12 days of christmas crossfit wod

The 12 WODs of Christmas is a fun and infamous Christmas workout for CrossFit Athletes all around the world. 

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas”, complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down, adding one exercise per round. 

Ex. On the 1st day of Xmas, my coaches gave me, one Sumo Deadlift High Pull; on the 2nd day of Xmas my coaches gave to me, 2 Thrusters and 1 SDHP; on the 3rd day of Xmas, my coaches gave to me, 3 Push Press, 2 Thrusters, and 1 SDHP; etc.

For Time:

  1. Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75#/55#)
  2. Thrusters (75#/55#)
  3. Push Press (75#/55#)
  4. Power Cleans (75#/55#)
  5. Deadlifts (75#/55#)
  6. Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
  7. Pull-ups
  8. Knees-to-Elbows
  9. Box Jumps (24″/20″)
  10. Double Unders
  11. Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (Dumbbell 40#/25# or 45#/25# Plate)
  12. Burpees

** Affiliate Team use 95#/65# for all barbell movements **


Josh Bridges also likes to release his own personal version each year of the 12 WODs of Christmas workout. So if you want to get brutal and pay the man this Christmas, then this is the version you should try. 

As above, the WOD takes the same format as the“12 Days of Christmas” song. Complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down, adding one exercise per round.

It’s not Christmas without a fun 12 days of Christmas workout! There are many versions of 12 days workout online, varying in difficulty from tough CrossFit WOD’s to no-equipment workouts anyone can do. I decided to go somewhere in the middle with a fun 12 days workout you’re going to love (and hate!!).

How to do this Workout

The concept of a 12 days of Christmas workout is simple. It’s just like song! You’ll kick things off with one thruster, then you’ll do two front squats and one thruster, then three push press, two front squats and one thruster and so on until you finish things off with a 1200 m run or row and work you way back down to finish the workout with one last thruster.

So it’s. 1. 2-1. 3-2-1. 4-3-2-1. 5-4-3-2-1…..until the last round of 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Fun, right??

12 Days of Christmas Workout Details

  1. Thrusters.
  2. Front squats.
  3. Push press.
  4. Pull-ups.
  5. Overhead kettlebell swings.
  6. Goblet squats.
  7. Box jumps.
  8. Barbell bent-over rows.
  9. Burpees.
  10. Barbell reverse lunges per leg (20 total).
  11. Deadlifts.
  12. 1200 m (0.75 mile) run or row.

Workout Scaling and Equipment Modifications

  • You can do the barbell movements (thruster, push press, front squat, deadlift, bent-over rows and reverse lunges) with either a barbell, kettlebells or dumbells. If you’re using a barbell, I’d suggest 65 lbs for ladies and 95 lbs for men. Scale that weight down accordingly so you can perform all the reps unbroken. If you’re using dumbells or kettlebells, use anywhere from 2 x 20-35 lbs for ladies and 2 x 35-50 lbs for men (one in each hand).
  • You’ll need a kettlebell for the overhead KB swings and goblet squats. I’d suggest 16 kg for ladies and 24 kg for men.
  • You’ll need a box, bench or risers for the box jumps. I’d suggest a 20-24 inch box.
  • The pull-ups can be modified to ring rows, inverted rows or assisted pull-ups using a machine or band.
  • If you don’t have a treadmill or outdoor space to run, you can row or bike instead.

More Fun Workouts

Need a Christmas Eve and Boxing Day workout too? Here are some more must-try workouts!

Run Intervals and Strength Workout // Total Body Countdown Workout // 30 Minute Full Body EMOM Workout // Legs and Hills Workout // New Year’s Workout  // Leg and Core Strength Workout

The 12 Days Of Christmas WOD

CrossFitAlix BestDec 21, 2021


Wondering what Santa is bringing you this year? Gains, he’s bringing you gains, and in the way of the Swolverine 12 days of Christmas WOD. Yep, you’re welcome! Get your chalk, equipment, timer, and maybe a partner, and get ready to sleigh away!

How To Do 12 Days Of Christmas WOD

Just like the song goes, “The Twelve Days Of Christmas”, you start with 1 movement, then move onto 1 + 2 reps of another movement, then 1 + 2 + 3 movements, and so on up to the 12th movement. Doesn't seem so bad, does it? Think again! With the ascending reps, you will be working through the movements and breaking a serious sweat. Make sure to pick weights in the beginning so that you can hold through the 12 days of Christmas WOD or you’ll be sorry later on.

The 2021 Swolverine 12 Days Of Christmas WOD






6. SNATCHES (75/55)

8. WALL BALL (20/14)

7. DEADLIFTS (155/105)

9. BACK SQUATS (125/95)

10. POWER CLEANS (75/55)




Scores are based on the time it takes you to complete the whole workout. You can choose to do this workout by yourself or with a partner, and whoever dresses up in holiday cheer gets bonus points.

12 Days Of Christmas WOD: Takeaway

One of the best parts about CrossFit is the community and the people that we get to sweat, suffer, and work out with. Light up the box with the 2021 Swolverine 12 days of Christmas WOD and spread the holiday cheer with us. Merry Swolemas!

How do you do the 12 days of Christmas in WOD?

Start with 1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (SDLHP). Then do 2 Thrusters and 1 SDLHP. Then 3 Push Presses, 2 Thrusters, and 1 SDLHP. Continue this way until the final round of 12 Overhead Walking Lunges, 11 Burpees, and each movement descending in repetitions all the way down to 1 SDLHP — 364 total repetitions.

How long does the 12 days of Christmas workout take?

12 Days of Christmas-Inspired HIIT Workout You could even get your entire family in on the action (I'll do so with mine, although my dad is probably the only one who might take me up on the offer). I've tested this workout prior to today, and was able to complete it in under 16 minutes.

What is the hardest workout in CrossFit?

Here Are the 10 Tough CrossFit Workouts For You to Try.
Kalsu. For time: 100 thrusters (135/95 lbs) 5 burpess to start and at the top of every minute. ... .
Murph. For time: 1 mile run (1.6 km) 100 pull-ups. ... .
JT. 21-15-9 reps for time: Handstand push-ups. Ring dips. ... .
Filthy 50. For time: 50 box jumps (24/20 in) ... .
Mat Fraser's Hardest WOD..

What is the Jesus WOD?

Each year, CrossFit Throne honors the sacrifice that Jesus endured on Good Friday, by completing the Jesus WOD; while it involves familiar functional moves, this is not technically a workout – it is a meditation.


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