’t want to have intercourse on his heat yet because he wants to wait till you give him a claim mark so that it’ll feel special and because he doesn’t want to risk having any accidental pups early in his career. He’s glad that you’re not the type of alpha to leave or try to force him.

- Bakugou definitely wants pups but he wants to wait until he’s far in his career where if he takes maternity leave, nothing will happen to his rank (he worked hard for that shit)

- So don’t be surprised if you guys don’t have pups until he’s almost 30.

- When you do find out he’s having pups, he’s nervous. He’s not sure if he’ll make a good parent so you have to assure him. He’s also pretty frightened of pregnancy but he won’t let you know that.

- If another omega tries to flirt with you and try to steal you away because they’re sorry you got stuck with a “brutish omega” instead of a sweet delicate one, you’re gonna have to hold him back from mopping the floor with that bitch.

Originally posted by hero-dwelling


Pairing: Alpha!ProHero!Katsuki Bakugo x Omega!Reader

Word Count: 2694

Warnings: Cursing, lil angst

A/N: Bruv, I don’t even know. But I hope you enjoy

When you lived on your own, it was different. The entire experience was different. Normally, you didn’t want to make a big nest. You kept it small and cozy, just enough room for you to curl inside with some hoarded snacks and bottled water. And you’d count your lucky stars your alpha was busy on hero business. But ever since moving in with Katsuki, the urge to make the biggest, coziest, plushest nest ever had taken over.

This was going to be your first nest since moving in together. You’d been trying all week to take pillows, clothes, and bedsheets. You had a mattress on the floor of the spare room that was a perfect base. Everything was perfect - except for Katsuki. All week he’d been putting away the pillows and blankets you’d piled on the mattress. You liked to gather before you built. You’d always done it that way. But this was driving you crazy.

Did he not care that you were prepping your nest? One that you’d build so it’d be perfect for when you had pups? Did he not understand how important this was? Or just how absolutely insane he was driving you?! Honestly, what was he thinking?! 

By the end of the week, you were one cranky omega. One that no alpha could even begin to hope to soothe. It was the same feeling as when your parents grounded you. When they took everything away. Or when you were fresh out of crayons to color with when that was all you wanted to do.

Katsuki was working so much he didn’t notice. Not to mention he was stressed himself. And with all the pillows and blankets disappearing, it just made it worse. All he wanted to do was go home and hang in the soothing embrace of his omega while he scented them. He didn’t want to do anything else, especially clean.

Come the weekend, you were basically off your rocker with the worst cabin fever. But Katsuki was having some friends over. He spent the morning tidying up. Making sure nothing had disappeared to the spare room. When he was satisfied, he set up snacks and pulled out the games and movies they’d planned out.

It was noon when there was a knock on the door. You were slouched down in an armchair. One wrong word and you swore you were putting someone through a wall. Wasn’t an alpha supposed to understand nesting? Or at least notice when his omega was cranky? Yours sure didn’t, and that irked you more.

“Bakugo, dude!” Kirishima cheered when Katsuki opened the door. 

Behind him was a hack. You smelled Kaminari. “Oh my God, that’s what you were talking about. Dude, is [Name] okay?”

“Why the hell wouldn’t they be?” Katsuki snapped.

“Seriously?” Kaminari gagged. “Can’t you smell that?! They’re not even my Omega, and I can tell something is wrong!”

Katsuki growled. “Damn right they’re not yours. So butt out! - [Name] is fine. Are you coming in or not?" 

You didn’t mean to, but glared as Kaminari and Kirishima came around the couch. They knew. They could smell it. Kirishima mouthed sorry as he covered his nose and mouth with his shirt sleeve. You nodded at him.

"What do you extras want to drink?” Katsuki barked. They both muttered out water and your alpha went to the kitchen.

“[Name] what is wrong with you? You’re burning my nose!” Kaminari exclaimed quietly.

Kirishima nodded. “I could smell you from the street.”

You glared towards the kitchen, wriggling slightly in the chair. “He keeps taking the things for my nest! I kept trying to build it, but he tore it all down. He doesn’t even seem to notice my scent changed!”

“Should we call Uraraka to talk some sense into him?” Kirishima offered, his voice muffled by his sleeve.

Kaminari nodded. “Or Kyoka?”

You shook your head. “Denki, leave your Omega out of this. And Deku’s poor mate as well.”

Kaminari groaned. “But you smell like rubbing alcohol -”

“Well apparently Katsuki likes the smell of rubbing alcohol more than vanilla!” you snarled, nails extending to dig into the chair arms. “Maybe I should just find another alpha -”

“The hell did you just say?” barked Katsuki. The wooden tray the waters were on groaned and cracked in his hands. “You’re thinking about another mate?!”

You stood, glaring him down. He was pissed. The burnt caramel scent was sickeningly sweet. It didn’t mix well with your alcohol scent. You glared at him as you went and sat on Kirishima’s lap, rubbing your scent on him. You could tell you were pushing it. His scent started to smell smokey, and you could hear emitting from him.

You’d never scented Katsuki in the year you’d been together. He was too embarrassed to admit he wanted you to. But he also pushed you off whenever you tried. Instead, deciding to cover you head to toe in his scent. Which always mixed nicely with your natural vanilla.

“Do you even care about me, Katsuki? ‘Cause Kirishima and Kaminari noticed, but you haven’t said anything! Maybe I should have Eijiro here as my new alpha,” you threatened. Kirishima was trying to stop you from scenting him. Though they were weak attempts. 

Your aura and scent were utterly intoxicating, especially that close. Naturally Kirishima, as an alpha, couldn’t resist. He wanted to drown in your scent. But Katsuki was his friend. You were Bakugo’s, not his. And he definitely didn’t want to get caught in the middle of this.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Katsuki roared, dropping everything to rip you off Kirishima. “You’re my omega -”

“You sure as hell haven’t been acting like it!” You exposed your scent gland more, scratching at it. “Can you smell that??! Do you care that I don’t smell right?!”

For the first time all week, Katsuki really bothered to take a whiff. A deep one. He gagged, clapping a hand over his nose. His eyes watered as it burned. His body immediately pumping out comfort pheromones. But you were too worked up for them to be effective.

“What the fuck? What is wrong with you?!” Then something clicked. “It’s been you taking all the blankets!" 

You rolled your eyes. "Well they didn’t fucking grow legs!”

“Why the hell - do you know how annoying that’s been?!” Katsuki groaned. “Why are you so mad about some shitty blankets?!”

The entire room went silent. The only thing heard was Katsuki’s heavy breathing. Kirishima’s musky scent started to swirl threateningly in the air. Katsuki fought back with his own pheromones as soon as he smelled it. It was unmistakable.

Your heart skipped a beat. It lurched painfully in your chest, your stomach swirling. He really didn’t know. You felt your mouth go dry, a lump clogged up your throat. You felt devastated. “Do you…do you not want to have pups with me?”

Katsuki was taken aback by the soft accusation. “What does that have to do with -”

Finally, Kirishima groaned and stood. He looked frazzled and angry. “[Name] has been nesting, you absolute dumbass!”

“Nesting?” Katsuki repeated quietly. Completely disregarding the name he’d been called. He realized he deserved it. Then his eyes turned to you. “You’ve been nesting? Why didn’t you tell me, idiot?”

You pulled your arm out of his grip. His pheromones finally starting to take effect. “Because I wanted it to be a surprise! Not to mention I just assumed you knew what I was doing! I was going to let you in. But definitely! Not! Now! You’re unbelievable!”

You brushed by Kirishima as you turned, rubbing your mellower scent on him. You saw his pupils dilate and his body go rigid. And caught the undeniable growl of your angry mate behind you. You went to your bedroom, slammed the door, and bundled up under your comforter with the pillows on your bed stacked around you.

You could hear the guys arguing through the door. Which definitely didn’t help your mood. Katsuki didn’t understand. He didn’t know. Your mate was supposed to know. But he hadn’t even bothered to smell you.

You pulled the blanket over your head and slumped over on your side. “Maybe Kirishima would be a better mate…but I don’t want to leave Katsuki…I love him…”

You listened until it was silent. The door to your room squeaked open then. You heard footsteps coming to you. You were just going to pretend you weren’t there. You were mad at all of them now. Kirishima and Kaminari for no real reason. Only because they picked up on it. And the one person who mattered most hadn’t bothered.

“Hey, uh.” That was Katsuki’s voice, a hand was gently placed on your shoulder. “Can I come in?

You flopped over, out of his touch. "Nope, sorry. This is a one-person nest. There’s no room for you.”

“[Name], c'mon…” he sounded tired, but annoyed.

You sat up and uncovered your face. You could feel the tears as you turned to him. “No! - You were supposed to notice! You were supposed to know! But you didn’t! Mates are supposed to know when you’re nesting, when you’re pissed off, or just not in a good mood! But you didn’t! Eijiro did, immediately! Even Denki smelled it, and he’s a beta! Do you just not care about me?!”

Katsuki’s distress was evident in the air as he gripped your shoulders and shook you lightly. “Of course I care you, idiot!”

“Then what the fuck -” you sobbed. You couldn’t help it. You choked out garish, moaning sobs. You didn’t want to, but the omega in you was begging for attention from your alpha. More than just physical attention. 

Katsuki sighed. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I shouldn’t have to!” you stressed. “Didn’t you smell me? Didn’t it bother you I wasn’t normal?”

“You smell like you do when you’re in heat! I figured that was it. I’ve never seen you fucking nest! How was I supposed to know?!”

“Don’t lie to me, Katsuki! You would know if I was in heat! You know before I do that it’s coming! Also, I thought it was obvious that I was nesting!” You flopped back onto the mattress. “You haven’t paid attention at all. Do you just not want me as your Omega anymore?”

Katsuki couldn’t take any more of your sharp, bitter scent. But he didn’t know how to apologize. He’d never seen you so upset. And Kirishima had even threatened to take you from him if he didn’t treat you right. There was no way he was allowing you to be anyone else’s, even his friend’s.

Katsuki pulled himself to lie beside you. Gently, he shifted your back to his chest. His chin on the top of your head, he gently rubbed against you. You didn’t shove him off, but you didn’t make a sound either. 

“I’m sorry, okay?” he grunted in your ear. But you stayed quiet. He rubbed on you more. You could hear the TV in the living room, it was nearly muted it was so low. They were listening. “[Name], I know I’ve been a shitty alpha, I get it.”

You grunted in agreement and he tensed. That signal he got. He was trying everything he could to try and comfort you. But, even though your scent was losing its sharp edge, it remained damp smelling. Like the earth just before it rained. He couldn’t deny the sadness in it.

Katsuki sighed. “I’d get it if you wanted to mate with shitty hair, instead of me. - He’d be better for you. He noticed you were upset right away. He knew were nesting.”

“I may be mad at you,” you muttered finally. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be my alpha. I’m sorry about acting like that and for scenting Kirishima. Those two only know because I told them.”

“You didn’t let me finish -” Katsuki pulled you down to lay on your back, and then hovered over to look into your teary eyes. It broke his heart. “He may be better - but I’m going to work to be even greater than that. Got it? I’m going to be the best fucking alpha. I’m gonna prove it to everyone. They’re gonna fucking wish they were you. But I do love you, idiot. I’m not just your alpha. I’m your mate. - And I know you only did it because you were mad…I - I want you to scent me, too.”

“Katsuki,” you breathed. He noticed as your scent dulled. Lulling back to into a warm, sugary vanilla. He lowered himself down, laying his head on your chest. You began to rub on him, covering him over with your scent.

He breathed in the sweet tone deeply. Enjoying the feeling of you marking him, if only by smell. “And I wasn’t lying about you smelling like heat, but you’re right - it wasn’t as pungent. You didn’t smell like you wanted it. Maybe that’s just what you smell like when you’re nesting. You never let me come over when you would do it before.”

“It technically an ongoing thing.” You shrugged, pausing briefly. Katsuki let out an involuntary whine. You smiled, kissed his hair, and began to scent him again. “But I do have weeks where that’s all I fuss over. I’m sorry I stole your clothes. And your pillows. And all the blankets. I just wanted everything that smelled like you.”

Katsuki’s heart fluttered at those words. He’d heard about omega nests. What they meant. And the fact that his scent brought you the feeling of safety? - Nothing could swell his ego more.

Katsuki leaned up and gently kissed you. Then he leaned his forehead against yours. “Do you still want to?”

You beamed. “I’ve wanted nothing more all week.”

“Then do it. I’ll scent anything you want, sweetheart.” His tone verged on arrogant. As soon as he pulled away, you sprung up and began collecting things. You stumbled as you dragged a large armful of blankets down to the spare room. 

Katsuki went back out to hang with the guys. Now that everything was settled, everything smelled sweet again. Except for a slight tinge of jealousy coming off Kirishima. But Katsuki knew it would either pass or he’d have to brawl over it. The two would decide when the time came. In the end, they’d still be friends.

It wasn’t until much later when you finally announced your nest was done. You’d run out a few dozen times to where they sat, silently holding objects out to Katsuki. Or rubbing them on him if he wasn’t going fast enough. You were so busy running around the house and trying to make it perfect, you didn’t realize it was pushing midnight. Kirishima and Kaminari were still there. Though you had the feeling you were going to have to call Kyoka about Denki, he was passed out.

“You may look, but you cannot touch,” you said, guiding Kirishima and Katsuki down the hall. “Tada!”

You opened the door, allowing them full view of your masterpiece. There was hardly a spot of floor to be seen. You’d moved around some furniture, draping blankets over them. The mattress in the center was the focal point. It was piled high with pillows and clothes. Stuffed animals of all kinds. Little trinkets Katsuki had given for your birthday and the holidays was was stacked on a shelf.

“This is amazing, [Name],” Kirishima said, grinning. “You’re lucky, Baku-bro.”

You chuckled. “Oh no, Katsuki will not be sleeping in here with me yet.”

“What?!” your alpha snapped.

“I’m still mad at you,” you sniffed. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

Kirishima pulled a ranting Bakugo down the hall. You shut the door behind them, finally falling into your finished nest. This was definitely the biggest and coziest one you’d built. And you hoped to just keep adding to it. You curled up, burying your face into Katsuki’s pillow.

Your heart swelled with happiness. Comfort and warmth immediately spreading over you. One day you’d let him in. One day, you’d share this with Katsuki. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow - but soon. 

bakugou katsuki katsuki bakugou x reader bakugou katsuki x reader katsuki x reader katsuki bakugo x reader omegaverse alpha/beta/omega dynamics bnha omegaverse omegaverse headcanons omega reader bnha fanfiction bnha headcanons bnha x reader bnha imagines alpha bakugo mha imagines mha fanfiction mha x reader mha x readr fanfiction mha omegaverse bnha omegaverse au

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